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453 · May 2014
Love Facts #20
R May 2014
You know you're in love when
you see her dancing to
Nat King Cole and
you feel like you
were mean't to be doing
the jive with her in a
different decade.
R Mar 2014
the thought of a fallout
is something I often wear.
should I just forget it
and pretend it was never there?
I'd love to stay,
but my nature is to flee.
do you really love me,
as I believe I do to thee?
be honest when words are spoken,
and with eyes that gleam of gold.
lies are often said by the
ones you wish never told.
if I could count the days
that I dreamed I'd spend with you at night.
it'd take my lifetime and tenfold
to show you that you are my light.
and if these nightmares of fallout,
are what Queen Mab gives to thee.
I guess it's what I'll get ready for
instead of the hopeless dreams often thought by me.
I need help with some thoughts and I'd love to chat with someone who has more experience than I do.
450 · Sep 2015
a science poem for you
R Sep 2015
At first we were just Di--
But then we became Mono--
And we started to be Syn--
You talk to me like you need me,
kind of like how you need Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Calcium, and the other 10 elements in our bodies.
You say that I matter.
Not just because I have mass and I take up space,
but because I'm wonderful...special...adorkable.
I said our bond is like a covalent bond. We just share with one another.
It's not ionic, we don't just give and take.
And you said we're not an H-Bond,
because our bond isn't weak.
I said if we were a reaction,
We'd be a synthesis reaction.
Because we were once separate and
now we've became one. (A + B--->C)
You said that you hope we would never be like a decomposition reaction.
Because they we wouldn't be together. (A--->B + C)
And you also said that this feeling is like combustion, that you just might explode!
I laughed at that, because I don't understand how you feel, and I also cannot tell if it's just a part of these jokes we share or maybe something more.
You say "Maybe" like there is, but
you also say "One day" like I'll know you forever.
I guess it's just up to me to say,
"Who knows, not me."
we were studying together and this just sort of happened
R May 2013
I sat in the tub,
Thinking of everything that's
Gone wrong in my life.
I tried to think about all the
Good things but
They couldn't come.
Everyone is trying to be
So nice to me,
And I'm sick of it.
I deserve to be treated
I should actually probably be
****** or hanged or
But, instead you all treat me
Like nothing ever has happened.

I look over at my scissors and
They beg me to try them out again.
But I don't,
Because somehow
Some sort of happiness
Comes through me and
Tells me not to.
rachel, just don't cut for thirty minutes.
draw or do something else.
if you don't give in to it,
then after those thirty minutes
you should be okay.

You said that to me awhile back and
Now I understand why.
For days like these,
I need that in my mind.
Your soft, kind voice
Telling me that it'll all
Be okay soon.
450 · Apr 2014
betrayal & sadness
R Apr 2014
I feel like I would betray him
if I were to cut again.
I just hate that it took for
someone to die for me to
stop cutting and realize
that the world shouldn't
romanticize sadness.

*(not that I ever did but
I did have quite the
love affair with
death my friends)
I put on music so id stop but I can't. these thoughts demand to be thought and nothing can suppress them at this moment in time, my dear.
450 · Mar 2016
R Mar 2016
I'm not "your girl" nor am I "his girl".
I did not become "everyone's girl".
But you wouldn't know that,
because you're just going by
what others are saying.

Haven't you ever played the game
"Telephone", luv?
Of course you have, considering you're acting as if you're in the second grade.
R May 2015
a few days ago
someone decided to go and repost an old poem about you
and it had been a long time since I had even thought of that day
but, I guess since I've been thinking about it,
I may as well write about it.

I had reserved the night for us, and sadly my sister tagged along.
It was still so wonderful though, it truly was.
You drank your first tea that night, i had been your first for many things.
And we wanted to figure out the mystery, to discover the clues.
But it was so hard to think of anything other than you.
Your hair was incredibly straight, flowing beautifully past your angelic shoulders.
Your eyes were covered with a black shimmering powder, and you looked so enticing.
You laughed so beautifully, everything you did was beautiful.
You wore a black skirt, a black camisole, and a see through shirt with lace. Yes, i still remember.
I don't really know how I remember, but I guess memories start to come back when you least expect them to.
Your smile that night was stunning, as per usual.
And you made me realize that night just how beautiful I truly was.
I remember making love to you that night, it was sweet and quick and we were exhausted. It was full of sloppy kisses and masked moans and pants. We laughed a bit, because we really weren't in the mood. But the cuddling we did afterwards, now that is something I'll truly never forget. I loved the way my hand always seemed to fit perfectly in the space between your hip and stomach, like we were missing puzzle pieces.
and I remember realizing that I was falling for you all over again that night. But with falling, comes crashing. And I truly made that painfully clear in the few weeks to follow.
"Your lips touched the cup gracefully, just like they when they kiss my lips. And my heart grew immensely when I realized I was falling in love with you all over again."
I miss those lips of yours sometimes. They always knew when I was in need of you. Do they still know? Can they still tell? Probably not.
44 weeks ago, we went on this date. And 41 weeks ago, I did something so awful that I still have a hard time conjuring up the words to describe it. I am truly sorry for what I did, please understand.
"I applaud you, darling, for making everything I do and live for seem so important... And for loving me while I fall in love with you
over and over again."

