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 Oct 2014 punch-drunk
On silver wings
She flew
She flew
And left me all alone

To wander on
And there her feet will roam

Until the day
Is done
Is done
When evening starts to gloam

And silver wings
Will fly
Will fly
To bring her safely home
For my beautiful wife, away on a conference for a few days


First published 9th October 2014, 21:45 AEST.
 Oct 2014 punch-drunk
I first heard
the word "suicide"
during my 6th grade chorus class.
A couple girls were crying
in the back of the room.
Our teacher asked them
what was wrong,
and with words broken by sobs,
they explained that their friend
wasn't in school today,
and yesterday
that same friend
had said,
"If I'm not in school tomorrow,
it means I killed myself."
Now, these girls were 11.
They didn't know what to do.
Our teacher, who was at least 40,
was barely able to keep her composure
when she sent those girls down to guidance.
We got a lecture after that.
"You're not alone in what you're feeling."
"Talk to someone."
"People care about you."
After the lecture,
we practiced for our spring concert.
I felt weird singing after that,
but it was supposed to make us feel better.
It didn't.

8 years later, I am still trying
to understand the word "suicide."
Because now, I have to resist the urge to tell people,
"If I'm not in class tomorrow,
it means I killed myself," and,
"If I don't come to work this weekend,
it means I killed myself."
I have never uttered those words,
not once in my life,
but I now it makes sense to me
why that girl in my sixth grade class would.
The world is so full of pain
and suffering
and heart ache.
If your arms and legs are decorated with red and white lines,
if the very thought of his smile or her laugh brings you to the ground,
if you have no one to comfort you at 3 am
when your depression is running rampant
and your thoughts are so loud
that you have to cover your ears to quiet them...
that is no way to live.
If I don't write again soon,
it means I killed myself.
so I brought my writer wife
(prominently pregnant)
to the hospital
and on her bed, she screamed:
"weren't" "hasn't" "couldn't" "shan't"
"aint" "hadn't" "you're" "isn't"
"aren't" "didn't" "wasn't"
"who's?" "what's?" "he's" "she's"

The doctors were confounded
and they turned to me and they said:
"What the hell is she doing?"

And I replied with double speed
and a violent sense of urgency:
*"Don't you know?
She's having contractions -
she's a writer"
There Is a nasty seagull
Oh yeah.. his wings I see
He's come to take small pieces
From different parts of me.

He's come for my body
He's come for my brain
He wants to take my spirit
'Til none of these remain.

I'm always finding feathers
All inside my head,
So I'm gonna get a shotgun...

And shoot that sucker DEAD!!!

Catherine Jarvis
I'm really going to get rid of
This depression!!
I don't have time in my life.
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I think it's more the current of your being
That pulls you into my embrace
The ink is permanent and seeing
Beyond your eyes and smile like a race
Against the teachings offered then
When I could taste the bittersweet guilt
When I remembered how to count to ten
God's words were fabric in my family quilt

And now I'm being lured away
By yearning kisses and your cashmere love
It means enough that I just with you'd stay
I've given up a lot, too much, above
From where this scene is crystal clear
The angels cry, ashamed of me
Or laugh and whisper words of comfort in my ear
I guess the truth, I'll always fail to see

These moments so awaited accidentally
Of pressing my heart up against your chest
Eliminating arid sorrow gently
Just giving, taking, and forgetting all the rest
And touches, lighting love on fire
I let you drink it off my tongue
Our firm embrace composing infinite desire
Ephemeral reality leaves aspirations hung

And where could I inquest salvation
For both of us, and keep it all
Avoiding lies and slick temptation
Recovering after the fall
Past midnight, stirred by dreams of wishes
A teardrop slips off eyelash tips
My soul just murmurs, breathes, and swishes
Awaits to brush against your lips
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