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209 · Aug 2016
preservationman Aug 2016
Have your determination high
Put efforts to the test in try
When the going gets tough don’t cry
Don’t question yourself with your own why
Achievement requires being destine
Assurance in being confident
Illusions are not a final conclusion
Discouragement from individuals should make you stronger
It’s perseverance and endurance that helps you achieve longer
The vision is to see the light
Overcoming boundaries not making you uptight
A theory in sustaining plights
An upbeat flow that will certainly take flight
Let your inner positive thoughts be like a soaring bird
Let your voice illustrate inspiring words
Stand up being the test in having a reason to be heard
Words being a leader, but having a strategy
Involvement presenting plenty of activity
Illustrate sentences say look up
The key is not to get fed up
Thinking positive with a plan to be on the move
Concentrate with every bouncing step of a positive soothe
You have everything to prove
A mountain has stepped in your way, but climb a waits so don’t hesitate, but be determined every day.
preservationman Aug 2014
It’s the many situations that arise
Yet it is documentation that is seen with thine eyes
Voices that argue present no truth
The route to deceive
It is not the assumption to perceive
But carefully analyzing in what is actually received
Voice of chosen words
Open ears in being heard
The multitudes in overwhelming mount
It’s the resolutions that truly count
Unity being the community
My sisters and brothers
We are like no other
The proof being the movement and documents being the solid brass
The evidence in being up front and not making it last
Coming together in visualizing effort
What is unpleasing and distasteful too think
It’s like a downing ship that will only sink
Yet prosper on meaningful thoughts with direction leading to possibilities in organized sought
But it takes continual activity
This is what is too become a reality
Lift every voice and sing
Yet I want to leave you with one thing
“Action in multitude and together we shall soothe”
With that said, I must conclude.
209 · Jan 2016
preservationman Jan 2016
I am the Lord and you are my chosen sensors
Heaven is for the praying believer
Faith in the heart and confession of sins being the start
Sin is a pillar of death
Redemption of one’s accord is the time left
Remember I am the Lord who died at the cross
My voice is powerful and strong, but with a distinct force
Yet I am a merciful as a lamb
I am your counselor who will lead you to Heaven
It’s an automatic date, however you must seek Christ first
Change from one’s ways being a reverse
I am your armor of protection
I am the brick that won’t crack
I am the sea’s that will hold back
I am the blessing’s that will be well stacked
Your fulfillment being right at your front door
All you have to do is just explore
There is no time to ignore
Front and Center, It is God with the open door who invites you to enter
All are welcome and none is turned away
This is the creed each and every day
Jesus is no mystery and certainly no secret
Share your life with Christ, and you will be rewarded in all the Heaven spice.
preservationman Jul 2021
A Novelist thought clever in wanting to write a trivial story
He had all the details with bringing all its glory
How will the reader respond?
It’s anybody’s guess
The Novelist controls the theory being his trump card
But the story has a strong tail
Now let me illustrate without fail
The conclusion is the start with a turnaround
It was ****** in the start being a conclusion of the dialog
Later the story becomes a turnaround with knock at the door that led to the ******
Now there is no specific order
The idea is too visualize in your mind what the outcome should be
The Novelist is only setting the background with the situation
Yet there is a lot of reverse in the turnaround
The identity of the murderer is not really clear
But there is uncertainty being fear
The Novelist write, and suddenly pauses
He thinks to himself in where the story should begin
But does the reader want to depart instead
The conclusion in begin sounding more like an illusion
But there is a lot of confusion
Puzzled on face
This whole story could become a total erase
209 · Oct 2014
preservationman Oct 2014
No train and bus that you need to catch
All you need is faith that should be match
No need to fly on a commercial plane
God has his own natural spiritual champagne
Thinking of Heaven which can’t compare
It is salvation that I wish to share
The name itself needs no indication
But Faith is your information
But to the world below of the unbeliever, it’s persuasion with the flow
You can take it really slow, but when God calls be ready to go
Salvation to explore
You have a choice you can ignore
Yet praises lifted up extending beyond the shores
A Heaven’s voice echoes out
Rejoicing joy and this is what I am talking about
The Earth multitudes with many problems too bare
A God who understands and does care
Also the same God who sees trouble and informs in beware
God’s journey is far beyond any earthly trip
Yet the scriptures are our encouragement being the tip
God’s spirit is like a fast amusement park ride
But God knows how to cruise his saints in a smooth glide
Lord Station the destination at our arrival
Our journey has just begun
Let our light shine being among
A worthy cause with the armor on
Be ready and steadfast and in the Savior’s hands of belong.
