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357 · Mar 2013
February 20th
R Mar 2013
He's not here today,
                                 How sad.
Not seeing his eyes
Gleam in the sunlight
Or watch as his hands
Grasp the board to
Write a question on it.
To not see his smile
Makes my lips quiver
And my eyes start to
Water in despair.

Am I just lonely
Or an I really
In love?
357 · Feb 2016
R Feb 2016
So what I'm really tryin' to say is, and what I hope you understand
Is despite all the imperfections of who I am I still wanna be your man
I know it hasn't been easy for us to talk with everyone being around,
But this is, this is personal, this is for me and you
And I want you to know that I still love you
And I know the seasons may change,
But sometimes love goes from sunshine to rain
But I'm under this umbrella and I'm calling your name
And you know I don't wanna lose that
I still believe in us
I still believe in love
I still believe in us
I hope you believe in love
The way I believe in us
Heartbreaker//Justin Bieber
It'll never stop.
357 · May 2013
R May 2013
I should probably stop
Being such an *** but
I just thought it'd be easier if
Everyone just hated me and
Didn't care anymore.
356 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
I broke your heart this morning at 8 am
and then again at 6 pm.
I have yet to stop sobbing over
how much this hurts.
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
355 · May 2013
5 May 2013
R May 2013
If you hurt me,
Why are you my remedy?
If I love you,
Would you call it insanity?
355 · Jan 2015
R Jan 2015
Hold me with your words around my neck
Choke me with your lips and the poison kisses you'll give me
Let me taste fire and let my insides burn with
Only ashes left behind
And don't leave any evidence for them to find.
354 · Jul 2015
1:54am rant
R Jul 2015
and to think i trusted think that i let you near her.
i am disgusted.
not only with you, but with myself.
i cannot believe i even let you ******* near her.
don't you ever even dare touch her again.
do not ******* do it.
i know she won't forgive you for this.
no amount of love could ever help this.
im not sorry when i say *******.
354 · Jun 2013
No time
R Jun 2013
I don't sleep much.
But I'm so tired.
I'm exhausted.
But, who cares?
I don't really have time for
I barely even have time left
For you.
Not sure what this is but I'm so tired I can't even type right. Ugh
353 · May 2013
Fake Smile Dos :D
R May 2013
There goes that
Fake smile again.
353 · Apr 2014
10w Shut Down
R Apr 2014
I just want to shut everyone out all over again. I just wish I was not so attached to people.
But sadly I am in love
353 · Apr 2014
Sorry my dear
R Apr 2014
You cannot look at me
and I guess it is only fair.
I did call you a narcissistic
******* and I don't know,
the things you say make me
think of things my parents say
to me so it is only rightful of me
to automatically see that in you as well.

But you can be so wonderful.
You always say sweet words to me
and honestly I haven't felt a real love
like this in a long, long while.
Not sure where this is going,
or where we are going,
but I just want you to know that I
love you so much and I am
truly sorry.
353 · May 2014
Love Facts #18
R May 2014
You know you're in love
when you smell her in
your pillow and when
she laughs at the way
you now beg for
her to touch you
the way that
you touch
352 · Dec 2014
R Dec 2014
A calm wave rushes over me
That brings only one thought into my mind:
352 · Feb 2016
R Feb 2016
on this pale yellow post-it note lies 10 hurriedly written digits and i've never felt more secure, yet so unsure all at the same **** time
im dead
But in a good way, I think
350 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
I noticed you
                        Haven't said sorry.
350 · May 2013
R May 2013
Why do I want you so much but
I'm constantly hating myself for it?

