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520 · Jun 2012
I want to keep the taste..
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2012
I know Cinderella...
The girl is nothing less then a Queen...
Its always our GOD parents,
that seem to take care of things...

When Our providers have moved on,
we are sometimes left with some steps
that seem hard to climb....
And put whips upon our backs,

But I saw her transform,
I witnessed her change....
Those small beast to stallions,
And a pumkin connected to their mange......

A little bit of dust,
brushed along my nose
and I grew......
I know she got there because I drove,

I was touched and defined...
Belief in the enchantment,
gave me these limbs....
perfect enhancements.....

If she became a Queen,
Even after midnight....
I can reinforce these enhancements
That I had for one night......
517 · Aug 2012
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2012
I'm in my rain is dry ...but my bitterness is my love starts to lie...claiming to be true...What will emptiness wet my ground...I feel i need to spit...On that which I claimed...cuz it demoraled my name...and paid me a love counterfit...But it felt so real...that i felt the tears...How can a fake,..cause so much heartache...Soured spoiled milk...cuz i gave the phoney replaca everything...And I just blew candles and wasted wishes...On these fresh sheets of silk...Cuz I wasn't getting anything...For wood spray painted gold...All it was,was a good space hold...Cuz the room was kinda empty before...But who wants to fill there space with clutter...I want some substance...Value, in this depression...But I guess it hard to find real love when the world is in a recession...
515 · Nov 2013
Buy Some Life
Quentin Briscoe Nov 2013
Come buy lyrics from me...
So I can make money..
Someone purchase my soul...
Because tomorrow I'm quitting my job...
I'm going to find myself...
I'm going on a journey...
Faith full..
I'm stepping out on the weakest limb
My life...
Broken into a million billion cells..
I'm walking
To the end of this era..
Buy me
I'm free
For my struggle began imprisoned
Chains no longer have a definition
I'm different
Words created me
So purchase them
So I can make money
And survive
Then maybe some will open their eyes
While you tune out my soul
And live....
513 · Aug 2013
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2013
I just want to jump..
To enjoy the wind in my face..
The butterflies in my stomach...
But all I do is leave an impression...
That even though I tried..
Man will never Fly...
As FREE as a bird..
But this soul will reach the Sun..
511 · Jun 2013
All I have
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
I was cursed with compassion...
And now All I do is care To much...
                                        Not enough
Because I have everything else to Give..
510 · Mar 2012
in my mind
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2012
Does whats on my mind frighten my words make you afriad...I didn't mean to startel you...You told me that you were brave...So i said what I had to just to clear the air...Its ok if you tell me that you really didn't care..Cuz i know a lot of friends dont...Some might, some just wont...But when You read my read my mind...well im just glad you stoped by...Cuz just to show me that you took the time...Instead of passing my mind by...
507 · Sep 2014
she be White Wave...
Quentin Briscoe Sep 2014
White Waves...Birthed under moonlit nights... I anticipate the freedom...the world of the deep...But I'm too shallow to dive in...To busy pretending to get lost... Feeling just the high tide of your into a way that you won't die... And paint me darker...Rough on the outside creating white sin..White lies...White waves...but this time no White men...For when i stand in your ocean You'll surround me... and I'll release my ******...Creating new life under the sea...White wave don't stop...keep crashing for me....
507 · Jan 2012
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2012
Im elevated higher.. but im not a flyer...I rather run...cuz that takes more muscle which means a lot more fun...Feet on the ground head up in clouds, Body in the gutter hormones screamin out loud...Thoughts to my vision...concept to my posion...juxstaposition...placed in mutiple postions...Catch me Im a fool...Baby oil smooth...Thousond island's nasty but which one will I choose...Mayo can you Katchup...Mix us theres the Match up...Pick up sticks with fidle sticks...I sing a mean back up...Couldy water that i drink..Couldy visions that i think...WAY up in the atmosphere...There is no way that we can link...One two different levels...A higher song with terible...You can keep the lower bass...Thats just vibrators in your face...Sing me songs in harmoney...found my perfect this higher levated state...I wish some *** heads could relate....
504 · Oct 2012
Quentin Briscoe Oct 2012
I can create turth through lies...repeat.... the turth through lies....then you'll eventually believe my turth through lies....And i'll recieve your loyalty...through my deceptive tendencies...And All your know is turth...But I do know that they're lies...And You'll never ask for proof...Cuz I repeated Lies...and You've heard them so much that to you they feel like turth...My ***** little demon...this nightmare you aren't dream..cuz all you know as turth is lies...and you'll believe them till the day you die...Cuz I repeat and project...till you defend and protect...My ***** little secret...that you will never Regreat...See up is down and Red is Blue...And hands wear things called shoes....See up is down and Red is Blue....and hands wear things called shoes....Cuz you dont get to choose...Cuz I can create turth though lies...repeat...the turth through lies....And You will believe my turthful lies....and protect them till the day you die...repeat the turth through lies...
496 · Apr 2013
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2013
There's a melody I would love to feel.....
use my fingers to create...
Use my lips to unveil...
let my tongue do it justice...
Give her words she could feel...