I guess it's easy to forget when you have someone new, right?
I never thought you'd be the first to break my heart, though.
I don't know.
I'm sorry for what I did. It will follow me around forever, you know.
I'm constantly reminded.
But I'm glad you enjoy my pain.
Maybe soon enough you will have the pleasure of watching me go through the most highest form of pain.
How did we get like this?
And I took some excerpts from the the original poem.
I used to be able to write so much better.
I guess my head was clearer back then.
449 · Apr 2013
R Apr 2013
They bought me a cake
Sang to me softly
happy birthday Rachel!
I gave them a smile,
A show of sorts
And then turned my head slowly and
My lips fell and so did a
They kept singing
Taking pictures and I pretended to laugh
Even though the smile I had on was
I sighed and blew out my candles
I'm still not sure what I really wished for.
Death, David Tennant, or just someone to
Save me in general.
But to be honest,
I just want to be happy again.
448 · Apr 2013
((15w)) Behind.
R Apr 2013
If you were to go


     I'm pretty sure

     Wouldn't be that far

448 · Jun 2015
you say you love me
R Jun 2015
you say you love me through drunken dialed phone calls at 5 in the morning and I can't say it back. I just don't want to give you something that I know I lack. If I had the love you deserved then maybe I'd be the one for you. But I am crimson and you are green and together we create a different hue.
447 · May 2014
R May 2014
I have realized that
zoning out for me isn't
my brain asking for a break.
it is my brain yearning to
talk about the things I don't
and to say the things
I do not say.
I wish you wouldn't give up on asking...
447 · Jan 2016
R Jan 2016
There was a man who constantly harassed and insulted the Buddha, throwing all sorts of verbal abuse at him. But the Buddha never seemed fazed by this. When someone asked why he didn’t take offense, he simply replied, *"If someone gives you a gift and you refuse to accept it, to whom does the gift belong?""
446 · Apr 2016
R Apr 2016
let's go slow; so slow that we'll be falling in and out of each other's orbits forever, spinning and wishing that these circular orbits would never
oh how easy it is to
445 · Nov 2015
5 Mistakes (Now 7)
R Nov 2015
I added you to my mistakes list.
Remember that list?
You and I made one up for my
dumb mistakes.
You loved making fun of
number four because it really

You're number seven now.
You love the number seven.
And forty-two.
And I should probably stop writing.
Because I know if I don't,
then I'll never get rid of my feelings
for you.
We'd laugh so hard over some of my mistakes because they were pretty funny. Some of them weren't though. I'd cry while talking about them because I regretted them so much.
I wish you weren't a part of the list, but you are now.
Adiós, número siete.
445 · Apr 2013
80 to 0
R Apr 2013
It feels like
We're going
80 miles
Per hour.
But we're
Not moving at
444 · Oct 2014
R Oct 2014
she tastes of roses and sweet nectar
and I can't get her scent off of me.
her sweat is sweet beads rolling down her
majestic body and I simply cannot
stop needing the music that
pours from her soul
throughout the night
when we are together.
Another prompt. L<3
R Apr 2013
Branching out with
The music I'm listening to is
I'm listening to
Calvin Harris
The Killers
Ellie Goulding
Imagine Dragons
Demi Lovato
And so much more.
Life seems to be okay
As long as I keep the
Music up.
R Aug 2013
I wish he'd
Come in here
And proclaim
His love.
438 · Mar 2014
Leigh(10 words)
R Mar 2014
Something shines bright
in the darkness you
think you are
Hey honey, just wanted to say I love you and happy 1st month. It's been wonderful... it really has been. I hope for many more to come dear xoxo
437 · Apr 2013
Words that I mean. (10w)
R Apr 2013
All I think this
Is a sprinkle of
436 · Aug 2013
R Aug 2013
Over the summer
I tried so hard
To let go of you.
But, through the
Hot months, the
Scent of soap and
Cinnamon lingered
On me

