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226 · Apr 2014
R Apr 2014
I let myself eat today
because she watched
my careful bites.
If she wouldn't have been
I probably would've just
stared down at my plate
feeling the twists and
twinges of pain inside
of my body as I
lick my lips.

I like this feeling because
I can control it
and nobody can shove food
down my mouth because
you wouldn't be able to tell
if I've eaten or not
and until I get to that point again
*I don't think I'll ever stop.
226 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
And that's what I believe that you always deserved--someone who would love you regardless of your scars. It's what we all deserve. It's a lot like the love that God shows us. That's what you deserve. And now? Oh darling, it's what you have. Please, just cherish it. Love with everything you have. Let this Love become a part of you, because it's pure and beautiful and you deserve to be happy. Just Love with every fiber of your being. Love is the only hope we have left anymore.
226 · Dec 2014
4 words
R Dec 2014
Living doesn't suit you.
But death won't compliment you.
226 · May 2015
R May 2015
and I am truly sorry, my dear. If there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask. I love you.
I love you so much and I am here for you, my dear.
I'm so so so sorry.
226 · May 2015
R May 2015
You know nothing.
226 · Jul 2014
How it felt for you
R Jul 2014
Well, lets see.
When the person you absolutely love and adore
goes away to ******* space camp and decides
that teasing Australian boys is better than
staying faithful to your loving girlfriend
of almost ******* 6 months
then you know that
you have truly felt
your heart
being                            r                        i   p          p   e       d
out of your chest and
wanting death more
than you ever have since
a year ago.
I am truly the worst girlfriend in the Universe and I am terribly sorry my dear. I am deeply in love with you and I hate myself for what I did... Thank you for not giving up on me, I will do everything and more to make this pain go away. I love you darling. Happy 5 months. <3
226 · Apr 2014
ah, the thing
R Apr 2014
But that's the thing:
You don't have to
worry about me.
I am completely
capable of handling
every **** thing
that goes wrong
in my life and
I would really
just appreciate it
if you would
shut the **** up.
I have been writing terribly so I am sorry for this pathetic excuse for poetry but I have no idea what to write about. someone please comment some idea for me because I would really love to hear some. thank you<3
225 · May 2015
R May 2015
I can't stop singing.
My heart is in a mix of elation and hurt.
I'll just sing it out.
225 · Mar 2015
Maybe I'm amazed
R Mar 2015
that I'm still alive
That song ****** me up
225 · Jan 2015
R Jan 2015
You never close your arms
except for I need them.
Random thought xo
224 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
i'm in awe of you
224 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
he's just a temporary home, a hotel room at most, not a permanent stay.
he's not really the kind of guy i'd want to marry someday.
224 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
would art help me tame this beast or only add fuel to the fury in my fire?
im exhausted, does this make sense?
224 · May 2015
R May 2015
I love you.
223 · Apr 2015
Radio Silence
R Apr 2015
It's time to say goodbye.
All I want is silence.
I think it is for the best,
and so do they.
Go on and live your life,
and I'll live mine too.
If the stars wish for us to meet again,
then we will.
But I will not keep playing this game anymore,
So this is goodbye.
I'll always care
223 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
why is it all is the past tense now?
even a great love wasn't enough for you
223 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
"He talked about you all night when we got back to the dorms."
I thought for a second before I replied with a giddy sounding, "Me?"
He laughed and said, "Yes, of course YOU! Y'all talked till lights out and
he couldn't stop saying you were beautiful! Who else would I be talking about?"
I smiled at the thought of him talking to his best friend at two in morning about me as the stars gleamed outside of his window onto his beautifully tanned face.
"So I'm guessing there's something more to come, yeah?" I asked you nervously.
You waited for bit before replying, "I've never seen him like this about a girl before...I'm pretty sure that there's definitely more to come, especially since he can't keep his eyes off of you nor stop talking about you. I guess you'll just have to see."

