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Apr 2014 · 12.5k
Water and Flame
r Apr 2014
As water is to cleansing rain
and heat as to burning flame,
so are you to me; the same.
My fiery rain.

Fill the gutter of my mind.
Fire the coal your heart has mined.
Burn me to the end of time.
Your fire does reign.

r ~ 4/1/14
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
The Disappeared
r Mar 2014
Their words
Like the softest cannon fire
Shrapnel finding every mark
In blood and brain and bone
and heart
Leaving us to bleed
for more
Till fire, now silenced
turns to dark.

Mar 2014 · 830
Still Night Lodge
r Mar 2014
Still night broken by call of soul owl
watching over the lodge of my father's brother.
The next world awaits my uncle.

His walking clothes prepared.
His feather oiled to a brave sheen.
Knife freshly sharpened in beaded sheath.

He calls to owl. I'm ready.
The women begin the journey chant.
My father dances with joy tears.

Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Read to Me Softly
r Mar 2014
Read to me
while I lie here with eyes closed against the sky.
  Read to me with passion
of the smell of lemon
  and musk wrapped in silk and satin.

  I rest here in your voice and drink
your very words.
  Read to me with lilt of breath.
Breathe me to the brink
  of lasting
as I sink into your sighs.

Read to me gently,
  read softly into the night.

r ~ 27Mar14
Mar 2014 · 948
r Mar 2014
'Was built a wall of loneliness
The blocks were made of hopelessness
No door, no gate, no openings
A moat within the inner ring
The sides sloped down to emptiness

'Was kept away the happiness
With salty tears so copious
The songbirds cried and took to wing
'Was built a wall of loneliness

The sky lay down in weariness
Grey clouds did tire of dreariness
So steep the walls no vine could cling
So cold the wall kept out the spring
All hearts cried out in brokenness
'Was built a wall of loneliness.

r ~ 26Mar14
A cold March day rondeau.
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
Sniffed by Wolves
r Mar 2014
He sniffed the wolves
~found them wanting
Wolves sniffed of him
~found him daunting

The shepherd fears
not beast of prey
With shiverin' lambs
he greets each day

Upon the hills
and braky glen~
shepherd watches
o'er his friends

And when the night
calls lambs to sleep
the shepherd sings
while grey wolves weep.

r ~ 25Mar14
Mar 2014 · 871
Shade and Color
r Mar 2014
Life provides the contours.
Poets provide the shading and colors.

r ~ 23Mar14
Mar 2014 · 835
Endless Minutes
r Mar 2014
I spent the lonely evening counting
minutes/ on a digital clock
while whiling away the empty hours
Imagining the tick/ and tock
and chime of clocks on towers
Where time is full of sounding

Not quite the same
this clock of mine
The ticks don't tock,
the tocks don't chime
How does the chime
know when to rhyme?

I spent the lonely evening dreaming/
of lands where distant towers beckon
Clocks that strike with vibrant sound
a chime that rhymed/ in reckless abandon
Disturbed the sky and shook the ground
So long the endless minutes seeming

Red-eyed/ digital numbers gleaming.

r ~ 23Mar14
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
r Mar 2014
The chimney on top of hill
with tumbleweed surrounds
Wind-scarred handfired brick
red as Autumn's dress
Ballast stone adorned foundation
carted from far distant shore
Stones once stored in hold of ships
from even further lands
Stones mined by strangers
speaking many languages
except his own, the builder
of this chimney, forlorn marker
against the sky
All that remains of his home
Well balanced, builder
Well founded.

r ~ 23Mar14
Inspired by a photo on Harlon Rivers' page, and discussion with him of his capturing this stark marker. Hats off to Harlon, scribe, explorer of the heart with words and pictures.  Check him out here:
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
Earth in Me
r Mar 2014
So much water, so much iron
Alas, no gold, but copper by the ion
Glows in my skin late summer days
And tastes of blood and flint and maize

******* salt, my spit, my hair
Breathe my tender air, my mollis aer
Anoint me with a cloak of sweat
And with my sword I will beget

The earthy side of me, you see
Nickel, zinc, ah, yet no mercury
Take my dirt, my earth, my stones
Build a castle with my bones.