     .            So
  Circles                 Hard
         In                             To
        Going                                Let
     Keep                              Go
    Just              When

Not sure if
Falling for you was
My brains doing or
If it was my
R Oct 2015
my first kiss was in a skating rink
with an older boy I barely knew
and my inexperienced tongue
being used to learn a new language.
his kiss made me realize that I might not
be all that straight.
I wasn't ready yet.

my second kiss was in a bathroom at school
my freshman year.
she looked at me as I nervously tried to
kiss her. I wanted it to be perfect, but
I wasn't sure how to do it correctly,
so she stopped me and guided me.
I fell in love with her then.

my third kiss was full of lust.
she and I were both sad for different reasons
and we couldn't stop ourselves.
I was too depressed to care and
God only knows what she wanted to
stop thinking about.
"terrible timing," she said.
I agreed.

my fourth kiss was a boy in a game.
his hands touched all over and I thought
I enjoyed it.
I was wrong.

my fifth kiss was with a girl whom I had been
waiting to kiss for several years.
I snuck her into my house and we talked till
everything went silent and
I knew it was finally time for our
lips to meet.
her lips were soft, and I never properly
thanked her for that kiss.
I was happy.

my sixth kiss was with a boy who stole my heart.
It was on accident, of course.
Not the kiss though, that was completely on purpose.
We technically had two first kisses, I suppose.
The first was in his house and we had
gone upstairs to look at his collection of movies
and then he said something dorky and I said,
"Oh shut up!" And he said, "Make me."
So I did, and I looked at him and I slowly made my
way towards his lips and when our lips met
I had felt something that I had never felt before.
Our second first kiss was in the rain on
the lakefront later that day and
I can't even begin to describe how
kissing him felt in that moment.
It was absolutely beautiful.
He was beautiful.
I was beautiful.
I just wish he'd give me my heart back now,
I miss him and
I am in pain.

To all the people I've kissed before,
I am so sorry.
There's been kisses inbetween with these people, obviously.
These are just about the first kisses though.
***so I realized that I forgot a kiss, but it wasn't very important. But I still forgot one nonetheless and I'm glad I remembered it.
435 · Apr 2015
R Apr 2015
the Universe is expanding and so is my love for *you
I think you're incredible
435 · May 2015
a good day:
R May 2015
tell me,
when you're blessed with a good day
what do you do?
do you revel in how wonderful it was
and wait for the bad times to come
or will you try your best to allow that good day
to carry onto the next day, and then the next
until it becomes a good week,
a good month,
a good year,
a good life?

honestly, my optimism is returning.
my hope in humanity is coming home.
and more importantly,
i am finding a place inside of myself that
i can call home for once.

i think that maybe this doesn't have to just be a good day,
but it can be a good life as well.
learned the whole greek alphabet tonight, onto numbers in the morning. i will be fluent in greek by april :)
434 · May 2013
Nightmares at Night
R May 2013
My nightmares are
The kind that
Make you terrified to
Fall back asleep.
Make you so scared you
Can't even move.
My nightmares wake me up
In the middle of the night and
Tell me to
Do very bad things.
Sometimes they spare me and
Other times I can't help what
Comes next.
434 · Apr 2014
You and the Cosmos
R Apr 2014
The other night I couldn't help but
ramble about the Cosmos and everything I seem to think about
when I see the world around me.
You were smiling on the camera
and all I could do was keep talking
and saying theories and smiling about
the Universe because the stars make me so very happy and so do you and
I honestly have no idea what will happen when I lose the both of my favorite things-- You and the Cosmos.
But sadly everything dies sooner or later.
434 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
i did not feel pretty
but he said
i was?
432 · Mar 2014
10 reasons for me
R Mar 2014
she stood there waiting
waiting for an answer
waiting for a reason
waiting for a sign
to know why i would
think i deserve to
have so much

the look in her eyes showed
that all she craved was to know.
why can she not see?

honestly, i wonder why i even
let myself endure the pain
any longer than i should.
death waits for me at my doorstep,
why should i not let him in again?

