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422 · May 2015
R May 2015
never give someone the power to make you feel like you're less than nothing, because you're worth the whole ******* cosmos
******* for making me feel like that and **** myself for letting myself let you make me feel like that
421 · May 2013
R May 2013
I have two ways I could
Ask you out:
We could be sitting under a sheet
With all the lights turned out
On my bed (or yours)
And we could be laughing and then
I'd kiss you.
We'd look at each other after and then
I'd smile and say,
"Will you be mine?"
We'd about to be leaving for
Our first travel trip.
We'll be eighteen and
You'll be packing up upstairs.
I'll pull in with my car and
Pull out chalk from the backseat.
I'll sit on the ground and draw some
Words so that when you come outside
You can see them.
It'll say, "Will you be mine?" And
Have two boxes under it.
One will say yes and the other will say no.

Hopefully you won't even have to check a box because
You'll be in my arms
And be mine already.
Just two cute ways to ask someone out and I really love these ideas!
420 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
Tired of the
Sob stories;
I want the
Fairy tales.
419 · May 2013
Hello II
R May 2013
I used to think you were my
antidote but
I'm starting to believe that
You're the source of my

Your eyes used to scream 'Innovation'
But now they just whisper short and
Unspoken words that means
I'm a complication.
A poem that refers to my other poem "Hello"
And a few others....
419 · Feb 2014
Who knew?
R Feb 2014
It didn't feel wrong.
Touching you felt like
touching God.
I didn't know something could be so
beautiful and delicate yet
so strong and fierce.
The second I realized this,
I should've stopped
but I couldn't.
Your eyes were closed, you fingers were
rubbing my knee
and I could just tell that
you loved every bit of what was happening.
When I found the spot you loved so much
I needed to keep going.
You would've let me,
but it was the wrong place for
something so beautiful to happen.

Who knew that someone could make me
lose all sense of right and wrong?

All I want is to give you what you deserve and so much more.
Is that something you want?
418 · May 2015
I am no temporary stay
R May 2015
And I am ******* tired of allowing people to walk all over me, and deciding when I'm not good enough anymore. If anybody wants to leave, ******* do it. I'm sick of the *******, I will not allow myself to be treated like a door mat that you can rub your **** on. I am so much more than that.
If you want to leave, go.
I'm tired of being the one who begs people to stay.
I deserve so much more than that.
R May 2013
i used to try and
make my own arkwork but
everytime i did
i ended up with cut up skin and
tarnished hair clippings.
now i just
color in the lines of a
childrens book
and hope that
the bad thoughts
leave me
418 · Jun 2015
exciting news:
R Jun 2015
the thought of seeing you again makes me hopeful for the future, god I've missed you
finally, something good may happen!!!!!!!!
417 · May 2013
R May 2013
417 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
Will you let me
Hold you?
Not just you,
But your world,
Your universe;
I'd like to see it
In my hands,
In my arms,
Open for you to be my
My universe.
416 · Sep 2015
R Sep 2015
Even if we were meant to be, we still could never be.
You say to 'Let it be' and I shudder because I know we cannot.
415 · May 2013
R May 2013
I've realized a few things about over thinking:
Yeah, it may **** ******* *** but
You do get the truth out of it sometimes.

Like, for instance,
When you told me something that other day and
You said it was for the good of me.
No it wasn't.
You're lying.
Yeah, maybe it might have helped me from
Being even sadder but
I could've helped you overcome these things.
We promised not to and guess what?
We both broke that promise.

Saying we wouldn't do it because
The other couldn't?
It's sick.
It's like the cutting games over here
And I don't want to be in it.

You say "oh I care, thats why I didn't tell you."
How much more hurt do you think I'd be
If you would've told me first?
I'd rather find out from you than
The ******* Internet.
It's Disgusting
I wanted to cut so much that night
And I remember you naming the pros and cons,
Saying how its "not worth it"

With the things that are going on and
The secrets that are being kept
I think it's necessary.
This was harsh, sorry bubs.
414 · May 2014
Love Facts #11
R May 2014
You know you're in Love
when Love doesn't seem to be
the word to describe how you
feel anymore because it
doesn't even come close to
explaining  her
superb beauty.
413 · Apr 2016
R Apr 2016
as frost in fair weather, your sins will melt away
R Apr 2013
Those lips of
Call my name;
I just wish I could

