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Rachael Judd Jun 2015
Dear Trevor Matthew May,

One day far from now, you'll look back on this. You might read it once and shove it in the top right drawer of your desk, or you might re-read every single line till you have it memorized. Maybe you'll take a quick glance at it and blur all the words together to make just one black shadow on the paper. At least it will make you think of me...

Once i told you, that the moon makes me think of you. I remember when i thought that. I was sitting on my back porch smoking a cigarette with Lewis Watson "sink or swim" playing in the background. Which we decided that was our song. The moon was just a sliver through the evergreen trees. And thats how i saw you. Even the slightest part of you was so bright that it shined through evergreen trees and warmed my cold heart. Your heat has spread through me like wildfire and there's not much ice left in my body.

I know that your sneezes come in pairs, when one comes, there's always another. I know that you crinkle your nose every few minutes and that your mouth twitches into a small curve when i whisper your name. I know where your sensitive spot is, right below your belt. I glide my hand along your happy trail and your body wriggles and squirms then you burst out in laughter as i hold your face a kiss you till your still.

I used to think that life was this huge ball made of glass that i could throw at the wall and watch it shatter. I used to think that it was all pointless and that nothing lasted forever and it would soon be over. I remember holding death in the palm of my hand. Just a few simple pills that could end everything. As they were starring back at me i realized i couldn't leave, not just yet. I needed to stay, not for myself but for the people around me. I thought that maybe no one would care if i was gone, and maybe they still wont. But i couldn't take the risk. People say suicide is selfish but people don't understand the thoughts running through a suicidal persons mind.

Your eyes are brown with hidden specks of gold flakes in them, they shine golden on a sunny day with the lights just right. I think i fell in love with your eyes because theres this quote from a book that i hold dearly to my heart, "as dawn goes down today, nothing gold can stay." Your eyes remind me of that because some days your eyes are gold and others they're this dark gloomy brown thats warm and comforting. Nothing golden can stay just like the flakes in your eyes or the sun, it always dies for the moon.

I saw you in a crowded room full of people everyday for a year. Sitting in the same classroom, barely knowing each other. I saw your curly brown hair and your smile when you laughed, i noticed the way you move your hands and the way your eyes shifted to mine, everyday i saw you, barely able to say your name. Anxiety was a prison back then, who would have known you would be the one that i fell in love with.

There are moments when i doubt that you love me, there are times when i feel to ahead of myself and i know I'm not ready. But there's never a dull moment with you, its always something and thats when i know i love you. I remember the first time we "tried" to make love to one another. It was a complete disaster, we laughed and giggled at the way out bodies lined up, and your chin hit my forehead and then you'd kiss it to make it feel better, or when we would laugh so hard our belly ached we we kissed and our lips made the **** like sound.

But i remember the time we did make love, i could feel you, every single part of you. Buried deep inside me, i felt you. I felt us, just one being, one person. I remember crying afterwards because im emotional and i cant handle big things or change. I remember you whispering in my ear, "this will be your real first time". And in that moment i knew, you would be the one to break me. With all your love and all your heart, it would shatter me to pieces in one soft moment.

Theres gonna be times when I'm sad and i don't know why, there will be times when i just want to cry myself to sleep. Its this chemical in my brain that make me sad, its just an unbalanced chemical.  Im sorry that i cant always be happy. I wont always be the person you want me to be, and for that i am deeply sorry. I want to be the one that will always make you happy, but sometimes i just cant.  I promise you that i will always try my hardest. I will try to make you happy and show you how much i love you, i will try to show you that you are the one.


Not quite finished, but I'm close
Rachael Judd May 2015
Mother Nature is calling me home
telling me to escape this horrid place
she whispers in my ear through the wind
saying all the flowers are dead
come with me and you will feel alive
sunflowers and  dandelions
will cover your eyes
there are no dead roses
and trees cut from there souls
only waterfalls filled with healing powers
and sun dazed smiles
She says run with me
and as she grasps my hand
I can feel the earth within her
She tells me run, don't be afraid
we have to leave this place
escape to the moon
so we can watch from above
where everyone looks like ants
and we have the magnifying glass
watching them burn and squirm
and life leaving there dead eyes.
Rachael Judd May 2015
I guess its the moon that makes me think of you, all the emotion in that tiny circle in the sky, it fills me with happiness because i picture you and a smile creeps upon my face and maybe its because im crazy or a little insane but i swear baby i cant get enough of you, your eyes light up like fireflies in the dead of night and your smile grows bigger everytime we kiss and your laugh is beyond beautiful with its cute little giggle. Your heart is the size of the sun filled with laughter and love. I just cant get enough of you and all you make me feel. Even when its the intimate moments we laugh and play around though sometimes you stare into my eyes and all i can do is stare back and admire you, you the person i love is looking at me with wide eyes and a smirk. But i know you love me too, and thats why you remind me of the moon.
Rachael Judd May 2015
How could you love a girl with a broken smile and a black heart. How could you say you love me when I'm crying on your collar bone. Why do you love me, when I have sad eyes and stories that dont end. You say it like your gasping for breath, that it took everything you had and shot it into thin air, waiting for me to grab your love and say it back. I promise you im trying to catch it, but my eyes have gotten blurry and my head has started to fell fuzzy. Somehow it fades, the tears have rolled down my checks falling on the curve of my nose as your hand glides along my face wiping away the pain. Then I say it, the words blurt out of my mouth like something in my mouth tasted like bile and i had to spit the words out. But I mean it, I love you. With my heart on my sleeve and my lungs unable to breathe. I love you with all the pain in my chest and the butterflies in the pit of my stomach.
Rachael Judd May 2015
You ****** with my head
Turning my arms into strings
My mind into nothing
Im just a puppet with no brain
No heart, no soul
You took away the only thing I was able to control
You took away my youth, my confidence, my strength
You held me by my arms and told me not to move
Even with tears streaming down my face staining the sheets and blood leaving my body
You wouldn't stop
You made me into a puppet
With no will power to move on my own
Just waiting for you to pull another string
And let you **** me
Rachael Judd May 2015
I crave you,
Your like an addiction
Like a pack of cigarettes
A small blue pill
A shot of Alcohol
You've crawled your way under my skin
You've dug a hole deep into my heart
Making it ache when your not touching me
Making it break when your not holding me
You've made my lungs squeeze for air when you grab my hair
You've made my insides burst with fire when you say my name
You've made my blood race through my body like an ocean wave
I crave you
Your like an addiction
Rachael Judd May 2015
I know thats my face
Those are my hands
They move when I move
Her eyes blink when I feel mine shut
I know that is my body, bird like and thin
That is my nose that hooks at the end
Those are my clothes I remember putting on before bed
My eyes are darkening and the walls are starting to cave in
Breathing is harder, worse than smoking a cigarette
My body is numb
I cant tell if this is reality
I hear my voice saying
Come back
Im escaping, leaving, running away from all the fears I am forced to face
I feel my knees grow weak
And my body sinks
To the floor and my cheeks grow wet
With makeup covered tears
I don't remember wanting to cry
Reality is no more
A dream is all I can see
With dandelions
And trees
With bare feet
And a cool breeze
The floor becomes softer and all I do is sink
Like a dead weight in the sea
An anchor tied around my ankles
Letting ocean water drown my sorrows
But this cant be true
Im standing in the bathroom
With wet cheeks
Trembling hands
And clothes I put on before bed
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