r ~ 21Mar14
Mar 2014 · 538
I'll Go to Bed Now (10 W)
r Mar 2014
And dream that ya'll
have grown a sense of humor.
Mar 2014 · 977
Fallow Field of Words
r Mar 2014
In fallow field
   Where corn once grew
I chanced upon
   An old mule shoe
I pondered on
   The many miles
The shoe had plod
   In mulish style

In river bed
   Now dry as bone
I came upon
   A worn millstone
Wondered aloud
   The wagons full
Of new milled corn
   The mule had pulled

In old grey barn
   Within a stall
I found these words
   Carved on the wall
George Washington
   Once slept here
Best **** mule
   From far and near


r ~ 20Mar14
Sorry, couldn't resist.  I'm brayin' for inspiration.
Mar 2014 · 937
r Mar 2014
She came to us on wings of Spring
Of Marian the birds did sing
Her cat-nipped tails tells tales
Do make hearts swell
And to her a sweet refrain
Happy Birthday, Marian

r ~ 20Apr14
Happy Birthday, Marian; and many, many more.
Mar 2014 · 3.3k
Pirates Cove
r Mar 2014
Water wives live sheltered lives
Amongst the coves where pirates rove

Daily catch is makers match
Where red hot stoves hide fresh baked loaves

Water men are thick and thin
So often strove where shipmates hove

Water child is often wild
The treasure trove where pirates roved

r ~ 19Mar14
All in fun, my village friends.
Mar 2014 · 13.7k
Cactus Moon
r Mar 2014
The waning hours
Asleep in time
A dream in rhyme
Desert sublime
So says the moon
So setting soon
Upon the dunes
Cactus flowers

r ~ 19Mar14
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
A Dog in My Garden
r Mar 2014
His dog died,
and that’s all there was to it.
Except it wasn’t.
Those words in between,
the missing of a friend,
the times relived;  companion
dog that did him in.  Joyful.
Bit his heart and made him write
such words so right,
that I went home
and kissed my dog
and played with her in the garden.
And we both lay down in the dirt,
and will again tonight, and every night.
Until she sleeps.  And I with Daisy.
All because his dog died.

r ~ 18Mar14
On Pablo Neruda's "A Dog Has Died", Poetry Magazine, February 1999.
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
Heart of the Kettle
r Mar 2014
For me, it's not courage
or a lack of it
that keeps me hanging
'round. When I boil it
down, it's love in the bottom
of the kettle that keeps me
breathing. I don't think it is
possible to love too much,
but man, I feel like I've been
breathing for a long **** time.

r ~ 16Mar14
Mar 2014 · 1.6k
Bluebird Rain Dance
r Mar 2014
Gray permeates day\
   Bluebirds dancing in puddles
   with raindrops splashing.

r ~ 16Mar14
Mar 2014 · 761
Young Man
r Mar 2014
The way his shoulders move in walk
The way he tilts his head in thought
The laughter in his eyes

Enough to make an old man cry

He does them in the same young ways
Just as he did in yesterdays
When he was still a child

Enough to make his old man smile

r ~ 15Mar14
For Noah.  "Old man take a look at my life..."  Neil Young
r Mar 2014
You send National Register of Historic Places Evaluation of the Freeman Creek Site, 31ON076 back to the contractor without payment because the Methodology chapter had no rhyme or meter (or reason, for that matter).  

r ~ 14Mar14
Anyone seeing a pattern here?
Mar 2014 · 752
My Rock Garden
r Mar 2014
Hello ****, some water?
You're looking well for
Such an old stone.
Wish I could say the same
For Keith, but then, he's
Aging real, isn't he? :)
He ain't fading away too soon.
Well, I'd like to say that time is on my side
But I'm all out of time and I have
Yesterday's papers to read before
Dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. Let's spend
The night together and paint it black next time.

Ah, John John. There you are.
Why, you don't look any older
Than the day you metamorphosed.
Pardon me while I flick that lady bug
Off your back. Always were popular with the gals, weren't you. Speaking of, Eleanor Rigby stopped by yesterday to help me with some chores and offered to take you to her strawberry fields forever if I would give you up. I told her that she was in line behind Abbey up the road and Penny down the lane. You hound dog, you.