I'm exhausted,
My mind keeps running
Round and round
And it never stops
To take a rest
And think of you
In a good way.
350 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
Whisper your thoughts
To me and
I'll hold your
350 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and we all have watches, but never enough time.
earth day <3
349 · Jan 2015
R Jan 2015
don't remember the old me
she died long ago
she is not worth remembering
and guess what?
she dug your grave
for you
idk I'm just better I think sometimes
349 · Feb 2015
R Feb 2015
Take me now Lord
I'm all yours
I can't keep this promise
348 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
Laisse tomber les filles
Laisse tomber les filles
Un jour c’est toi qu’on laissera
Laisse tomber les filles
Laisse tomber les filles
Un jour c’est toi qu’on laissera

Oui j’ai pleuré mais ce jour là
Non, je ne pleurerai pas
Non, je ne pleurerai pas
Oui j’ai pleuré mais ce jour là
Je ne pleurerai pas
Je ne pleurerai pas
Montreal//The Weeknd
348 · May 2013
Miss me
R May 2013
It just seems like
You wouldn't miss me.
Like nobody would.
348 · Apr 2013
Used to love the pills...
R Apr 2013
You remind me of
But when I'm alone in the darkness of my room
I can hear the slowing down of your
You think you aren't
Watch me drown these pills,
Then we'll see who really is.
347 · Aug 2013
Ugh. crapppp
R Aug 2013
I'm so sorry
I know that maybe I
Took it to far and
Said something's but
I miss you so much and
I'm having trouble
Letting go.

You've helped with so much
And I see your stares.
Why should I
Let go of
Someone that

It'd be easier if
I were dead.
I'd be nobody's
Issue and
You'd only grieve for
I'm nothing of
Importance anyways.

I can't even help my
Best friend nor
Stay out of trouble and
I can even get my love
Thrown away.

So what's the point in me
Being alive when
Nobody even
Wants me to
347 · May 2014
20w for Mike
R May 2014
I wish to tell him how
happy she makes me.
     But, sadly I do not know
his views on homosexuality.
dumb but I really do wish I could tell him.
R May 2013
I finally got some
Sleep last night.

And by some I
Slept for 13 hours.
347 · Jan 2016
Psalm 139:13-15
R Jan 2016
My God tells me that I am worthy.
Therefore, I am.
I am loved and I am worthy.
As are all of you.

Just something that crossed my mind while in church this morning.
Have a lovely day :)
346 · Jul 2013
R Jul 2013
God, you've always been a
Part of my life.
I used to dream about heaven and
Pray to Him every night.

A few weeks ago, I thought of what a waste
That time was.

