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396 · Feb 2014
a message I sent to you
R Feb 2014
I am full of love to give, every part of me aches to give love to you. it pours out of me like a fountain pours water. my mouth aches to tell you I love you and my heart beats to the song your breath allows. I love you because I have love to give. you love me constantly and fully, which allows to give it right back to you.
I have never felt so right and in place since the day I was born, hence the reason I am staying. loving you is strong, and delicate, and I am so in love with the way you love me and I love you.
cheesy but full of truth
396 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
and I looked at you like you were a doormat that said "Welcome Home", but you only treated me like I was a bright neon sign that said **"One Night Only"
and like a doormat, you left me feeling ***** and not knowing what home truly meant anymore.
Not about anyone, just messing around and trying some prompts.
396 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
you probably thought i was dumb for looking at you like that,
but i couldn't even help it.

i can't help it.
and that's what scares me the most.
395 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
I counted.
At first I thought it was 40.
Then I counted again--
Then I counted again--

They're burning and they
Remind me of what I cannot fix.
R Apr 2013
The way our
Fingers brushed
On that cold night
As I ran my
Through your hair,
Down your
Made me love you
Even more.

That's all gone.
The feelings have deminished into

I hope it's what you wanted.
394 · Mar 2014
Ha. There goes my heart.
R Mar 2014
Rachel, it's just weird. You're always on the phone with her... it's just weird.

Mom, dear God if only you knew how much that hurt me. Those words struck my heart and tore it into pieces. Those words broke me.

Worst part was... you knew we were talking. How do you think that made her feel? Think she felt as much pain as I did? She just so happened to come back at that moment and I had to put on a smile like nothing hurt me.

I can't take it anymore The fake smiles and the lies and the *need
to feel. How will I survive this summer? Being around my family will drive me utterly insane. I can't even have you by me for one day this week just because of how afraid I am. If people can easily the signs at school, then sure as hell my Mom can tell that I have fallen for you

You have become my crutch and my dear, I am very glad it is you by my side. If only you could really be here. In a perfect world, you'd be by my side and I'd have you close and my scars wouldn't exist. The books I'd read would have perfect endings and the songs I'd sing would always be on key. And the world would be just as beautiful as you are to me.

Drift away darling... I might not be here when you wake up.
393 · Jun 2013
my math equation of us
R Jun 2013
if 1+1=2
then 2-1=1
but if you and I
equal us then
why does it feel like
it's only
393 · Apr 2013
(10w) can't find you
R Apr 2013
I'm trying to find you,
But the lights are off.
393 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
two nights ago I sobbed over you and I panicked because I can't live with the thought that I might be falling for you.
I'm so scared and maybe it's best if I leave
392 · Aug 2014
R Aug 2014
I shall write about today
for the sake of wanting
to remember just how
sweet your lips tasted
and how much love
was shown

1. We woke up pretty early (as early as it gets for me at least) and I was ever so playful (and wet). I wanted to make you breakfast and cuddle and take a warm bath with you, its all that I could think about.

2. We made love. Your Dad said he'd be gone for awhile, so we decided to make sweet love before breakfast, because by doing that, we would be starting off the day just right. (You tasted so good kitten.)

3. I made you breakfast. I made us some rockin' eggs and cereal while you cleaned the dishes. It felt like it was just us living alone together and I loved every second of it.

4. You tie dyed my shirts. I can't wait to have them... please make them smell like you first, I may be technically paying for the dye, but in my eyes I am only paying for your scent that you'll leave on them.

5. We took a nice warm bath together. That was such a nice bath. We had bubbles all around and we were laughing at my hair. We kissed a ton, and I could just feel love radiating between us. It was utterly wonderful darling.

6. You went in your room to go change, and I was ready to make your surprise before you had to leave for work. I wanted you to lay down with me, but you kept bugging me about your surprise. I know I can be selfish sometimes, but I just want to spend as much time as humanly possible with you baby.

7. I went to go make your surprise (Root Beer Float, of course!) and I ran back to your room. You were still naked to my surprise and all you wanted to know was what I was doing in the kitchen. I started walking back to the kitchen when you practically attacked me! You kept kissing me and begging me so much that I simply just couldn't resist. I made you *** right then and there in your hallway.

8. I made our root beer floats, and I watched you get dressed. I ate/drank mine and simply enjoyed everything around me. Life has been so good to me lately.

9. My Mom was on her way, so for the last 10 minutes of my time with you, we shared many kisses. They were all ever so perfect.

10. Leaving you is always hard, I only wish to stay forever. Maybe one day we won't have to leave. We can just stay in each others reaches everyday for the rest of our lives, my darling.