Even though the future is unclear, I plan on taking whatever is to come one day at a time, and maybe even enjoying these days to come with you. Who knows?
222 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
if i'm alive one more day i'll be able to see the people who make life worth living
for my friends, i can't wait to spend the 4th with the people who make me happy
222 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
the feeling of an IV going into your vein is
quite extraordinary, you know.
they said i asked so many questions before i went under.
it's a nervous tick, something i use to distract myself.
i asked what that number meant,
what that needle contained,
what's the name of my anesthetic,
and so on.
up until i fell into my slumber,
i asked so many questions.

as the nice lady said,
"get ready, you'll really feel this one."
i smiled and said,
"finally, it's about time."
and all i remember is the colors of the painting
on the wall in front of me
mixing together till
everything went
i'm so happy to be alive
not a big procedure or anything, but
i found out that i was quite afraid of anesthetics...
not anymore.
i think this experience helped me overcome a fear that I've
had since i was young.
and luckily, i should be up and going tomorrow. :)
also, i was right about working out being something i talked about
when i woke up. i also was flirting with myself when videos were being taken haha. whats new?
222 · Dec 2015
Power and Control
R Dec 2015
You said that love would always be a game
and I didn't believe you till you showed me
your cards.
Power and Control//Marina and The Diamonds
221 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
I am a divine creation, a piece of God. How could I ever be undeserving?
im soaring
221 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
your tongue felt like fire and i thought i was ready to burn
I've turned to ash, look where its gotten me
221 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
you say you know love, but you are just reflecting words you hear.
rules//jayme dee
sleepy time mixtape
221 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
I'm always so worried about you
and I always want to know how you are
and I just care about you so tenderly...
I just want you to be safe.
im pacing
please don't go anywhere
i can't lose you
221 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
All that I know
Is just what you tell me
All that I know
Is just what you show me
Aisumasen (I'm Sorry) by John Lennon
221 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
i always want you when I'm coming down
coming down//the weeknd
221 · Jun 2014
It's back
R Jun 2014
The darkness is creeping back inside of me
and nudging me back to the edge,
I want to be where I ought to be,
but my soul is not something that
you can just fetch.

I'm used to hiding, but this is just
completely new.
I'm in love and I'm not sure of
what to do.
She has eyes like summer
and skin that glistens.
And a touch so light,
and ears that listen.

But, I get sad during this time.
I even remember my therapist telling me
that I most likely had seasonal depression,
that I could only be helped with
medicine and love.
My parents won't give me medicine,
but my girlfriend and friends
can give me love.

I guess I'll try my best to stay happy,
but its just so hard sometimes.
i just needed to write and get this out, I'm sorry this is awful.
221 · May 2015
R May 2015
There always is a reason to stay alive, even if it's just for one more day.
And a few more days, and weeks and months and years and just till it's actually time to die.
220 · Dec 2014
R Dec 2014
so much pain, pain pain...
220 · May 2015
R May 2015
tell me,
how does you getting everything you ******* want
make me the bad guy,
guess I was wrong about you
219 · Nov 2014
About a girl
R Nov 2014
Maybe if you'd stop
Opening up your legs and instead
Open up your eyes,
You'd be able to see the
Love that surrounds you
With open arms.
For my old friend... Happy Tuesday!
I actually said this outloud... Luckily no one heard me except for a friend and the teacher.... Oops!
219 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
im scratching at my wrists, worrying like i never have before.
please don't go
im not breaking my promise, you can't either
218 · May 2015
R May 2015
"I gave everything I had and it still wasn't wanted."
And that's okay, just know you're worth so much more. You're needed, maybe not by that person anymore, but by so many other people, including yourself. Don't ever forget that.
218 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
every part of my body begs me not to care,
but my head just can't stop spinning and spinning and spinning and--
all of my poems will probably just be me and my incoherent and incomplete thoughts because that's all I can seem to muster up as of late
218 · Apr 2013
The Girl Before I
R Apr 2013
Another thing that ***** in the world,
It's loving someone you can have.
You help me up, you make me happy,
But sometimes I don't exist.

I'll never measure up to her,
The girl before I.
But there never was a before I, huh?
Because she was always the one.
218 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
i wish i could be selfish and heartless.
im sick of caring.
218 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i might be able to see the way the sun graces your face in the wee morning hours and that makes me want to breathe again
hes so beautiful
218 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
I hope you find somebody to love, Angel.
Angel//The Weeknd
218 · Dec 2015
you want a love letter
R Dec 2015
but all i can give you is empty hands and
a broken heart.
i can't promise a love letter
but i can give you something that'll make you smile
i hope that's enough
R Apr 2015
What will mend a broken heart?
Many gifts in place of the ones you gave?
Or maybe some leftover pieces I can save?
Or maybe a kiss, a brand new start?