10 reasons I have come up with
because that should be all i need:
1) God- Would he forgive me? The thought seems scary if he wouldn't.
2) Life- Something I should hold onto dearly, after all this is the only kind like it.
3) Leigh- A girlfriend like you is worth living for. You are worth fighting for.
4) Amy- My bestfriend is possibly my soulmate... not in a "get married" way but in a "meant to be bets friends forever" way.
5) The World- I have too many things I want to do and that I want to change: I should do them, right?
6) UCBerkeley- All I want is this University... It's what I crave. I need to be there. I will be there.
7) The stars- I belong to them like I belong to God. When I die I want the stars to yearn for me just as much as I yearn for them.
8) My family- You are so low on the list, but I cannot lie that I would miss you in some form or way. My sisters big smile, my nephews hopeful eyes, my aunts kind words, and even my moms funny sayings.
9) Me- Yes, its sounds quite selfish but I would miss my humor and my laugh and my hair and my poetry. I would miss reading and exploring and learning... Oh God would I miss learning.
10) The Universe- How could I explore the Universe if I am dead?

I know living is worth it because of all of these things... I just wish life were a bit easier on me.
sorry this is sucky, but its true.
432 · Apr 2016
R Apr 2016
maybe it's the idea of you that has my
stomach churning and
my cheeks blushing
and my heart
maybe it's not.
I hope it's not.
431 · Apr 2013
Let's stay friends...?
R Apr 2013
You've told me times and time again,
"Lets stay friends."

But yet,
I still get the feeling
Like we're
Than meets the eye.
Aren't we

To be honest,
I thought we'd last longer than this.
431 · Sep 2013
R Sep 2013
Everything inside of me is
Whispering your

429 · Apr 2016
R Apr 2016
You can only see me for what's in-between my legs, can't you?
A line that has been sticking out from my journal for awhile
429 · Feb 2014
A Whole New World
R Feb 2014
what is it?
the feeling of being loved
and knowing that
they feel the same way
whether you are dressed
or not?

i was scared.
standing there
without a shirt
makes me quite nervous.
my body isn't exactly fit
whereas you look like the
most perfect ballerina.
its not a bad thing,
i just wish i would be
a bit more... flat.

i love my body,
i just have a few things that
i know i could change.
i could eat healthier,
maybe work out more.
drink some more water than
coffee. (i sure do love coffee)
and cut back a bit.

i want to feel comfortable
in my own skin.
i want to be able to
dress how i want
without the fear of the
dress sizes or
being called those terrible names
as i once was in my childhood.

i want to let you do
the things you want to me
without me feeling ashamed.

sooner or later,
ill be completely ready.
you'll have worthy lips to kiss and
a whole new world
to explore with your fingertips.
429 · May 2013
The last 4 days
R May 2013
4 days ago
Thoughts of death
Raced through my mind.

3 days ago
I seemed to be better,
Smiling and all.

2 days ago
I rocked my head
Back and forth
To beautiful music.

1 day ago
I cried as I
Remembered that I'll never be

And today
I'm just running on
429 · Aug 2013
R Aug 2013
So, I'm not to sure
of what I want
428 · May 2013
Shit (5w)
R May 2013
I'm sorry I
Talked ****.
427 · Mar 2014
Are you mine?
R Mar 2014
This is the first time I've
thought about him in the
last week or so.
Not thinking of him and
now thinking of her is
possibly a miracle.
I'd think of him day
and night and everything
in between those times.
I'd barely sleep from tears
and around him my heart would race.
Was that honestly what love felt like?

To be honest, I think it was love.
But, not the good kind of love.
Not the love that pours out of Leigh
and not that love that I will endlessly
give back to her.

She makes me want to be a better person
and to reach for the stars,
instead of wishing they'd never be there.

Oh dear, I am quite in love with you.
Do you feel the same as I do?
lol the last line I actually sang as I wrote it because it's from the Arctic Monkeys- Are you mine?  soooo yeah.
I love you Leigh, thanks for being the best girlfriend any girl could ask for honey<3
427 · May 2013
R May 2013
she told me that
tons of people go through
the same exact thing
and for a second,
i felt better because
i knew someone could relate.
but i was pulled right back under
as i realized that
it means im normal.
that im not unique or
im the same piece of living
(im alive right?)
plastic as everyone else is.
im not anyone special,
i am just someone
who has
a lot of
427 · Apr 2016
That Look
R Apr 2016
The look you gave me reminded me of
when you found out about the boy
at space camp.

It reminded me of when you sent me the
message saying, "I'll call you when I get home."
And then you proceeded to angrily cry and
sob in your room over FaceTime with me and
ask over and over again,
"How could you?".

It reminded me of the look you gave me that made me realize
that I had messed up so badly.
I had ripped your heart out
and when I realized that,
I wouldn't have blamed you for saying goodbye to me
right then and there.