I did not want this day to end, but somehow I know that this memory will live on inside of my forgetful mind. I love you my dear, I truly do.
I love you.
6 months is approaching.
I am eager to keep loving you my sweet girl.
392 · Apr 2013
You don't accept my love.
R Apr 2013
When I say I love you, you don't believe me. You think you can't be loved and you won't accept love. I think that you're scared that I might stop loving you at anytime, but I won't. Now if this is the reason, then okay, it's acceptable, because at least I know somewhere deep down inside your soul that you believe me.
392 · May 2013
I swear I will be better.
R May 2013
Every though today didnt go as planned
It went smoother at the end.
I gave you a kiss on the head,
Told you everything was going to be okay,
And you know what?
I'm so glad I did.
Because it will be.
I love y'all,
Thank you so much.
R May 2015
I want to stick a knife through my skull, because I'm so sick and tired of my own thoughts.
Oh my love, you won't let me sleep. (R II)
391 · Feb 2014
R Feb 2014
If I pinned you against the wall
and slipped my tongue
into places unknown
would you let me
discover your
390 · Apr 2013
Damn you Society
R Apr 2013
My aunt just told me
"Oh Rachel, you're so skinny!"
I'm smiled innocently,
Said 'thank you'
And sat down.
She asked what I was doing
I told her working out
She asked how much I lost
I told her I didn't know.

Now that I've stepped on the scale
I've noticed I've lost nothing
But my confidence.

All I've lost is control
And whatever I
Used to like
Makes me heave
Until my throat burns.

**** you society,
**** you.
390 · Mar 2016
and it hurts because
R Mar 2016
you sound like Heaven
390 · Jun 2015
love coupons:
R Jun 2015
you never spent those love coupons i made you, guess i wasn't worth it
too cheap, i guess
weird how memories surface when you least want them to
389 · Mar 2014
R Mar 2014
why is it that
I want to cut my throat
and watch the words unspoken
flow out of me
onto my white bed sheets?
just something that came to me today. I feel very low for some reason and I keep imagining myself grinning at the sight of a blade and how beautiful it would look on my neck.
blades DO NOT belong there though, you have taught me that only your lips do.
389 · May 2013
Seeping (10w)
R May 2013
I live to breathe the
Exhaust that pours outta you.
389 · Mar 2015
R Mar 2015
And suddenly, I miss the winter.
At least then we had a reason to be cold.
389 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
I'm too afraid to say
To start a conversation.
But I can write
About your
That scream
R Jun 2013
i can't be who i am,
and i'm still not exactly sure
who that is.
one day i like my teacher,
the next it's a girl online.
who exactly do i

i'm not sure.
387 · Apr 2016
R Apr 2016
I called you after it had happened and while I was sitting in the bathtub in ice cold water watching the water drip from the faucet and as I let tears fall down my cheeks and as I scrubbed away what you did I tried my best to sound composed but I couldn't and that's why when you answered I hung up because I wasn't sure I could tell you of my shame and how scared I was and I was so afraid to let you in, because then you'd see a part of me you had yet to see and what if you wouldn't want me anymore because who wants a used and so severely broken little girl like me? I wouldn't be your little girl anymore and you wouldn't see me as a beautiful flower, but as a bunch of broken and dried up rose petals and there's so much more in the world besides someone like me and how could you stay with someone so repulsive I don't know I don't know I don't---
two different "you"'s in here (separate)
the "you" I tired calling is my rock, but I'm having a hard time opening up. it's so hard.
387 · Oct 2014
R Oct 2014
Her tongue dances on my spine
and sweat glitters in the moonlight
and she lets me feel the sway of her hips
as she dances along my body.
<3 L
387 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
I know he was attractive
But I was here first
Been riding with you for one year
Why did I deserve
To be treated this way by you, you?

I know you're probably thinking
What's up with me?
I've been crying for too long
What did you do to me?

I used to be so strong
But now you took my soul
I'm crying, can't stop crying
Can't stop crying

You could've told me you weren't happy
I know you didn't want to hurt me
Look what you've done to me now
I gotta look at him in his eyes
And see he's had half of me
How could you lie?
Always was one of my favorite songs, I tweaked it a bit to fit my needs.
386 · Apr 2014
Easter Wishes
R Apr 2014
Well... hey Easter bunny.. Remember me?
It's Rachel... It's been awhile. I mean, I don't really remember talking to you as a kid but honestly, I don't remember much anyways. Everything inside of my head seems so dark now.
Bright colors seem foreign and so do the stars (even though I look at them every single night...) but now only my fears stay deep within my thoughts.
Anyways, I have several wishes:
#1 Give Juan something good up there. He always seemed to like the brownies one of the girls in my Spanish class would bring, could you bring him some of those? And tell him some funny jokes... He always had the nicest laugh.
#2 Make sure to bring my girlfriend something sweet. She deserves it. I couldn't be with her for our 2nd month anniversary, but hopefully there will be more to come. Just give her something good... well... not too good. Ha.
#3 I guess this is kind of selfish... I could be asking to help my friends or save all of the sick children... but instead I am asking for your help. I have so many thoughts in my head and it sure would mean a hell of a lot to my friends and I if they would disappear. I would hate to make them come true.