There's a melody I know...
Replaying in my ears....
Sweet picture in my mind...
calms my chasing fears...
Soothing this mans soul...
melody whispers through my ears...

I recall a Melody....
fair as I ever known...
Dare I say heavenly...
i never feel alone...
Sweet sweet Melody....
I hear you more and more....
Quentin Briscoe May 2013
it's safe to be naive...
but watch your back
if you're wise....
487 · May 2013
I-CON (10w x 3)
Quentin Briscoe May 2013
It's crazy how your
can bring you great success!...

it is my pain that excites you,
My loyal fans...

And It's in my death,
That I will become Leg-END!!!!!!
485 · Mar 2012
Mockin gg ame...
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2012
I can't do what you do!
                                            I cant capture it the same....
                                                                                                Cuz if i could
                                            I wouldn't hold my name....

I would just be a second hand!
                                            a offspring to your fame....
                                                                                           A lonley little brother
                                           playing a mocking game....

So I will let you keep your power!
                                          keep thinking that I'm lame
                                                                                              I'll over throw you
                                 To show why I dont do things the SAME.....
482 · May 2012
Nuclear (10 line poem)
Quentin Briscoe May 2012
to core reactor,
here now
before and after.....
My first ever!!!!
480 · Jun 2012
Free Words
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2012
Cool and collective my rhymes remain free...As I present myself publicly..To you who walks by...As I catch your eye...You just picked up an adjective...From a Baltimore native...Swag,Class,a Passionate dresser...Truth, kind, an exceptional lover...And All this is free, it don't cost a thing...So what you think of me..should I charge you something..Or maybe I should pay you to listen to my words..And then you can present me off of what you heard...Cuz all my rhymes are free,for right now catch them on sale,Im giving them away....
473 · Jan 2015
No ring
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2015
I was born without my third finger
On my left hand.
I thought that I was weird
for the first 18 years
cuz i felt like I was missing
But every one was made
for a reason
and I guess my flaws were
468 · Mar 2013
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2013
suitable I don't feel amity...Its not the same any more from people who don't think like me...They look me in the eye, spit at me, lie on me...suitable equality...shouldn't we be family....always looking down on me... Callin me a dog cuz I love women story still feelin the amity...I guess that's what we do now, stabs in back repeatedly....Smiling in my face tellin me you have sanity...suitable mentality...I guess we on a different page, take your blades up out of me....A Suitable reality...
466 · Aug 2014
give me
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2014
give m3e.