Eric, you old derrick. Seen a domino
'Round here. I seem to have misplaced one.
Watch it, I see some snake eyes in those
Weeds. Need to get that old *** Layla out.
What, lazy?  Your faith in me is blind, old son.
You are in the presence of the lord of the stones.

Mr Fogerty, how ya been?  Nice day today, eh?  
Have you ever seen the rain like last week?  Coming down like water out of Niagara. I was beginning to wonder who'll stop the rain. We were fortunate, son. Coulda flooded.

There you are, big as a dirigible and heavy as lead. Large enough to be a cornerstone to that stairway to heaven.  Ought to have named
You Zeppelin.  We could use you to build a dam for when the levee breaks. By the way, seen a black dog around here lately?  Neighbor Bill's been going through some good times and bad times. He's feeling dazed and confused since his old lady said babe, I'm leavin' you and now his dog has run off. Man sure could use a whole lotta love. Well, best be movin' on.

There he is!  My main man, Neil. Bud, you are showing your age, but still rockin' in the free world, I see. I remember the day I found you down by the river some time back after the gold rush. I was feeling helpless till that pretty cowgirl in the sand with a heart of gold took pity on this old man and gave me a hand loading you up into the back of my VW.  It was like threading a needle, and the damage done to my back without her help would have been something awful. She was a real cinnamon, that girl. From Ohio, if I recall. Well, I see the sky about to rain, looks like a hurricane may be coming. Could be a real thrasher. Tonight's the night that we shoulda been having a harvest moon. Well hey hey my my old friend. Time for this southern man to head on in. You hang loose, and I'll be seeing you in the by and by.

r ~ 14Mar14.
Silly, I know. But reminiscing through the music of my past this eve. Not complete by any means. Had to start with the early memories. Liking this will certainly date you. r
Mar 2014 · 501
r Mar 2014
I listened to what she didn't say.
Volumes and volumes.
No brevity there.
And so loud that I barely
heard her say

r ~ 13Mar14
Mar 2014 · 890
Little One
r Mar 2014
A wrinkle in time
       born with hair gray
  and fragile bones
       jutting against feathered skin.
Black eyes cry
           for joy that day brings.
  Child of ages sings
         to Mother Earth.

r ~ 13Mar14
Mar 2014 · 605
U Scorpii
r Mar 2014
Black sand morning sky~
   Scorpion strikes from the south
   Orion hides now

r ~ 13Mar14
Scorpius nicely visible in southern sky this morning at 0445.
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
Broken Wing Ruse
r Mar 2014
With broken wing
She tried to fly
A broken wing
The ruse she tried
On broken wing
The sigh, it died
For broken wing
Her lover cried

r ~ 12Mar14
Mar 2014 · 820
Where Ornamentals Grow
r Mar 2014
In deepest wood
  A home once stood
Roses bloom by chimney fall
       An old stone wall
Lines remnant trail
Gives heed to open well
                     Where lilacs trace
                           An empty space
                       And fills the air
              With scent to wear
                 An apple tree
       And mulberries
           An old home site
                 In morning light

r  ~  9Mar14
Mar 2014 · 2.2k
To Ocean's Roar
r Mar 2014
To ocean's roar--the sea oats dance
To music of--nor'easter's glance
Holding fast on--windswept seashore
Lending hand to--rippled dunes' chore

Paniculata's--feathered lance
Leaves not the sand--to nature's chance
To leave in dunes--an open door
To ocean's roar

Sea oats seeking--perfect balance
Barren beach and--storm's dalliance
Shorebirds nesting--while sea gulls soar
Still ocean tries--and shouts for more
Sea oats bending--yet still they dance
To ocean's roar

r ~ 9Mar14
Minor beach erosion from recent storm. Sea oats holding fast.
Mar 2014 · 995
r Mar 2014
Sky bleeds thin red line__
    Obsidian blade cuts deep
    hinterland of time.

r ~ 8Mar14
Thin red line on horizon just before dawn this morning.
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
Upon the Stones
r Mar 2014
Upon the stones the lichen grows
For those asleep in earth below
And those awake who tears do weep
To green the grass with sorrow’s seep
To honor love their hearts bestow

The lichen sleeps beneath the snow
Through cold and ice of winter woe
Awaits the warmth and summer’s creep
Upon the stones the lichen grows