You didn't, and I know you regret it.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what else to say.
I'm still here wishing I had made better choices.
I'm still wishing that I had held you closer sometimes, too.
You probably regret it all.
You'd rewrite that ending, wouldn't you?

God, that look...that look.
I pretended like it didn't break my heart
but I can promise you that it
you can hit me in the shoulder and scream at me to watch my step or tell me I'm disgusting for eating raw honey or saying that orange essential oils smells awful even though it's the only thing that gets me through my depressive episodes, but I still feel that tenderness for you. I can't help it. I'm not sorry for feeling that, but I am sorry for so many other things.
426 · Apr 2014
Love Facts #7
R Apr 2014
You know you're
In Love when the
electricity you once felt
while accidentally touching
knees turned into a full blown
that cannot seem to be
put out
when kissing her
426 · Jul 2013
What It Does /10w/
R Jul 2013
I heard it gets
when there's
nothing left
425 · Jul 2013
What they think
R Jul 2013
They say I should make new friends.
But it seems like everytime I do that
They get taken away from me.

I might never have happiness,
Will I?
425 · May 2013
Weak (dream-5/14/13)
R May 2013
I had a dream that
All the people I've ever loved or
Cared about last night
Took turns to do terrible,
terrible things to me.
Mike, you told me that
You never cared about me.
Skylar, you told me
I never mattered.
Ashley, you said you
Just pretended to be my friend.
Mom, you didn't say much except for hitting
Me like you used too.
Dad, you left. Again. And again. And again.
Tori, you told me to lose more
Weight because I'm fat.
Bryce, you told me the Doctor wasn't real.
Macky, you told that
All those times you
Touched me was because
I was useless.
Joey, that you never really did love me and
That you never will.
Mrs.Jennie, I'm not your daughter, Am I?
And so many more...
But last but not least,
I saw myself.
Looking at me.
Smirking that evil smirk.
And taunting me.
Telling me over and
Over again that
I'll never be good enough.

I woke up crying and
I knew why they thought I
Might be capable of suicide.
It's because I'm just so weak.
425 · Jun 2014
R Jun 2014
I can't sleep on my side. He might touch me again. He always liked me when I was on my side.
I can't enjoy sleepovers anymore, not even with my girlfriend. He likes to change her face with his, messing with me was something he was quite fond of.
Occasionally, even touching her repulses me. Not because of you darling, but because I'm so very afraid... It could be him. He's everywhere nowadays.
I'm scared to hold onto you. *But you're also the only thing keeping me from hurting myself.
R Apr 2013
What's the occasion?
What's with all the flowers?
Why did you bring them here,
It's not even at the hour!
"She died" he said
And he gasped with fright
And he sighed and said
"It was throughout the night"
He cried and cried
Then realized his whole
She wasn't dead!
She was just missing her soul!
He leaped with joy
Ran to her way
And opened the door
To finally say--

"I love you."
424 · Nov 2015
a proclamation, maybe?
R Nov 2015
You deserve so much more than the world and I'm sorry I'm not quite ready to give it to you, but I'm trying to be. I just want to be the best possible version of myself and I sure as hell have a lot to work on and I don't want to hurt you, so that's why I'm trying to keep you at a distance. I want you to be happy and I want to be there when you are and when you're not and I just want to make you smile and *******, I just want to hold your hand and to tell you that it's all gonna be okay. But everything is so complicated and my thoughts are jumbled and my throat is so tight and it's hard to say my true feelings because I need to fix some things before I can give you what you deserve. Hell, I'm probably much less that what you actually deserve, but I'd be a lot of things if it meant that I could just see you smile again and again and again.
I just need to get through some things and then you'll see, oh honey, you'll see that I'm just trying to be the best that I know I can and will be.
424 · Feb 2014
R Feb 2014
you're clouding my thoughts
so i try to cloud my thoughts with science
and thoughts of immortality
instead of thinking of the one thing
i truly cannot achieve-
423 · May 2013
24 May 2013
R May 2013
my doctor said i'm not suicidial.
my mom said i'm being dramatic and
its all for attention.
my sister says i like my doctor.
my friends, i'm not sure what they think.

i don't think i'm okay.
i think i am suicidal,
i think this is very much true,
i do like my doctor, but not like that,
and oh dear friends, what should i do?
422 · May 2015
R May 2015
never give someone the power to make you feel like you're less than nothing, because you're worth the whole ******* cosmos
******* for making me feel like that and **** myself for letting myself let you make me feel like that
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