August 4, 2014 at 9:51am

give me a pen and a pad or board and a key...and im sing you a song a haromonic mellody...This what I do..this is what I choose...Not matter how you feel I just cant loose....So give me a letter a word a thought or a phrase....and Im lay down a piece and have you singin for days...Cuz my methods are ill...You get sick i got skill...These are more then just words there intended to heal...Give me a sight or a scene or a vision a dream...And i'll paint you a picture that you've never seen..So Im more then artist..Im kinda the nicest..Some people would call me a Wordologist...Give me an oo or and ah and F or an O...and I'm a make you feel good im a put on a show...Cuz Im your director...Writter and actor...My stuff is so sweet like your suckin on nector...Im a passionate fruit... an aquamarine.... I'm the water for Oceans... everything that you need....
456 · Apr 2012
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2012
And on a string my dreams dangle off the edge...
save them before the're dead...
i will never live without my dreams, this is what I pleadge...
Get them off that ledge...
But if they choose to **** themselves I too will take the fall..
reach out and grab them all...
I can save them all...
For once I can obtain my dreams there is no feat to small...
If they shall die im nothing like a cloud up in the sky...
whos life cycles and never dies...
Because dreams they never thought to try...
But with my dreams I can learn to fly...
make my life feel better...
me and dreams we need each other....
We'll live on into Forever!!
456 · Jul 2014
The only man for you
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2014
Do you think you can win over the heart of a woman who has made it clear she is not in to men....
I want her to be into this Soul...
See me beyond this male exterior..
Love me to the bone..
For her garden is rich
with knowledge..
Her soil is worth the watering
Because I know that strange fruits will grow..
in our Exotic Climates...
This Amazonian Goddess
flows purer that the rainforest..
She is as deep as many oceans  
and I want to be the mate
that guides her ship home..
but the strong mind that I love..
is the same strong mind that keeps us apart..
I just want to touch her heart....
In hopes that she can feel the love tonight
Lioness Let me provide a meal for you..
sit back while I hunt
I'll feed you in many ways..
may your appetite be quenched..
By a man for a change..
Nothing against your taste..
but you've never consumed me...
Let my words slip between your lips..
Now ingest between your soul...
Link me in to your Qi...
because I believe that's exactly where I should be...  
but I need you to as well..
I can only be the quintessence of myself..
In Hopes that you Fall deep...
Into the passion of my unique..
and there we can be one..
I'm all for love and fun..
so If I promise to be true...
do you think I could be the only man for you......
450 · Aug 2013
Stop comparing
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2013
If there will never be another me
need not be compared.....
447 · Nov 2011
pillow love
Quentin Briscoe Nov 2011
So To my day i awake..see a smile on your face..and your body wrapped in hand around your waist...and my blood flowed with haste...Dying for a taste..cant let this sweet honey go to I indulge in your sweetness..bass in your presence...Thankful...greatful...that you have been so furitful...See What a wonder to be full...What more could I need...i waken with you and with that I am pleased...#holdingontomypillow
441 · Oct 2013
craigslist (10w)
Quentin Briscoe Oct 2013
Craig gotta list,
that might
check me out...
436 · Jun 2013
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
i wanna love you so much...
I would even light your candle...
but if I can't burn my flaws in front of you...
then what can I do.....
but catch flame...
436 · Jul 2014
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2014
Whistle if you dare...
compliment if you must...
And Die the most brutal way imaginable..
at the hands of cowards..
afraid of their own imperfections
Will they still
Till you..
no longer for just the glare of a woman
but for the stunting of your pride...
the capture of your soul
The control...
beat your mind until your teeth bleed gold..
your fist scream ******
and your heart is broken
given you the mentality of a Dope boy
Not a Black Boy..
Fight for what he believes
Now you fight just to breathe
because Air ain't free
and neither is your smile..
because they've beating you senseless
unrecognizable as the Kings and Queens
you once were...
what a horrible death...
through the deception
that you will always be less...
434 · Jun 2013
Lookin for a miracle
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
I'm bout to look for my rose
in the concrete....
Cuz this bush
has too many thorns....
430 · Jul 2014
My Existence
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2014
I don't want her to fall prey to my words....I just want Her to fall in love with my Existence....for having these words sink into your skins is its nothing for my tongue to do tricks all around your lips...You may think of me as a hunter...but I'm a lover...and I only devour fresh fruits... I want to grow roots...deep...because I'm long enough to stay planted inside...Rich soil...I mean what I have is worth growing...So your staring but your not right now you're telling me that your dying for something.... falling victim to the words...But what about me...Would you hold on to me for security.. hold my hand for guidance...lay in my arms for comfort...Use my body for pleasure. Or would you prefer to be at the mercy of my tongue... letting my words commit Glorious epiphyses on skin... Singing Euphoric melodies and hymns... Committing Murderous acts and sins... King me... Crown me and I'LL let you move like chess... Everywhere You will be a blessing, My best... So Lioness...What will it be? My Words? or My Existence??
430 · Mar 2012
pay detail
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2012
How well do you pay attention...
small details can tell you a lot about any thing...
Then what is your reaction?...
Do you still feel the same way about things..
or have you awaken to the truth...
Ugly aint it...
but they think their lies are beautiful fruits...
That hide thornes behind it...
take one and it ******...
take two and you bleed...
take three you must love tricks..
and four well whats the need...
See pay attention what they are doing to us...
Finding ways to make us weak...
Show there true face one day they must...
and then we'll all play hide and seek...
423 · Mar 2013
He loves me!!! (10w)
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2013
HE would not,

