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 Jan 2014 unnamed
You know those tears you get
When you can't stop laughing
Because you don't want to
And they just rest on your cheeks
Until you finish your laughter
And you wipe them away

You know those tears you get
When you watch a sad movie
And you feel like the characters are real
Even though they're not
And the tears just rest by your lips
Until the movie is over
And you wipe them away

You know those tears you get
When you say goodbye to a friend
And you don't want them to go
But they need to go
And the tears just rest on your chin
Until the dust settles
And you wipe them away

You know those tears you get
When you walk down the aisle
And everything is perfect
When love is beautiful
And the tears just collect on your eyes
Until you need to blink
And you wipe them away

You know those tears you get
When you remember yesterday
And you wish it were alive again
But it isn’t
And the tears just fall to the ground
They soak into the Earth
And you can't wipe them away
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
©Sebastian @
 Jan 2014 unnamed
Josh Buller
It’s you** I think of
Before I go to sleep.
It’s your voice that calms me
When I laugh myself silly.
It’s you who I think of
When times are slipping.
It’s you that will reason
With  the stupidity from me.
It’s your eyes which keep me moving
From day to each day.
It’s your warmth in your touch
That makes the butterflies take off.
It’s your kindness.
That makes me want to be a nicer guy.
It’s you that I need
When I feel lonely.
It’s you that I want
Just to hold close.
It’s you that lets me know
Everything is right in my life.
© Josh Buller 10/09/2010
 Jan 2014 unnamed
 Jan 2014 unnamed
I cut deep into my own flesh
and pour salt
lemon juice
powdered glass
into my open,
Because that pain
is under my control;
I can pretend it feels good.
I can pretend I want it.

I crack open my head
and pour out words
and fill it up with
Because losing myself
to myself
is better than losing myself
to the pain of losing you.

I want to *****
and release all my
Because then I would have
released you.
I could maybe feel lighter.
I could maybe feel better.
they told me when you smile
it lights up the whole town
but i saw you as the sun
and the moon and all the stars
because you create the summer
and brighten up the night
You wouldnt need to smile,
because you already are the light
dedicated to everything
There's a full moon
And nights like these shouldn't be wasted
Because for once,
I'm not just over here
And you're not just over there
though we were never taught,
we all smile
when we're sad
why is that?
 Jan 2014 unnamed
you don't need a boy
to pick you up when you are down
you have yourself

don't drown yourself
when you know how to swim

stay awake until you are tired
do not force yourself to sleep, or to stay conscious

if someone asks you how your day was
don't lie and say it was good, if it was not
they asked because they care

do not fear the indifference you feel
you are not numb to the whole world and it will pass

don't do anything unless you want to
this goes for ***, school, work and love

nothing in this world comes above your health
if it means failing a test, losing a job, or ending a relationship
do what you must to withhold your wellbeing

all bad things in moderation can be good
moderation is key here

love is never to be feared, nor is it to be abused
love is to be taken when needed
and given back when necessary

nobody can tell you how to live or who to love
nobody but yourself

if that boy you like
asks to take you out on a drive at midnight
and you don't think you can go, do it anyway
but stay safe

face the consequences of all of your actions
with dignity and pride

it's Friday night and the week has been tough
don't give up now
take a sip of  your parents' rosé wine
coat your lips in rouge
and love yourself
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