208 · Nov 2016
preservationman Nov 2016
A house in the center of town
There were old quaint stores all around
There lived a Little Male Mouse
Oh yes, he had a wife being his spouse
There was a feeling of Christmas in the air
The winter winds that blew
The stars that shined bright on that clear night
But this story was more than a night to remember
However, the Old Male Mouse only wanted to slumber
You see, the Old Male Mouse loss his belief in Christmas
By somewhere, Christmas is going to be returned to his heart
The fact that the mouse was Old, there will be no giving up on Christmas past nor present
He just needed what Christmas represented
As the story continued being narrated of the Birth of the Baby Jesus
A lonely star giving direction of the Wise Men
The Baby Jesus giving hope to the world
Now that alone should make anyone’s heart swirl
But it is Christmas Morning when Children wake up and surround the Christmas tree of all the gifts that Santa dropped off
However, I hear the Polar Express in the distance heading back to the North Pole
Holidays Stories after another, but none are like the other
A Male Child who wanted to see Santa before dying of Cancer actually got his wish
A Little Girl whose Parents were killed in a car crash, but wrote Santa in a secrete request
Santa read the Little Girl’s letter, and it was granted
She wanted loving parents like her original one’s
It came to past
Stories of joy, hope and the possibilities
They all became realities
Well the Old Male Mouse started shedding tears, and shouted “Christmas I Believe”
The Old Male Mouse’s heart simply melted
No matter how cold you feel
Your own reality could become for real
Oh those winter winds
Santa is still on the job even when
The Old Male Mouse and his spouse had surprise of their own being a little mouse
This is truly a reason to celebrate
Happy Holidays to the world
Believe and always believe
Hope is what you will receive
Wishes do come true
However, I will let you think that through
Well Santa had already dashed away
But that is ok
Year after year, Santa will continue coming your way.
208 · Jul 2018
preservationman Jul 2018
I know I have said many times to follow the flow
Then don’t let go
But I have a new approach
It’s no joke
Everyone in someway is a Poet within
Positive in mind that says you can
However, it is your opportunity of a Poet as of when
It goes far beyond expression words
Think on your emotions like dramatics in needing to be heard
Where there is utterance writing becomes the therapy in tolerance
You can learn through your own writing in how to be patient
Instance in being automatic won’t necessarily apply
Yet being a true Poet, you be committed in giving writing a try
You won’t become a Poet Legend overnight
But there is a possibility in might
However, a Poet who writes is actually the narrator in illustrate
Writing is an art with having appreciation
This happens on any given occasion
Your writing could alive like a Benjamin Franklin Kite with the charge
Amaze yourself
Yet I leave you these words
“A Poet is assured and sets the guidelines being there own accord. It’s imagination in the words, and having a voice in spreading the word while being heard”
“Wonder not, but do strive in the moment being now with establishing how but adding then and when along with knowledge in stating the Poet is in the know and to the reader, enjoy reading being it’s own show”.
208 · Aug 2016
preservationman Aug 2016
A gun was found in an innocent hand
Everyone thought a woman was the victim being the caravan
A Dead man laid on the floor
An investigation will determine for sure
However, when the incident happened, someone yelled out with a shout
All someone saw was a woman standing over a dead body that everyone was talking about
But it was swiftly the killer got away
Now an investigation by the Police that will have to figure out
For the moment an innocent standby holding a gun
The spotlight is totally on one who was among
A court case for sure to conduct
In front of the Judge and Jury to get details worked out
All the clues in evidence
Witnesses one by one in their accord to speak
But one false witness whose story will sound weak
It’s order in the court
All accords in case in sort
After the Jury will discuss behind closed doors
Careful listening of statements in explore
Verdict will take place with final analysis
The outcome could be long
Someone is going to jail where they belong
Who was the killer and for what reason?
preservationman May 2017
A Poet loss in their own words
A point of no return
Ideas mounting like flames in an unbreakable urn
Sentences that prepared the words for take off
Journey through the Poet’s inspiration
The speed being acceleration
The Poet establishing a tomorrow
The pinnacle having a morrow
Being the steady pace of arrival today
There are moments when the Poet could go astray
Yet at that point, it is ok
The reason being the thinking in progress
A mind getaway would be considered like recess
A Poet’s thoughts are always on the move
Having everything to prove
A Poet being who the person is
Emotions the Poet wants to express
To the reader, it could be a sign of a confess
But always remember, the Poet holds the everlasting test
The Poet is the only key to their mind
No Pass or Fail
A straight line being direct to the Poet’s trail.