come down
from the


For me.........
419 · Jun 2013
In the Sh*t
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
Will You dig me out? ...
It looks like I'm buried....
naw thats just Sht........
I'm waist deep....
"nobody wants to clean up your Sh
...I can clean it I just need you to help pull me out of it...
410 · Jun 2012
wit you
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2012
There's a sun up in my sky and i can say that it's all for you!!! The ryhthm in my soul, my heart beats just for you...Trap in your atmosphere I say i want to stay...Cuz here I have no fears, I have best nights and days...Baby...You opened up My eyes and now I can share love free...Now let us spread our wings and fly off in this Yeah...
408 · Nov 2012
power dont give
Quentin Briscoe Nov 2012
You got power in ya hand...say amity in ya heart...but you dont give a ****... You haven't from the start...So you let people go.. claiming you empathize...But you dont even know...tears never hit ya eyes...easy to talk about its hard...when you live on a cushion...Easy to say you believe in God...When everything is given....Cuz Your knees are never *****...You never hit the floor...Parying every ...morning early...or pleading you cant take no more....Cuz You got power in ya hand...Say sympathy in ya heart...but you dont give a ****...Not even just a part...You would never feel so bad...telling someone no...keeping all you had...not letting any go...Cuz You ain't never had to ask....You can just look down...And take from them the pride they all heads hang to the ground...But there's power in ya hand...say love inside your heart...but you aint never gave a ****...You never had a heart...
407 · Jun 2013
fatal blows...
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
They say words don't hurt...
but words are my life...
so I would rather be stabbed, shot or knifed...
because they burn upon my heart...
cause unrest among my soul..
there's no going back..
your words opened a hole...
see I bleed syllables...
you read moans and groans...
but I see parts of life escaping from my skin...
to you it was just said...
but it feels like I'm at my end...
screaming ****** murderer...
from the fatal words of a
404 · May 2012
You should Die
Quentin Briscoe May 2012
Why should We Wish to live
When this Life is nothing that we Give
I mean would You?
Give your life?
The ultimate scarifice...
Or would you hog it
all to yourself..
Selfishly keeping such a precious gift...
Share it,
Give it away,
To those who deserve You...
Or eles Die
Because Who cares
If you never shared
Then only Death
is right....
402 · Jun 2013
shadow of a man
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
I'm not sorry for the man that I am....
But you would have been.....
of the man I could have became....
The type of blood that flows within my veins...
Royal might sound cool....
but I'm not sorry for not being a fool...
and just mimicking what I saw...
But that you don't understand...
You just see Daddy....
And I just saw air...
As I stand a peasant...
In the shadow of a heir....
398 · Nov 2013
A dream
Quentin Briscoe Nov 2013
I think about what it was like...
To kiss you...
In a dream.
I had..
The world...
In my arms..
Then I let it go..
And I burned into the sun..
397 · Jun 2014
A Dose of You
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2014
Give me a dose and run your words along my brain...
I said, I would love to taste your medicine.
because I feel you could keep me sane...
You make me want to work harder!!
Caught up in the void of Doing what I love
Or doing what ever Just so I can provide for you..
"Pretty Pink Baby Blue
Why don't you teach me something new"
and show me I can have it both...
The Means to provide for my Love..
why doing what I love!!
God only you can make this true...
but excuse my thoughts about my hands and her thighs..
My Soul in her eyes...
My flesh in her flesh..
I mean I wanna plant Gardens in her soil..
For I know you are fertile with rich wisdom..
Heaven knows how I feel for I can hide this burden..
But now you know to...
And no matter how confident I may feel
Your Strength is still intimidating and I like it...
So Give me a Dose of you
and I'll give you all of me..
In an never ending form...
Queens must have Rings!
394 · May 2013
Lust (10w)
Quentin Briscoe May 2013
It's a sin,