The sound of your
Is soothing
But it's just
Something I seem to
411 · Apr 2013
(10w) by my side
R Apr 2013
I wish you were
By my side
Instead I'm
411 · May 2015
R May 2015
"As the old catechisms used to say, knowledge is a prerequisite for love."
411 · May 2015
R May 2015
And I didn't want to be a flower, I wanted to be a ****. I wanted to always been in your heart, so that whenever you decided to pluck me out, I would come right back and infest your whole self with me over and over again.
Did it work?
R May 2015
you have me shaking..
my tongue is unable to form
a single coherent word
without slipping and saying
how much I am starting to
abhor the way you can
talk while I am expected to
be silent and all
All these wars have me angry and so sad.
So many people have been silenced.
410 · Sep 2013
you and i
R Sep 2013
with you
i am a
i am
nothing and
all at the
same time.
you make me
feel like i am
so important,
then like i am
not even

will i make the big bang or will i
be a one in a million shot like
all the other universes
410 · Apr 2014
R Apr 2014
Should be gone
but instead I am here
leaving scars like
a human normally does
and falling hopelessly
in love with
410 · Jan 2016
Little Flower
R Jan 2016
there are parts of you left growing around me. in this sea of green and blue, I add salt in places so you cannot grow there anymore. I'm tired of seeing weeds in places sunflowers used to grow and where roses used to overflow, but all that's left are thorns and dead flowers that wish for someone else to water them. I can't water you anymore... you were never mine to take care of or to help grow. you're a lovely flower and all you deserve is the purest water in the world to help you to grow, and I just could never be the one to give it to you. my water is too toxic, too deadly, and too deficient of all the vitamins and the nutrients that you need to help you to flourish. and for that, I'm sorry. I know that I flooded you with my toxic water and I let myself choke you with my wrongdoings and my ignorance, and I know I can't make up for it, but you're a flower and you need to grow and I know, we all know, that in order for a flower to grow, it has to be nourished in the right manner. I wish I wouldn't have overwatered you with my toxic water, little flower, but it's time to go grow somewhere new. because my garden needs to be renewed and there's just simply nothing more that I can do for you.
*(it'll just hurt more if you stay in places where you're not meant to flourish anymore)
I think I started to write this about people that I've hurt, but I also think it's about me as well. I hope this makes sense, it was one of my late night ramblings from awhile ago.
409 · Apr 2013
Oh, sweet times.
R Apr 2013
Hey, it's okay.
Want to know why?
My feelings for you are gone.
I'll remember the times we
And I ll never forget them.
I'm just saying that it'll still
Be the same,
Just with less passion and
409 · Oct 2014
R Oct 2014
It's been awhile since I've
Wanted my blood to flow from
My wrist, but today it would seem that
It is all that I crave...
Not even your lips could satisfy
This craving.
I want death.
409 · May 2013
you meant nothing to me
R May 2013
you always pretended to
care about me.
that it was okay
to act this way.
with you,
nothings okay.
with you,
im in the dark
because i always believed
you were my light.
you're a fighter and
the shelter i'm in
hasn't been repaired
by you like it
should be.
with you,
i know what its like
to be alone.
with you,
my heart breaks
times and times again.
nothing is okay
with you

my blood pours and
i call to you for a rag but
you must've taken it
by accident when you
picked up your clothes off the
floor this morning.
for no one actually, i just felt inspired to write this cause i was listening to Halcyon by Ellie Goulding. i love her oh so much xD
408 · May 2013
How it works
R May 2013
This is how it works in
My brain:
If I cut my hair,
I won't cut myself.
I'll take it out on
My hair and
It won't mean a thing.
But on my wrist it
Somehow means I'm
A monster.
Well, my hair is cute apparently but my wrist isn't...
408 · May 2015
A Crush:
R May 2015
I've allowed myself to develop a crush on him, but I know I will just end up being crushed, so why bother?
Because life is about risks, and from what I've heard, he seems to want to take the risk too.
407 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
the stars cant decipher
what i see in
through your eyes
i reach the heavens
in skies ever so
406 · Aug 2015
R Aug 2015
my muscles continue to ache
and my bones go on to break
but i am stronger than ever before
knowing my God is helping me soar.
i am in awe of you, i adore you, my love, my love, my love
406 · Sep 2013
Sept. 15 Feels -_-
R Sep 2013
i hope you care about
me as much as
you say you
405 · Apr 2013
Don't open
R Apr 2013
Soft ringing becomes louder. And louder. And louder.
I guess I can open my open my eyes now. I don't think about anything, not even afraid to see what the shattered world in front of me holds. So I open my eyes. It was just another mistake. I hear my mother's voice in my head, speaking to me when I was a child. It was not soothing, but somewhat scolding warnings of what can happen if you don't use caution. I remember her words, her warning. Now that I have forgotten that warning, I open my eyes, to only find the holder of that voice in a world that I've only heard of, and don't know where it could be. All I know is that the holder of a precious, cautious voice, can no longer use it to give caution.
By Paul
Not Rachel
405 · Sep 2013
what to say
R Sep 2013
i had to stay
after today so
i could help
another teacher
out, but im
not complaining
because through
this window,
i can see you.
being the
joyous person
you are.

