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295 · Feb 2016
R Feb 2016
no, i've never known it, but my God, i surely know this isn't it
no, not at all, not at all, not at a---
295 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
At first I wanted you to see, but now I just want you to stop.
*So stop ******* looking for me.
I'm long gone.
294 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
it's worse than ever before
294 · Jul 2013
So (10w)
R Jul 2013
they've let me
in myself
and i can't
294 · Apr 2014
Love Facts #2
R Apr 2014
When she falls asleep
without you by her side
and you miss her more than
you miss Augustus Waters...
Then you know you're in
dear god I miss her. so glad I get to see her beautiful smile and big crazy hair tomorrow!  ugh love is wonderful <3
R Mar 2015
I am the seed in the always dry soil
that waits for the water that'll never come.
294 · Mar 2016
God Knows I Tried
R Mar 2016
On Monday they destroyed me
But by Friday I'm revived
God Knows I Tried//Lana Del Rey
293 · May 2015
R May 2015
I know now that there's no time to waste on the past, for the present is right in front of me.
293 · Nov 2015
Program to your Heart.iso
R Nov 2015
I'm building a program to your heart
in hopes that I'll get you to restart
the feelings you once had for me
because I surely miss you, dontcha see?

I'm building a program to your heart
because maybe you'll see that from the start
you and I were incredibly close
and that I care about you the most.

I'm building a program to your heart
because I fell for a work of art
The canvas that is you is full and bright
Painted with love, just like the Starry Night.

I'm building a program to your heart
And ****, you'd think I was smart.
But I'm just a girl with a missing component
who misses someone whom she thought owned it.
Inspired by my increased need to learn how to code and program. I've been working on programming my computer to run Linux alongside my current Operating System and I'm super excited.
293 · Aug 2013
R Aug 2013
keep on dreaming
because its so much
better that
292 · Apr 2013
Lost (5w)
R Apr 2013
I'm just so
******* lost.
292 · Apr 2015
Do I Wanna Know
R Apr 2015
If this feeling flows both ways?
292 · May 2013
Her Heart in Flames
R May 2013
Behind her heart was a
Raging fire.
It only kept going because
It was constantly getting
Freshly chopped wood
From you.
But from it
You gave her heart
Splinters and
Her heart could only take
So many.
Sooner or later
Her heart will
Burn with that fire too.
Having some good ole' heartburn. I should slow down on the coffee.
292 · Jul 2013
I now know that (10w)
R Jul 2013
without the lights
she cannot see.
291 · May 2015
R May 2015
Of course you would know just how to pull me right back down to Earth.
Maybe knowing me so well isn't a bad thing all the time, considering you've made me realize what an ****** I really am. Kudos to you, L.
291 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
i think the worst thing about being suicidal is that
even when you're at your happiest,
the thought of jumping in front of a train
gives you a sort of excitement that you
haven't felt in such a long time.
today was very nice, but this thought kept coming back to me ugh
291 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
and in the little time i have,
i write and write and write
and i fill up these notebooks with
apologies and old love letters
and mistakes and regrets and
wishes for the past,
the present, and
the future.

i should probably stop wasting that
little bit of time, i suppose.
or i could do something with it
291 · Jul 2015
haiku, strangle:
R Jul 2015
hands around my neck
I'm dead, wait...I'm still here and
alas, they're my own.
turned blue and forgot about you
291 · May 2015
A Gun, A Temptation
R May 2015
there was a gun on my table
lying there, silver and charcoal,
begging me to feel it's trigger.
I've waited a long time for this,
but I cannot bring myself to
take the opportunity to
grab the gun and
put it on my
temple and
let the sound ring throughout
the entire universe.

I am surely tempted,
but I have made far too many promises
to let this temptation get the best of me.
290 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
I've never loved
So passionately
Before I had
You in my
290 · May 2014
Nothing Special
R May 2014
I am turning into him.
Not asking yes but just
taking and wanting and
without wondering if
you even said yes.

I should stop because
I care about you so much.
And I don't think that I've ever
loved anybody as much as I
love you...

But it would seem that I am
becoming just like him and
what will stop me?
I am nothing special,
I cannot see why you think
I am worth anything but
you do and I guess that is nice
but I guess I never really thought of
myself as special or the things we do
as special because I'm not special.

You are, but I am not.
In all honesty, I do not deserve you
and yet you stay but maybe I am
turning into him, someone you just
cannot dare say no to and the person who will take everything from you until you have nothing left except your shame and disgust.