In shadow rain or summer glow
It hears the words of belle or beau
It fears not time or grounds man’s sweep
The lichen guards eternal sleep
For here in each and every row
Upon the stones the lichen grows

r ~ 7Mar14
First attempt at a Rondeau.
Mar 2014 · 904
Desert Life
r Mar 2014
Desert pool shimmers/
   Drinking water from cupped hands
   Cool sweetness of life

r ~ 5Mar14
Mar 2014 · 950
Lonely Planet
r Mar 2014
Seven billion strong
and each one of us
alone in our thoughts.

r ~ 3Mar14
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
r Mar 2014
Sailing feathered clouds across the blue sky
Haloed sundogs clinging to white mares’ tails
Storied concentric glories way up high
I’ll leave a soft rainbow colored contrail

Sailing feathered clouds across the blue sky
Flying towards the sun’s healing golden crown
Come and sing when you see me sailing by
Let go the darkness and let light resound

Sailing feathered clouds across the blue sky
Shards of memories and rose colored ice
My love my love my love let go the sigh
Please remember me to the by and by

r ~ 3Mar14
Mar 2014 · 888
Celestial Bear
r Mar 2014
Big Bear swims tonight-
    Stars reflecting on water
    Painted by van Gogh
r ~ 1Mar14
Alkaid, Mizar, Alioth, Megrez, Phecda, Merak and Dubhe reflecting on the still black water of the Bay tonight.
Mar 2014 · 436
r Mar 2014
I liked her direct approach.
Over the phone wouldn't do;
she had to tell me in person.
Otherwise, it wouldn't have
            hurt enough.

r ~ 1Mar14
Mar 2014 · 542
r Mar 2014
I stopped fearing you
the day you started smiling at me.
Why?  No, not pride.
I swallowed that with whiskey
and spat it out time and again
many years ago. Stupidity?
I hope not. Maybe just a bit
of the lizard part of my brain,
but not the flight half.
I'm simply tired of running
and fighting seems like a
much better way to go.  So,
hello and welcome to my show.
Reap when you are ready.
I'll not weep.

r ~ 28Feb14
Mar 2014 · 2.7k
r Mar 2014
Friggin' the best of
All maritime words
Lash the friggin' tops'l
Friggin' foresail
Fifteen friggin' frigates
Five friggin' fathoms deep
Flotsam friggin' jetsam
Friggin' me timbers
Friggin' boson's mate
Scrub the friggin' deck
Aye aye, friggin' Captain

It just feels so right

As spicy as Jamaican ***
It rolls right off the tongue
Like a *****'s pearl
Just like a friggin'*****'s pearl,

r~ 28Feb14
Feb 2014 · 647
r Feb 2014
Faded snapshots through time
Where each moment was real
And the world was all mine
Straight and strong was my keel
r ~ 28Feb14
Keel-- believed to be the very first word in the English language recorded in writing.
Feb 2014 · 966
Life Palimpsest
r Feb 2014
Contradicting indicators
Past experience
Scraped away

Accumulated iterations
My a priori

Final augmented reality
Melding of layers
Cleansing clay

My hallowed now where pagan past was
Empty white parchment
For today

r ~ 27Feb14
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
The Professor
r Feb 2014
Standing head and shoulders
Above seated students
Professing all he knows
And much he doesn't
Through squeaky chalk
Bored with lessons learned
Tattered black jacket collar
Covered with white dust
Like the dandruff
Of  faded knowledge
Waiting for the last bell
And cacophony of students
Exiting for a night on the town
So he can trudge through
The gray slush home
To empty house and
Microwaved sirloin tv dinner
Wishing he had a yipping poodle
Instead of the silent company
Of Jim Beam to while away his hours

r ~ 26Feb14
I don't know, either.
r Feb 2014
Sochi dogs sleep now
that ***** riot has been contained.

