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  Mar 2016 princessv
I trusted you and once again you stabbed me in my ******* back
princessv Feb 2016
everyone deserves a second chance
**but not for the same mistake
princessv Feb 2016
"I'm going to cry every day for the rest of my life"
my dad
Me- "Christmas was two months ago, isn't that sad?"
M-"that's a weird thing to think about"
but apparently it's completely normal to think about suicide and deliberately hurt others feelings?
closer to the edge
  Feb 2016 princessv
Star Gazer
You ever have someone
You can never be friends with
Not out of hatred
But out of love.

A failure to disconnect emotions
From any sort of contact
Between one person to another
And remain intact.

I have pushed a great person
Out of my life
For the exact same reason.

I can just not disconnect
Emotions for someone
And call it friendship...

So there's one great person
In this world
That I can never be friends

Out of love.
Parting ways pave pathways that sets apart from ordinary paths.
  Feb 2016 princessv
Autumn Daze
Your hugs and kisses,
and everything about you
oh I truly miss.

creative writing is not personal writing
  Feb 2016 princessv
Queen Of Disaster
But your memory still haunts me everyday
  Feb 2016 princessv
and then the rain fell
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