I am nothing special.
I am just a girl in love who is
slowly taking the form of her
abusive step-brother.
maybe she'll have the brains to get out before I do something terrible

and the things we do ARE SPECIAL but sometimes I cannot see that. I'm sorry.
289 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
“Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes.”
289 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
I keep rereading your poem.
It's like I try to hurt myself.
I don't know what to do,
My feelings are hiding, stealth.
288 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
I was high for so long
that it was only a matter of time before
I came crashing
  ­                              w
                                 ­  n
reminds me of another time
this low is killing me.
quite literally.
287 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
“Hate hurts the hater more'n the hated.”
--- Madeleine L 'Engle
287 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
i wonder if my heart will ever heal.
will these heartstrings come back or
is it too last to ask?
286 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
I can't breathe,
I'm choking on you.
****Not meant in a ****** way, I actually just mean this.
286 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
it had to be Him stopping me,
because what kind of coincidence would it be
that as I press down and wait for my blood to surface,
"Your Grace Is Enough" by Matt Maher starts to play?
And I thank him now more than ever.
It's been over a year now, I know I can keep going.
286 · Jun 2015
R Jun 2015
i just feel like i don't deserve to live anymore.

my blades are calling, they just want to see my blood pour.
wow i love randomly being suicidal for no reason my life is a BLAST
sorry for the sad poems
i keep getting messages about them but i just can't seem to get out of it.
and no, i will not cut. too many promises to keep.
285 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and I know I wasn't meant for this time. But neither were you.
I know I belong on another planet, in another solar system, or Galaxy, or even universe. I just know I don't belong here...I belong to the stars. Soon enough I'll be a part of them again.
285 · Feb 2016
super rich kids (II)
R Feb 2016
Too many white lies and white lines
loose ends, fake friends,
they're blowing cash like
it's nothing to them.
285 · Aug 2015
R Aug 2015
Do you think I'm stupid?
All of your sweet words and
your good morning texts
won't make me want you
I'm very suspicious and it's annoying, but I have every right to be so....
285 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and you're a heartbreaker, but I'm not one to be *played
How to be a Heartbreaker//Marina and the Diamonds
285 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
I cannot even begin to describe how free I feel.
thank you
284 · Dec 2015
R Dec 2015
you offered me a present
and i declined
because the only thing i
want for christmas is
silly and dumb, but I'm just thinking about christmas and how good things are as of late
found out some not so good info about my health today, but with some treatment i should be fine soon enough.
have a lovely festivus/christmas eve eve! :)
284 · Nov 2015
My Star
R Nov 2015
In fourteen hundred ninety two
I gave my heart over to you.

I had three lives and you took them all;
you crushed and slashed and watched me fall.

I would sail by night; sail by day;
I used you, my star, to find my way.

My compass, my star, helped me to know
exactly which way that I should go.

I thought you'd take good care of my heart,
but instead you burned it and tore it apart.

Maybe it was love, maybe it was truth,
But all I know is that I fell hard in my youth.

In fourteen hundred ninety two
I did exactly what you shouldn't do.
Remade the Columbus Day poem because why not
The original poem is longer than this, but I just didn't feel like writing more
283 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
i'm going to miss those beautiful blue eyes of yours
i already do
283 · Jun 2015
42 II
R Jun 2015
i remember those 42 lines i made across my skin, and some days i wish to feel them again
just not tonight, I'm reading

literally three years since i wrote the first one and i finally have a sequel. good thing it doesn't involve me actually doing it
283 · May 2013
Damn memories
R May 2013
Remember when we
Laid in bed and
Told each other secrets?
When you told me that
You felt like you didn't want to
Be with her anymore because
Y'all barely talked.
Do you remember when
I gave you his number?
In my mind it was hope and
In yours, well,
I'm not sure.
Do you remember when we
Laughed so hard we cried?
We do that a lot but
I cry all the time.
Do you remember when we
Made a pact?
Not just one but two?
I'm so sorry,
That should've never happened.
283 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
If I don't make it to tomorrow, the notebook will be in my backpack.
Not a poem
283 · May 2015
R May 2015
I'm afraid to ask anyone to stay now, because humans are fickle beings. We all eventually leave, it's in our very nature.
281 · May 2013
R May 2013
The cuts on my
Symbolize the
Monsters in my
If I don't get out soon I
Think I'll go insane.
281 · Jul 2015
R Jul 2015
you are my sweet pea
ha, get it?
i think you do,
because you always seem to
get everything.
she's sweet like honey
281 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
I don't own you,
I'm sorry that I act the way I do.
I just wish I did,
So I could love you too.
280 · Aug 2015
R Aug 2015
you have brightened up my life, and i am ever so grateful for your smile.
280 · Oct 2014
R Oct 2014
I know I'm not a monster,
I'm just a girl who wants something
That she can never have.
And maybe I can get it from others,
But I do not want any others.
I just want you.
280 · Feb 2016
R Feb 2016
restore me in your glory
i just want to be fully yours again, Lord.
279 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
your lips do not taste like home
279 · Oct 2014
R Oct 2014
He haunts my thoughts and dreams.
I can barely sleep next to her because
Sometimes he'll come out of hiding
From the back of my mind, ready to play.
I want her to choke me, to put her nimble long fingers
Around my throat and tighten
Just so I can replace the memory of how it felt when
The stench of his sweat and breathe mixed with my pleads
Felt inside of my throat, and how they've always choked me.
279 · Mar 2013
R Mar 2013
Let this be
A warning
To all
Who dare venture
Into the
Mystery of

Is it worth giving up
For something that might not
Be true?
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