So, Thank you and please also give us world peace.

*( I must be a foolish child if I am asking for world peace )
386 · May 2013
Just a question:
R May 2013
I'm scared and

Nobody seems to


What they mean't to me.

But, you see,

Now that they're gone

Everything has been

Alot better.

I've put my demons

Away and

They haven't bothered me

Since then.

But why do you feel the need to
Bring them back?
386 · May 2013
Daddy's Girl
R May 2013
What if
Dad knew that
I want to die?
Would he want to come
Visit me?
What if
Dad knew that
I might be Bi?
He'd probably slap
The gay right off of me.
R Apr 2013
They'll be look into my
To see if I've ver had suicide as an

It is.
384 · May 2013
Thoughts on today
R May 2013
No one chooses to be sad
Except for the attention seekers.
I didn't become sad for fun
My doctor even said I might have a form of depression.
It's like you're running up these stairs that never end or
You're trapped in a box and someone says they're trying to help you but
They keep the ladder a secret.
You can't just 'decide' to be happy
Or sad.
The only reason I saw the light was because
Of certain people.
And if you still think that
Sadness is something you just 'decide' to do
Then try to remember how I was in the beginning of the year:
I was happy,
I ran for president,
I had a boyfriend.
i felt so important

All of that is gone.

Who would want to get rid of that?
Not me.

But I'm getting better,
And everything will get better.
384 · Apr 2013
What or how you are?
R Apr 2013
My teacher
Taught me
The difference
Asking what you are
Asking how you are.
I learned then that I'm
But how am I?
I'm not okay
At all.
384 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
Your face looks
Much like
A new blossom.
Everyday, you get
383 · Apr 2013
Me (5w)
R Apr 2013
I'm a disappointment to
383 · May 2013
Whatever today is.
R May 2013
I just made myself throw up.
Not because I have an eating disorder,
but because of that thought looming in my brain.
And ****, it's not even the one of killing myself.
It's just of you not being with me in the end.
joey joey joey joey i miss you.
thats actually a lie, i dont miss him.
just a mere crush on an old man
and a bestfriend.

oh and dont forget Doctor Who. (David Tennant, 10th Doctor)
383 · Mar 2014
Me of all people (10 words)
R Mar 2014
Seems like I'm
always a distraction;
it's a good thing?
people seem to say I'm a distraction lately.... guess it's a good thing? lol
382 · Mar 2014
R Mar 2014
I'm not even sure
why I cut this time.
i guess I just did it to feel
to feel what?
I am happy, aren't i?
I should be.
hell I should be ecstatic.
I have a loving girlfriend,
my friends are great,
my parents trust me again,
and I have God by my side.
so what is it that I ever so
desperately need to feel?

Can I tell you a secret?
I am not unhappy.
I am not sad.
I am not angry.
I am anything but depressed.
I think that is what I miss.

The sadness is what I crave.
The constant happiness isn't
fulfilling my desires anymore.
Is there something wrong with me?
Some kind of unknown disorder that
causes you to crave the very thing
that made you hate yourself for so long?

This happiness is driving me mad.
It is like I will not let myself
be happy all day.
Why can't I just stay happy?
It's a wonderful feeling.
It makes everything seems brighter
and more beautiful!

So, why can't I just accept that
I am happy and get over
what needs to be
out of my life?
but seriously, why can't I just accept that I am happy instead of purposely making myself sad?
and please don't say it's for "attention". I've never done this for attention in a day in my life, it's just a bad drug that I have been trying to wean of of for awhile. :/
R Jul 2013
I'm hungry.
But I ate two whole meals today.
Why must I be so
I still have calories left for today..
Maybe just one cookie will do.
Nah, to lazy.

