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 Dec 2012 Rae
Nik Bland
 Dec 2012 Rae
Nik Bland
Carry me love as the morning sun fades
For I am a pilgrim who is worlds away
And this planet of your seems only to be getting colder

Rockets fly above beyond the human eye
Amongst Earth's stars there are cars in the sky
Wrap me in a blanket, put your head on my shoulder

Tell me of the fools, who love instantly
Count them all out, don't forget to add me
I am weak-kneed at the sight of you, oh the wonder

For I have seen stars sing their sweet lullabies
Been throughout the heavens, the highest of high
Yet none can compare to world that is you

Give me some notice when your eyes are closing
Dream and create things while you are dozing
This alien to your land will be ever gazing

Feeling each heartbeat as well lay on the grass
Watching the waving comet fly past
Reflecting in your eyes, which are simply blazing

 Dec 2012 Rae
Olga Valerevna
She brought me an apple and held out her hand 
the tree she had plucked from would lay out the plan 
Partake of this perfect communion with me
those were the words she had whispered, her plea
And should you accept it, the offer she gives
you'll see a world in which everyone lives
Not like the one where our bodies may dwell
that is laden with burdens and personal hells 
In contrast reality'll seep through your bones
exposing the parts of you no one else knows 
And this be the knowledge you'll gain from a bite
that the morsel ingested will turn into light 
It is harbored within until time becomes ripe
and swallows internally all of your strife 
For everything done was completed in truth
to finish the work that was started in you
 Dec 2012 Rae
Emily Reardon
 Dec 2012 Rae
Emily Reardon
I wrote this for you
Though you don’t know,
And in all actuality,
Most likely never will.
But I wrote this for you,
I did it any way.
No gratifying smile
Or embrace will come
At the end of this
Arduous connection
Of vowels and consonants.
But, I did it any way
And word after word
That you will never read
Creep their way from
Brain to page at
An astonishing rate.
I wrote this for you
With care and love,
I did it any way
So here you are:
Though you may never know
This is yours.
 Dec 2012 Rae
I don't move,
I orbit.

I hopscotch the squares where love can be.
Where it has already been.

I don't move [forward],
I orbit [to where I may belong]

I am homesick for everyone
I've ever met.

Most major decisions are based
on the statistic probability of a kiss,
because to be loved
is to be corporeal.

My heart doesn't guide me,
theirs do.

I follow my bloodlines
and shake the tree
for fruit.

This is how it goes:
With each breath I draw,
one for me
one for you.
 Dec 2012 Rae
Emily Reardon
I'm in love with you
and I never expected this.
Never expected that, for
the first time, there would be
no miscommunication on
that 18 inch path from
my brain to my heart;
I saw no green light where
there should have been red.
Every sign points to you.
And now I am in-
fallen so deep that the
rest of the world seems far
away, lost in the confusion
of things that aren't as
clear as this: my feelings for you.
So that's why, when your
eyes meet mine I know-
I'm in love with you.
 Dec 2012 Rae
We have that sudden silence
That sudden random silence
All due to your acts of violence
that not only damaged my mind
But put bullets through my heart

You think that relationships are an art?
Not exactly.

You give what you can take, actually
and as a matter of fact
you don't give enough to deserve me
You see, I'm like a tree

I have branches, and layers, that not everyone can see
and because of your foul misconception
of choosing someone in the opposite direction
you'll never see my leaves.

You'll never touch the heart on my sleeves
Because people like you, don't deserve trees like me
People like you deserve grime
People that have the inability to shine

And you don't care

Because finding something meaningful, you wouldn't dare
All that matters to you is the next satisfaction
Treating people as your tissues in this chain reaction
You're right when you said you weren't worth fighting for

*Because you're the last thing I would waste my time to adore
Vent... sounds better read aloud. And the last part was excruciatingly necessary :)
 Dec 2012 Rae
Nik Bland
I will lose you today and there's nothing I can do
For all the love I've put in this and all that we've been through
I find these tears that we both share are futile, but never few
And I am sad to say that I know I'll lose you

I will search for you, my love and discover you are gone
And I will find that with you also left the dawn
And the moon will not shine upon this loveless island that I'm on
To me I find the misery of life is often drawn

I will miss you when you leave me and this hole will not be filled
The beating of this heart of mine will be forever stilled
And this loss is not pertaining to hope, neither is it the lack of will
But still inside my sparks are divided by such an icy chill

And my soul screams I will lose you today and there's nothing to be done
And so I dread this loss and relish my last rising sun
For I know that the loss of this warmth in me has already begun
As heartbreak throws me back to a battle I thought I already won...

...I'm sorry.
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