What will take the pain away?
Pills, no food, or even a knife?
What about thoughts of the endless strife?
Maybe even words that you could say?

What will make me smile again?
A kiss, a hug, maybe some love today?
Maybe a new heart to break and play?
Or maybe even something as simple as a friend?

What will make this torture diminish?
What is a soul when you're missing half?
Why can't I just chuckle and laugh?
Will this feeling ever be gone or finish?

What will make you see me again?
Can you still feel my pain deep down inside?
I can still see you, because you cannot hide.
Will we ever be able to make amends?

What do you want me to do about this?
Would you rather me wither and die?
Or would you what to see me succeed and fly?
Everything I have done has gone awry and amiss...

I just want to be happy, but it's so hard to do.
Can't you see that I'm trying to go?
But you were the only real love I know.
Probably just because I'm still in love with you.
I feel like this has no flow, but eh whatever.
218 · Jun 2015
to be alone:
R Jun 2015
doing all of that with you made me realize what i want more than anything in this world right now: to be *alone
to be alone//hozier
song actually isn't about "being alone", its about being alone with a girl
i just particularly want to be alone
in poems, are we allowed to have a half honest voice?
217 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
I noticed that the only way I eat is around my friends.
And they don't notice that I count every bite.
Or that I chew slowly.
Or that it's very hard to listen when
all I can think about is the way
food feels as it burns down my
I just feel eh right now.
Not sad, but not happy like I was most of yesterday.
217 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
im so convinced that
your lips were never meant to
be graced with mine
and yet here i am again
sitting on your lap and
letting you
my neck and
grab parts of me that
don't belong to

i guess the thing is...
they don't belong to me
all this leftover love, baby, i promise i'm enough,
for tonight
217 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
And everything would be easier if I were dead.
But as for it being better?
Well, maybe even that, too.
217 · May 2015
R May 2015
and I've always been obsessed with immortality,
but the thought of it now sort of sickens me.
why would I want to feel this pain forever?
why would I want to watch everyone around me die
while I continue to live?
and for what would I live for?
what would I do?
why have I been so obsessed with an immortal body
when I can't even keep you?
217 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
love those who do not put anxiety in your heart
217 · Dec 2015
Going Back
R Dec 2015
I was falling, but I was stopped right in my tracks.
Guess it's better than falling and not being able to go back.
217 · Nov 2015
the faces in the marble
R Nov 2015
every time I shower, they watch me.
they watch me as I scrub away my mistakes
and whatever I did the night before
also, the marks
and the bruises
and maybe even, no, defintley, the blood that
trails down my body.
they smirk and laugh
as I attempt to cry.
but they know that there are no tears left
inside of my lifeless body anymore.
they speak soothing letters.
almost like soft purrs of k's, i's, l's, m's, and b's.
weird combination,
I know.
but that's what they say.
they spit their foul letters at me as they spell out
words across my naked body,
saying the same **** things
over and over and over and over
they know me like I know the numbers now.
they watch the trail of blood and
they kindly accept the inevitable:
I will probably die in front of them one day.
the same place that has become my hope,
my love, my fear, my ecstasy.
the faces mock me.
but the thing is,
they don't even know that they're the ones who are
stuck in the marble, not me.
I can get out at any time.
I can walk out,
dry off,
and fall into a bright day
and a quiet night.
they can't walk away.
they can't hide.
they can't change.
but me?
well...I'd say I'm ever-growing, ever-changing,
into the one I'm supposed to be.
the one I'm meant to be.
the faces can smirk and laugh all they want,
but I'm not the one who is stuck anymore.
I am forever evolving.
Just like the numbers.
But the letters?
Oh, those are just child's play.
And they'll run out one day.
217 · Sep 2015
10w B
R Sep 2015
I could live a hundred lifetimes and never deserve him.
came from a quote in Catching Fire.
Your heart is a heart of gold and I only wish to hold it carefully.
216 · Sep 2015
The Crisis (1)
R Sep 2015
"Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
-Thomas Paine
was doing some APUSH homework and i fell in love with this quote
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