I'll just drink some more water,
That should fill me up.
381 · May 2015
R May 2015
And just like Sherlock, you solved the case that is me, and you became bored, so you moved onto a new one, a better one.
Draft from awhile back, because I seem to have met my writing quota for the day from the Shower poem from earlier haha.
381 · May 2013
Mr.S, you really do care?
R May 2013
She told me that
You cried when
You told her what
Happened to me.
That she's never seen a
Grown man cry over
A young girl like that.
That she's only seen two
Other men cry in general.
That you really must
Care about me.
My teacher cried over me? Oh Mr.S, you really do care(:
380 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
You want more, but I can't give you anything more.
I can't give you a real relationship.
I can't give you commitment.
I can't give you what you deserve.
I can't, I can't, I can't.
You know this and you keep trying and I can't be what you want
nor what you need.
I'm sorry
380 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
shes the
in one
379 · Jun 2013
Mystery Girl
R Jun 2013
I dream about her at night
The faceless woman
She creeps into my doorway and
Im blinded.
I still dont know her name and
I dont think I ever will.
I hear her voice at night,
speaking to me in such a way I
Almost drown in her
velvet like sounds.
Who is she?
Why is she?
Where is she?
379 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior
A song I can't sing anymore without crying, but will forever be one of my favorites. I woke up that morning crying and didn't know why, and then I went into the shower and put this song on while I was in there (which I never do) and I just started bawling, I guess my soul knew before I truly did. God is always looking out for us and trying to prepare us for life's worst. But when you have Him, life seems just a bit easier. Don't lose God even though you've lost me. Please.
379 · Jul 2015
colors & places & you pt.2
R Jul 2015
i associated you with the colors of the earth,
but all you are is the color of a blackhole.

i thought you were filled with light,
but i guess i was wrong.

you're just a dark hole that
***** all the light from
everything and everyone else
until its all gone inside of

won't you ever learn?
killing others won't
make you able to
breathe any

it'll just make more space,
until you're left all alone
with the memories of the
people's lights you've
****, i thought i loved you.
but you just wanted to steal my light too.
378 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
There comes a time in a man's life
When he must take responsibility
For the choices he has made
There are certain things that he must do
Things that he must say
valerie//the weeknd
I'm taking responsibility
I don't care about the consequences anymore
378 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
i've never felt more at home nor more fearful than when your hand is resting on the small of my back and when the current of the electricity between us is only bringing us closer to one another.
you're so handsome and so ******* confusing
378 · Sep 2014
What I really want
R Sep 2014
I feel like people think I am some
*** crazed girl who is only using
Her girlfriend for ***.
But I can assure that I am not.
I love her with everything I have
And so much more.
Making love to her is a gift
That I am proud to share with her
And just because we can
Have nights spent together
On top of each other or
Entwined in each others words,
Does that make us a couple that
Is "going too fast"?
She is the first person in my life that
I am finally convinced that
Loves me fully and completely.
And maybe the making love is
Just an added bonus,
But that doesn't mean that I
Need it to love her anymore than
I already do.
Awful, but she misses when I write and I've been having quite the writers block... I love you L. It's our first autumn together, and my oh my, how have I fallen for you all over again.
377 · Mar 2014
R Mar 2014
Just woke up with sweat
and thoughts a blood dripping
down my face.
A sick grin laid across my face
came as soon as Saturn's rings.
Listen closely, the story I will tell
is quits misleading.
For I would never **** a man...
now would I?

He would break into my home
and **** my Mom and Dad
then go for my brother
and guess who is next:

He'd come straight on in
and I'd be on my phone
he'd see an opportunity because
guess who's watching ****?

He's take what little clothes I have
and throw them across the bed.
He wouldn't care about my screaming
because there is no one in the room.
He'd whip his **** out and
try and slip it in.
I'd scream and cry and
wonder why
"what the hell did I
do to deserve this?"

He'd try to get my hips to
cooperate as he tries to ride fast.
but what he doesn't know is that
this ***** is on the soccer team and
can surely kick his ***.

Somehow I would be on top now
and have his knife against his throat.
I'd smile sweetly and decide to say,
"I learned this from a show!"
I'd slice his blade across his neck
just hitting his jugular vein
because everyone knows that
once it's done
it can never
be replaced.

sorry for this explicit poem. I've been thinking about so many terrible things... mostly about me killing someone? I don't believe I'd ever do it bc it would be terribly unlike me... but I just woke up sweating with this thought and I really needed to get this out.
oh and lol I made a metaphor about losing virginity in here... if anybody can find it then do comment! thanks!
and I'm super tired oops goodnight
377 · May 2015
Sex II
R May 2015
He kept trying to tiptoe around the word
but I just wouldn't let him.
"It's ***, you can say it. I know what *** is."
He laughed, looked me deeply in the eyes and
he said, "Fine, ***."
I smirked at him and he coyly did the same.
When she came back into the room and asked,
"gosh, I can't leave yall alone in a room for more than 5 minutes, huh?"
I looked over at him as he blushed a deep scarlet,
and I looked down as I smiled at the ground.
One second I am bold,
and the next I cannot help but to be so shy.
What is going on?
And no, I don't want *** from him. I just think he's incredibly dorky and cute. And somehow we got on this subject today? He said it first, not me.
376 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
I feel the need to
Cry in your arms
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