i can tell you're
happier and
i just love that.

im trying real hard to
make it easy for me
but when you asked me
why im was always so
busy and why i
never come by anymore
i didnt know
what to say.

and yet i wonder why i
cower at the thought of
him not returning
my love,
and yet i am the
one pretending that
i never felt that
404 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
Depression and bitterness are a lethal mix.
I don't want to be this way, hopefully tomorrow I'll be better.
I'm sorry.
404 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
Hold tight
I fall.
403 · Feb 2016
super rich kids (I)
R Feb 2016
We end our day up on the roof
I say I'll jump, I never do
But when I'm drunk I act a fool
Talking 'bout , do they sew wings on tailored suits
I'm on that ledge, she grabs my arm
She slaps my head
It's good times, yeah
Sleeve rips off, I slip, I fall
The market's down like 60 stories
And some don't end the way they should
My silver spoon has fed me good
A million one, a million cash
Close my eyes and feel the crash
super rich kids//frank ocean
403 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
I want to be
But it's just
402 · Oct 2014
R Oct 2014
I know that she won't chase me if I were to go. But going isn't a an option anyways.
R Jul 2013
My Aunt was hemming my
     skirt for school today.
              And as I stood on the chair
        To try it on,
     I realized the hook on the
        Ceiling could easily
     Fit a rope,
  Then I could tie
A noose and
   Put my head in
And kick
    The chair
401 · Jul 2013
R Jul 2013
He** writes,
He lives,
He is.

I just wish
I knew
401 · Mar 2014
13w Not sad, just a thought
R Mar 2014
Maybe I should **** someone
or better yet, I should just
**** myself.
But I do not think i could ever go
401 · Sep 2013
In a tough spot here:
R Sep 2013
Maybe I've let
Myself f
To hard
And now it's
Time to let
You g                   o.
R May 2013
I'll do you a favor and
Pretend I never felt
Anything for you.
398 · Mar 2013
R Mar 2013
I didn't fall in love of coarse
It's never up to you
But she was walking back and forth
And I was passing through.

I noticed atfterward after I searched my poem on the Internet after I wrote it that it's already a poem... So um, I guess cheers to the guy who really made this? By Leonard Cohen

Sorry Leonard, didn't mean to steal it.  :P
398 · Nov 2015
R Nov 2015
I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that, unfortunately, I have fallen for you. The good news? Well, it's that you'll never know.
398 · Dec 2015
Really Don't Care
R Dec 2015
But even if the stars and moon collide
I never want you back into my life
You can take your words and all your lies
*I really don't care
Really Don't Care//Demi Lovato
this seems to suit my "**** it, i'm gonna be happy" attitude of late
398 · Dec 2014
Dear John,
R Dec 2014
Oh, oh
how you have saved the one I love
Through your words
Your songs
Your everlasting love
For those around you
And even after you.
Today I wish to celebrate you
Because your life is something
So special
That even I cannot
Seem to understand.
Please, keep my baby girl
Safe, oh
How she loves you so.
And oh,
How I love her.
John Lennon, she loves you ya know.
398 · May 2014
Love Facts #16
R May 2014
She has seen me tremble
and has seen me cry
you know you're in love
and yet you don't know
she has seen me in so many ways, and yet she dare stays. I love you darling.
397 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
if my smile is so "electric", then why the hell am i constantly running around this track to be with you when you can't even bring yourself to type out the simple word "hello"?
my poems as of late will be me going back and forth with myself and my feelings because i am frustrated and infatuated so I'm sorry
397 · May 2013
Whoever. Anybody. Please.
R May 2013
I'm yearning for your
Lips right now;
To be pushed up against
I'm yearning for your
Lips right now;
To be kissing up and down my
Not sure if done or not...
396 · Apr 2013
My life
R Apr 2013
**** **** **** **** ****
**** **** **** ****
**** **** ****
**** ****
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