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 Jan 2014 unnamed
 Jan 2014 unnamed
She is seventeen

She heard his wish - the boy who wished upon her at the balcony. She heard his worries. About how he is worried of not passing his examination, about the way his parents treat him and about the way his heart never settles since the day he left his significant other.
                             "Was it my fault?"
He asked as he buried his head in his palms and stare at the falling stars on that one lucky night. A moment there he felt like the star answered him. A moment there he felt the star is looking at him in hopes he feels the magical feeling she is feeling now that she is seventeen. The magical feeling she felt and how she is too naive that she fell at first sight on the boy who told him his worries. She fell to the earth of her feelings.

She is seventeen.

Was it really hope? Did she really fell in love with hope? Or was it still the boy on that balcony? She felt the presence of faith and she knew faith was always right. By the time she really fell head over heels on hope, faith brought a friend.
Was she strong enough to trust?
Was she strong enough to have faith in her hopes.
                                   Yet she still has hopes on waking up the next day with faith by her side and trust in her heart.
        So, how does it feels to really felt right?
                         How does it feels to have the feelings at the right places?

She is seventeen.

"Do I really want to stay like this forever?" She asked herself.
               To have no worries and be a child at heart and out. To escape the reality when she really need reality to escape the magical feelings.
Did she really took Peterpan's hand and flew to Neverland and never came back?
                                     Did the sleeping pills worked?
When the clock strikes 6, and the morning came, her mom at her door knocks on thrice.
                                "Jane, wake up." With a voice as soft as the feelings of her comforters that surrounds her body.
                                                           ­             "In a minute."
She took his hand and flew to Neverland but once she saw the mermaids in Mermaid Lagoon, she swam and fell in love with water. She sat on a rock and hold Peter's hand and again she felt those magical feelings again. She kissed Peter's cheek and told him,
                                                            ­   "I need to escape this magical feelings."
And so she woke up on her bed.

She is seventeen.

Forgiving was hard.
           Forgetting was harder.
Yet, those words seems so easy for her now.
                                              The magical feelings that has long gone, made it harder.
She swam through life and sometimes she would choke on the water and stop. But she knows the ocean is big and she never stopped swimming. She met the dolphins and fishes, she even met a few big waves. But she knows there will be a boat right behind her to save her when she's drowning.
        Sometimes she felt it is stupid for her to not sculpt her life before doing anything but she loves the water ever since the Mermaid Lagoon so she continues what she loves. Sometimes she feels someone looking upon her like the boy at the balcony who told her his worries. She felt the pixie dust who tried to help her bit by bit; trying to let her fly and skip the horrendous waves.
                                                          ­Sometimes she used it
                                                              ­      Sometimes she told him no and she swam again.

She is seventeen.

Yet she danced on Jupiter, hopped on the rings of Saturn, fell in love at first sight, went to Neverland, met the mermaids, her first love was someone who never want to grow up, and she swam the oceans. *Was she still a beautiful aurora?
I answered one of my friend's prose so I used some of her words but, do enjoy.

If I told you that you mean
something to me
could you open up your mind
and see yourself more clearly
don't you understand
you don't need to be royalty
you're just as great
as a new song from Demi
so let's stop pretending
that we're not who we want to be
let's start looking in the mirror
and liking who we see.
So let's stop lying to ourselves
we're just as good
as everyone else
don't let anyone bring you down
let's just paddle ahead on this ocean of emotion
and let's stay happy and not frown.
So don't let them tell you,
that you're not great
let's not be consumed
by our own hate
for the person we see,
let's decide our fate,
so don't let it bring you down
or you'll get cut
by the mirror shards on the ground,
but you're still here,
you're still around,
you're important.
So don't cry when I can't be found,
just look inside you
and hear the sound
of these words
inside you're heart
you're meaningful, important,
and if you feel sad just go back to the start,
and read this over and over again, until you understand.
I won't stop writing until you're smiling,
and only then this poem will end.
Just remember no matter what, life is only as great as you make it. : )
 Jan 2014 unnamed
What You Are
 Jan 2014 unnamed
You're that teenage girl,
With red hair,
And too many freckles,
Secretly reading your LGBTQ book,
All alone.
Who only looks up when you hear the teacher talking,
To a group of freshmen girls,
And jokingly says,
"Boys are gross."
Inside your mind,
You couldn't agree more,
And that fact, it kills your soul,
That you hold your secret within.
The secret of who you really are.
Afraid of their shocked reactions,
And judgmental faces,
If you were to mutter the words,
"I agree."
 Jan 2014 unnamed
Ellyn k Thaiden
Two and a half years of
Hiding under my Levi's
And cheap, holey sweaters
Jackets, handed down from mother
And gloves made out of toe socks

Two and a half years of blaming
It on the cat, pointing fingers
At sharp cornered desks and
Dogs and messing around with friends
Hiding my secret, holding it close to me

Today, I took of my jacket
And the world, being cruel as it is
Forced me to crawl right back inside
With eyes prying and people touching
And their judgmental, pity looks

But tomorrow will be different
And I wont let young eyes
Stop me from being afraid
To show my forearms
I promise this

It's time for some change
Because I can't go on faking
My smile for fake people anymore
And hiding my body from the world
Because I am beautiful

Or so they say
 Jan 2014 unnamed
Jade Inman
Now you're in love, or so you think.
On the brink of infatuation, an obsession,
clinging on to whatever you can get.
But don't fret! It'll only end in regret.
These "feelings" are formed from your imagination,
An affectation of what you think you know.
But in the end you'll show, what you soon will begin to

Paining yourself, is it worth it?
You'll be burnt out, striving for mirth,
but only ending in hurt.
 Jan 2014 unnamed
I have a lot of words for you,
but most are going to be left unspoken.
The only think I can say now,
is I'm strong,
but as a beautiful song once said,
"Even the best fall down sometimes."
I'm sorry.
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