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 Jun 2013 Rae
Never Forget
 Jun 2013 Rae
You walked into my life
Leaving traces of yourself
Making sure I would never forget you
How could I?
You were my rock, my anchor.
You kept me sane

I never thought that I would have to learn
To deal with the rest of the world
Without you here

You weren't my lover
We each had our own happiness
But my dear friend

Why did they steal you away from me?

Who gave them right?
Who told them it was okay?
Who granted permission for them to take you from me?
Maybe I'm selfish
You belonged to not only me
But I can't help but think

Why did you nestle yourself in my soul?
Why does it hurt so much?
Why does it feel like I lost a huge part of myself?

I needed you
I still need you
But you're not here
To smile and laugh
To cure the boredom

Chase away my demons
With your kind words
My mental sanity

Don't be afraid
I could never forget you
Like you never forgot me
Only two months. How am I going to survive the rest of my life? I don't know if I can.

Two months ago today my best friend was taken from me. Time doesn't heal wounds. It just gives you more to think about.
 Jun 2013 Rae
Jake McPherson
Every good thing must come to an end.
Everytime they'll be a side that doesn't win.
One will be left with a broken heart,
And one will be fine when they part.
One will struggle to fall asleep,
And one will find another one to keep.
The heart never breaks evenly.
One side pain is always much stronger.
There is no way to weather this storm,
No medicine to heal the scorn.
The pain will burrow deep within,
The mind will collapse and and grow dim.
The thought of how it all began will stick around,
The first date will replay without sound.
All that will be seen within are smiles and laughs,
The way you looked in her eyes and took a gasp.
The way you thought to yourself "How'd i get so lucky"
The thought that maybe it'll be me.
You lean in for the first kiss,
Scared to think what will happen next.
Wandering if your strong enough to fall,
Wandering if you should tear down that wall.
Maybe this one will always be there for me,
Maybe this one would like to care for me.
Thoughts are racing through your head,
Your heart sinks down and drops dead.
The first date goes by with out a hitch,
11:11 comes on the clock and you make a wish.
You wish that this one will last,
That this one will clear your past.
The days turn to weeks and the weeks to months,
Your both having fun not worrying once.
Then someone from their past comes into light,
Suddenly she remembers a past delight.
The anger begins to flow when you see this,
Your eyes become green with jealousness.
The smiles you once carried together suddenly fade,
Those lovely smiles just fade away.
A small rip in one sides heart begins to form,
While the others is being reborn.
As the **** goes deep and the ***** gets steeper,
One sides mind begins to crumble,
The drinks start flowing down with every angry mumble,
You don't know how to get her back,
To fix your hearts deadly crack.
You'd do anything to push the new guy away,
To convince your baby to just stay.
To have her remember all the good times you've had,
That us together really wasn't that bad.
Your heart pounds at night,
Because you can see whats in sight.
You know whats about to come,
That she has already chosen someone.
That someone isn't you,
And you no that you'll be blue.
And you knew that this would happen,
There was no way you could stop them.
All you wanted was for her to see,
For her to see what you could be,
But in the end this is how life will go.
One ends with a crushed heart,
One ends with a new start.
Inside the pages of our memory
You sat against the hollow tree
Waiting as the leaves fell like pages turned
With every word tucked behind a door
Of a moment we once lost

Your eyes following the journey of the skies
As the birds danced to a song we once knew
I see you like words piercing through my mind
The story that never leaves
Even with the last period drawn

The rain falls like droplets of tears
And the wind sings a song
A sweet melody of the hollow tree
Telling of a story we once held dear
Penned inside the pages of our memory

You sat against the hollow tree
Inside the pages of our memory
And try to listen to the beat of a pumping vessel
Just waiting
The light shines in
As the window creeks open
The wind hits my face
Darling, where have you been?

The lonely days I've spent
Longing after you
Leave an aching in my soul
And searching for the truth

What other soul has grabbed your attention?
Has my memory withered away?
Was this always your intention?
To abandon me someday?

My being is only half without you
You're nowhere to be found
So I'll sit here, half a heart,
Until you come around
 Dec 2012 Rae
 Dec 2012 Rae
I stumbled,
before you ever thought of catching me.
Before the pools of light swimming in my eyes,
became fixated on your spark.
I fell,
melting into the skies.
Until your love
left me wandering in the dark.

I knew as you fell,
for I saw the light hit you.
Illuminating darkened corners,
I saw your bright colours,
and so faltered.
For a moment we soared,
as light as the morning dew.
Till we crashed from the heights,
our realities altered.

I was gone,
the second fate’s lips touched mine,
my sweet demise.
All the while,
as though part of my hearts design.
I fell prey to a wolf,
who cared not for our guise.

I felt myself yearning,
aching to know more.
So I looked for a moment,
to the depths of my soul.
When you told me though,
that your soul too was sore.
I knew that we needed,
a way to both be whole.

And so I stand now,
my wings they are broken.
Yours too, have been clipped,
for this is life’s torment.
Words fall from my lips,
and yet remain unspoken.
I cry for a new moon,
and with it, our loves assent.
 Dec 2012 Rae
Aiden Williams
Lights on,
No sign of a camera.
Not tonight.
Three minutes of bliss,
Or three decades of love.
By all means pay for her bed.
If you must.

You do not pay with money,
But you pay for her bed.
A love built to last forever
Where time is paid instead,
You pay for it together.
Love is the word of the day.
Where two become three
The creation of a daughter.

Pay for her bed.
So small, so innocent.
Such ignorance of life,
Such bliss,
It's Heaven sent.
Pay for her bed
18, 19, 20 years strong
Daddy's little girl
Doesn't remember that long.

Pay for her bed,
That's what she said.
Lovers love,
Actors act,
One ring on one finger
A one-sided pact.
Beauty encourages such ugly things
A boat full of roses,
That one diamond ring.
Just at her scent
He pays for her bed.
Eyes once were white,
Now painted with red.
Just one more payment,
Surrounded by her scent.
Unable to repent.
Forever more
He pays for her rent.
 Dec 2012 Rae
Emanuel Martinez
In our life, time won't matter
Ooh don't you worry baby
I'll be right here waiting for you

In our future, I see we'll be together
Ooh don't you fret baby
Right now, we might be too young to settle

In our world, there will be no trouble
Ooh don't you get scared baby
You'll be alright till I come safe you

In our thoughts, there will be no words of sorrow
Ooh don't you think too hard baby
My lips will one day capture you

In our hearts, appropriations will be on loan
Ooh don't be too quick to sell out baby
When I come around, you'll be mine forever

Ooh don't you worry about me baby
Stop thinking about me, until the time is right
I'll always be here for you

Until that day, to have loved you
Is what I'll be proud of, Is what I hope for
Even if I don't know who you are

Till that moment when I know you are
I'll be ready; happy knowing you exist
December 11, 2012
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