r~ 25Feb14
Feb 2014 · 843
Law of Common Fate
r Feb 2014
Those deep cut lines
Perfect designs
Chiseled by years
To channel tears
To taste the salt
Of life's gestalt

r ~ 24Feb14
r Feb 2014
Back in my rebel days (yester)
I sported a spelunking bumper sticker
On my 1972  VW pop-up camper van
That read Free Floyd Collins
Totally apolitical well intentioned humor
Concerning one of my pasttimes that surprisingly
Never maimed or killed me
Whilst reporting for an official call for jury duty
The uptight and obviously a **** (did I just say that?)
Prosecutor enquired during jury selection
As to whether any of us prospectives
Had bumper stickers and if so
What they might say
The NRA sticker guy next to me
And the I'd Rather Be Fishin'  and NASCAR
Sticker guy next to him
Passed with smugly flying colors
(red needless to say)
While the 72 year old nun
With the Amnesty International sticker
Didn't fair so well
And was promptly burned at the stake
(I kid you)
Needless to say
The long-haired Harvard educated
Native American
With the Doctors Without Borders
And the Remember Wounded Knee
With a not so discreet AIM sticker thrown in to boot
Also got the boot
Pondering the merits of the court stenographer's
Shapely fingers while judiciously confidently awaiting my turn
It never ocurred to me that Mr. Collins might be
So wrongly accused as to have me
Rejected and summarily ejected
From jury duty
A travesty of justice
I say
If for no other reason than I was so looking forward to
Sticking it to the Man
You can imagine my surprise and disappointment
As I wandered down to the Shamrock
To catch Terry O'Leary do a slam
And raise a glass to
Bobby Sands

r~ 22Feb14
Floyd Collins: 1887-1925. Pioneering cave exploer from Kentucky. Mr. Collins died as a result of exposure and dehydration after being trapped in Mammoth Cave despite many attempted rescues. RIP, Floyd. True that my Free Floyd Collins bumper sticker resulted in my not getting selected for jury duty. I kid you not.
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
In the Shadow of a Dream
r Feb 2014
In the shadow
of a dream
I see
a melody
a harmony
a rhapsody
awaiting me*

r ~ 22Feb14
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Perfect Storm
r Feb 2014
From dream awakening
To perfect storm
With silver lightening
The sky adorned
Molecules in excitation
Trees bow in  supplication
A perfect dissertation
From my 0300 weather station

r ~ 22Feb14
Most awesome storm this early morn.
Feb 2014 · 525
The Happy Habit
r Feb 2014
Of all of the habits that I have claimed
  The ones that could have maimed
The ones that could have killed me
   Should have stilled me
And those that will eventually
    Somehow I missed the habit of simply
Being happy
    The habit of greeting each dawn
As another day won
    Like my sweet Daisy
Rolling on her back in the grass
    Beneath warm sun

r ~ 21Feb14
Feb 2014 · 911
Night Listens to My Dreams
r Feb 2014
Night listens to my dreams
And tells me what they mean
I dreamt the moon was blue
A wan and pallid hue
I'm told because of you

Dreams of sky in motion
Mirrored on the ocean
The dream it couldn't stay
The tide washed clouds away
I'm told pain comes in waves

I dreamt you turned to ice
The stars froze in your eyes
The shadow of the moon
Took you away too soon
I'm told love led to ruin

r ~ 20Feb14
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
On Distant Shore
r Feb 2014
To sail to distant shore
To live again
Where two hearts soar
Sur le rivage lointain
Avec mon amour

r 18Feb14
r Feb 2014
Another Staph Meeting day
Power Point bullets fly my way

r ~ 18Feb14
Feb 2014 · 1.7k
Squinting to Memories
r Feb 2014
I squint  just right
And capture a memory almost forgotten
Jars of fruit and honey fresh from hives
Filling shelves in old smokehouse
Home-made butter and molasses
In her kitchen
Waiting to smother
Biscuits warming
On black cast iron wood-stove
Boxes of buttons
An old cameo
Split wood in corner
Old sleepy dog on porch
The house on the hill
Where Mom's Granny rocked

r ~ 16Feb14
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Gunny Got His Gun
r Feb 2014
So you lost your innocence
    in a darkened cemetery in Fallujah,
do you go looking for it
     on a grassy, sun-drenched hilltop in Arlington just because the
light is better?  No, not you.
     You return to that dark place and break every marker, leave no stone unturned, disinter all  ghosts tossing them to the wind and shout     
     "Want more?".
 Marching upright/quick-step/head high
     back home to Bethesda to find your peace.

r ~ 15Feb14
Semper Fi Gunny S., Co. B, 1st BTN, RCT 7, 8th Marines.
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