But lately, I keep thinking that maybe it wouldn't hurt to
Talk to him again.
Maybe he can help me.
346 · Oct 2015
R Oct 2015
the devil always comes back for his demons
346 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
You could burn me alive, kick me in the sides, scream at me till I cry,
and I'd still be completely and utterly infatuated with your entire being.
this is scaring me
345 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and all I need is physical affection to make things a little better. Come hold my hand, or better yet, just come and hold me. It makes everything a little bit better, a little bit easier.
I just need my friends right now.
345 · Feb 2015
R Feb 2015
loneliness is synonymous with my name
and the fragments of my broken heart would agree.
345 · Aug 2015
R Aug 2015
what changed?
344 · Apr 2013
Dear You,
R Apr 2013
No, I'm not in love.
I'm not in lust either.
I'm just a girl
Chasing after all of her
344 · May 2013
R May 2013
abuse is the reason she likes you
she said.
344 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
Actions speak
Louder than
I guess I
Hate you.
R Apr 2013
I like being alone,
No really I do.
I'm content
even though
I dont have a future
With you.
343 · Mar 2013
My heart
R Mar 2013
My split ends
Reminds me of
The cracks in
My heart.
They're spidery webs
That keep forming
By the demons
That pull away
All hope
For something more.
343 · Mar 2015
Tell me
R Mar 2015
Everybody keeps asking if I'm okay,
Except for you.
You truly don't care,
And that's what hurts the most.
Yes, you love me,
But you don't know how to show it anymore.
Want to know how many times I've cried in the past few days?
Just come look at me for more than two ******* seconds.
Want to know how I'm dealing with this pain?
Im just watching my own heart tear into two while you don't care.
How many text messages have you sent to him in the past few days?
More than our 10 text conversation last night, definitely.
And he's not the problem, it's not about him. It's about you.
Because every single thing has to be about you.
You may not realize it, but it does.
How many times have I been told in the past few days "Leave her, you'll be happier"?
More than the amount of texts you've sent me.
But will I listen to them?
Honestly, i don't know.
Because every time i try to talk to you, You sleep.
And every time I ask to be by you, you say no.
And every time I want to have time to kiss you, you say "I'm taking the stairs".
And every single ******* time I say "I love you", I hear you voice go up to say a measly "I love you". When your voice goes up, it's as if you're telling a lie or saying something without its true meaning anymore. You might think you're good at lying, but you can't hide from me. me a favor. Tell me. Tell me you aren't happy. Tell me you don't want to be with me anymore. Tell me, just tell me. I'm losing you and I don't know what to do. You're my're my heart.
I just don't want you to be unhappy. I've cried so much... And every time you ******* off or break your promises or words, I fall apart again and again inside.
Just tell me. Please.
I'm not sure's all falling apart. I know you'll read this.  And if you aren't happy then let's either work on it, or you can break it off. I'm tired of being treated this way, it's not fair nor right. I'd do anything and everything for you to make you happy, but I don't think I'm good enough anymore, am I? Is a year worth of love and memories not enough to withstand this? I don't know anymore. And maybe you do care, and maybe you do love me, but you arent showing it very well. Please try... It's all I want. You're all I need. Please.
343 · Jul 2013
R Jul 2013
I always did let the
Pretty girls get the
Best of me.
342 · Dec 2015
My Lord
R Dec 2015
i am mountains and valleys of mistakes and wrongdoings,
but i am here on my knees Lord---
i am ready for You.
You've always been here with arms open wide, I love You.
342 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
I know we both don't regret it,
so I'd like to say thank you for
breaking up with me,
because it was exactly what we
both needed.
Not poetic, just the straight up truth, you know?
It's taken me a year to finally say it.
342 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
“She couldn’t get any farther away inside from her skin. She couldn’t get away."
― Cynthia Voigt, When She Hollers
Skin me, burn me, **** me, and I wouldnt care
341 · Apr 2013
A short story really
R Apr 2013
"I think I'm falling in love." She said with a slight quiver in her voice, scared of what I'd say or do next. I looked at her, I dared to ask, "Who? Who could possibly be worthy of you?" She turned around and then turned back, she looked me in the eyes with her big, beautiful blue eyes and said, "Only you." And she grabbed my face and kissed me with such passion, I think I would've passed out.

Good thing she was there to catch me.
341 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
ive quickly learned how
fast sadness lets
itself back
341 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
"you've never been in a relationship with a guy before, so of course you're scared."*
no, you don't get it.
i'm not scared of them.
i'm not scared of men, i truly am not.
i'm scared of myself, because i tend to ruin everything i touch instead of
turning it into gold and i'm tired of being the one who breaks and destroys
everything and everyone around me.
i just wanna build and love and create and be filled with joy
instead of constantly feeling like i'm rotting from the inside
is that too much to ask?
she's trying so hard
341 · Apr 2013
Something small
R Apr 2013
I think I'm fine
With being who I am.
I'm scared someone will shout.
But, even if they do
I'll keep my head high
Because I've been through too
To let something so
Bring me

341 · Feb 2016
R Feb 2016
a gun and a violin;
a chain and a clasp;
a heart and it's beat;
what will break
the rose still thrives even though it's a year old (as of 4 days ago)
340 · Aug 2013
R Aug 2013
Every night I
Go to sleep
With tears r
Down my face.
I think about all of
The things I've done
Wrong and even about
Why I shouldn't be alive.

I've been trying to go to
Sleep earlier and earlier
Each night just so I could
Escape the world a little but
Longer and even get the
Crying done with
339 · May 2013
The List
R May 2013
she asked me
"what is so
in your teenage life
that you feel the need
to **** yourself?"
to be honest,
i'm not even sure

the list kept growing and
i got tired of keeping score.
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