But I want to..
Know You!!!!

393 · May 2012
DaMn It HeLlO PoEtRy
Quentin Briscoe May 2012
Can You fix my pages
I mean I know this is all free
But I want to comment freely
My expression to be expressed publicly
Have been confined to private messages
For only one to see..

So My frustraion is now being expressed,
To Mass Of readers that write Poetry
To all those who are dear to me
They sometimes are impressed
But I can't thank them publicly

So Dear Hello Poetry,
Do you think you can help
The problems causing problems
Im hoping that you can solve them
That is if you read my poems, Hello Poetry
391 · Jun 2013
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
Inside I be alive...outside I'm in coffin...steady tryna survive...but surely suffocatin... cuz I'm confined to these walls...the prisons getting thicker...I'm at the bottom of the fall...and it's colder than the winter...hands around the bars....fist beating the casket...I'm drowning at the bars....eating fried food baskets...dig me up dig me up...just slide me the key...if I'm drinking from the wrong cup...which one should it can't see it...people don't care...teachers ain't teach it...just that it ain't fair...see when you know what I know you try not to question...but if are where I am you need the intervention...stuck underground with my insides alive.. barely breathin : I don't wanna die...
387 · Dec 2011
in me
Quentin Briscoe Dec 2011
And i adhere to morning light..For its always about me... Always connects me... with the darkness...Fight constantly between clutter and free...the world and me...everything compunded together and the absence of everything...Clashing...Light waves agains the rocks of dark graves...setting off new rays...Of Won...And I'm one...but the light is as many...reaching as far as the Son can see...For darkness could never be...Cuz even if I close my eyes I know, that the light is in me...
385 · Mar 2013
Quentin Briscoe Mar 2013
The relationships I never had...
                                         are only
The acquaintances I hope to last...
                                         in some
Light i hope I could grasp...
Meaning retake the past...
                                        but only
For a little while be there...
                                        not long
Just enough for them to care...
                                        about me
384 · Jul 2014
feelings (6X6X6)
Quentin Briscoe Jul 2014
I bleed emotions, Pain's a Feeling
I feel your skin against mine...
I feel our heartbeats in sync...
This Love is worth our time
Your Love Gun got me open...
"Can you feel the love tonight"

You've Shot me in my vulnerability
The tears won't stop falling down
I thought I was strong enough
You Queen have proven your power..
Don't go through with this tyranny
Your Love may drift into oblivion

I can't save you from yourself
I've poured all I had In
I would trap myself with you
So you'd never be left alone
two souls inside of one body
I know this would never work

I want you as my sunrise
Not as my moonlight at nighttime
Awaken to the smell of you
Die at the sight of you
You are the one I've wanted
I would do anything and everything

Can you promise not to run
I know I may look human
Far form this world is home
My father will call me soon
Will you be ready for departure
I'm nothing like most other men

You are the Goddess I requested
Demanding Respect Love & my time
Kings have renounced thrones for you
You are Glory in Heavens eyes
The Holy Grail of my choosing
Vow to you my entire Being..

