of a sandwich a smoke a beer
at the end of a hard day
a word of praise
a smile from the world
cognizant of the real world
hardness and people's fears
I sit and contemplate
why I feel so god ****** good
getting a Daily
when all I write is simple
heart and feelings and connecting
as much as I might to fellow
humans and their dreams
desires laugh
and try to cry with them
I got rewarded when you wrote back commented hearted
it's more than I deserve to be paraded as the Daily
but it was all of you who made it happen
and I won't forget or take it as my championing
it is ours our dream our sweetness our caring in full view now
the working man
the lone poet
the songstress alone at her keyboard
a bit of song a few hellos a heart a word here and there
not a popularity contest
each is equal to me
and deserving
this is your Daily, too
on HP!