(Do me a favor if your up to it. Read every line of this poem in a different order, not just changing each 6x6 individually then tell me what you got from it I wanna see the different interpretations)
381 · Feb 2013
warm winter
Quentin Briscoe Feb 2013
Warm winter mornings after leaving her arms...Snow dancing around me alarms me...Without her warm safety...realizing that it is a cold world...The farther I move away...freezer burn, making me return...To the warm winter..Cuz the summers just to cold, spring is way too bold.... and that fall is way to far..Comfort in the safety of your arms...
380 · Jan 2012
Mind over Matter
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2012
And My minds over matter...
Cuz Im here in out of space...
I float in grey matter..
theres no air in this place...
but i breathe...
Understand me I still breathe...
Lungs fill and colapse...
regular sequence of attack...
So that obviously means,
I was never human to begin...
So can I make you believe
you had an angel as a friend...
Protection like no other...
Your perfect lil brorther...
cuz from up here
I can control Your Bigger brother...
A deeper breed of lover...
Cuz i can see it all...
but with no gravity I can save you from the fall...
Mind over matter..
this should be your chase..
Make your life better...
Free your self from this place..
380 · Jun 2013
falling up
Quentin Briscoe Jun 2013
I've Fell Once or Twice...
Maybe like 10..
If I fall again
I'll see China
For the first time..
I'll stand up
372 · May 2013
Quentin Briscoe May 2013
I been seen it coming
I hope You seen it too...
No where will be safe for running....
when the horns blow for you...
See I've been in this life captured,
praying everyday...
And soon I will be raptured,
at any time any Day...
Now Where will you be when the clouds open wide....
What season is it? ask the midwestern pride...
See I told you before Pray...
Each and Everyday..
Because You never know,
When its your time to go...
Could be violence, illness, weather, or Just the time...
I just pray your soul was saved in time...
nobody's perfect, nobody's perfect baby...but would you believe me if I said I'm in love...I dare you to say it...mean it...Would you believe me if I said Im in Love...With Jesus, He saved me He'll save you!!...
But Thats not my religion...
thats just my relation,
that have with the man that owns all of creation...
See He told us about the signs..
There right in front of Us...
Just look at times....
We don't know when but he's warning U.S...........
You could just pray,
for Boston or Oklahoma or You could #PrayEveryDay  
370 · Apr 2013
Love makes me
Quentin Briscoe Apr 2013
You can tell me whatever you please to satisfy you
But it won't compare to what love makes me do
You can do whatever you want to make me know that you're there
But it won't compare to the way love makes me stare
You can Make me as mad as Hell
But it won't compare to how love makes me yell
You can push me, kick me, and make tears fall from my eyes
But it won't compare to the way love makes me cry
And with every thing you are and everything that you do
It's love that makes me love you
363 · Aug 2012
Why do you love me?
Quentin Briscoe Aug 2012
Why Do you love me?...
Can you answer it if asked...
How sweet would your answer be,
Would they cry would they laugh?
What reason is good enough, what answer is acceptable...
maybe i like your hair, or your smile, what about the style..
the way you hold me, the way you make me care...
Well what if its just this feeling in the pit of my soul
is that enough to make you see...
Can,YOU, Answer,
Why Do You Love ME?
357 · Jan 2014
I wrote it before (10w)
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2014
If it took a million
How many would repeat?
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