208 · Jan 2016
preservationman Jan 2016
As one thinks thoughts change
In an instance comes rearrange
One can only wake up and yond
Having eyes look up is a wonder upon
But with the theory of being among
Skies having their own particular look
It’s the Devil comprising evil ways being a crook
Changeable skies into questionable wonders
It’s not necessarily in that order
What holds for the hour?
Then there’s the added hatred being sour
The clouds seem to hug together
There is a darkened shade like no other
Heaven is way beyond anyone’s eyes
Deep within the universe, there is an element of knowledge and how we become wise
It doesn’t require dollar and cents
It’s something of sequence with a touch of a smelly scent
It’s a matter in having common sense
Questionable tomorrow, but concentrate on today
You are the commodity to illustrate all the way.
208 · Oct 2015
preservationman Oct 2015
Need inspiration to get you to write?
Let my encouragement be your journey to excite
A writer and a Poet with creative minds to share
Your emotions for all too bare
Negativity to be thrown out and don’t welcome dare
Determination with desire that will pull you through
Destiny in being stuck to your head like glue
Journey being a destination of any ideas possible
Accomplishment with what you have written
How’s this for an opener, “Trust that was a strong ******, but it was my true strength to live that became a must”
Combination being your own lock with the keys of your mind
Suggestions after suggestions of what was all combined
Confession being your honest heart
Beginning was a place all along being your start
The skies are your inspiration
The writer in you was always the indication
It was a matter in bringing your writing out
Any subject that could be what your wrote about
True words chosen by you
Your ideas that were thought out through
Well it’s time for you to sit down and write
Go the distance as you have been given writing might
Let the sun and moon set the mood with influenced light
Let my legacy be of the present and not of the past
Your desire and will is what will make your writing last.
208 · Jun 2017
preservationman Jun 2017
Why is it people will believe a Meteorologist?
But when it comes to the Lord, it’s having no Faith at all
Why is it the Heavenly Father who controls, people turn away?
The Heavenly one is the one who can destroy and move elements being Almighty
This is reality
Why is it people will read a novel book or computer news from beginning to end, but won’t pick up a Bible and read a scripture waiting on when?
The Bible has stories that actually happened or is prophesized to happen
But people just don’t believe
Yet the Lord is the one that gives relief
He also offers strength during grief
So why is the separation in who believes
Man functions on possibilities and assumptions
The Lord being Almighty in definite
Assurance you can trust
These are all added pluses
People tend to think they are their own victorious
But the Lord is involved and it is he who does the problems in resolve
So many more questions after questions
The question is, have you truly found the definite answer?
The answer is the environment was created not by man, but a more superior being
Man can think, but wisdom comes from understanding through the Superior
Man can’t construct nor destroy
Man is the decoy, but the powerful one instills the joy.
208 · Aug 2014
preservationman Aug 2014
A question with some doubt
A voice but no shout
The assurance definitely being weak
Perhaps a past situation could be considered then bleak
A gesture that was not forgot
The memories stored being a lot
A request that never got done
That could be the reason being number one
I offered some trust
But it didn’t seem like it was a must
It takes confidence with assurance
Persuasion combined with endurance
Do you trust me?
I guess you will have observe and see.
208 · Mar 2015
preservationman Mar 2015
Death being eminent in my years spent on earth
It was from birth to the present
I grown old and weak
It’s a new generation in which the earth seek
Yet through my years, I became wise
My future will be tomorrow
A shade has cast on my eyes
I have seen all I need too see
Tears from mourners looking down on me
Don’t cry for me as Heaven has beckoned
I am the soul that was assured in Heaven’s reckoned
Live in the flesh no more
My soul has been given the opportunity too explore
My praise in being absolutely sure
I am aware where I am to go
I have been called and directed in the flow
I can’t be late
I also can’t hesitate
My eyes have become Heaven’s guide
My soul will be eternal as an everlasting stride
Glory to God, I did abide
My past and my thoughts have been put aside.
208 · Jul 2018
preservationman Jul 2018
Not from a James Bond Flick
He is Mr. Big who was slick
I see you grasping for air
Yeah Mr. Big was beyond compare
Mr. Big was a Gambling and Player Mobster
You could say he was large like a Lobster
Mr. Big stood 6’3 dangerous tall
He was also known too all
He appeared like a Monster if he was to attack
In fact, if you were to hit him with a baseball bat it would crack
Money and Ladies is what Mr. Big was about
When it came to romantic interludes, it would be oh Mr. Big in shout
Mr. Big was heavy in Gambling
Heavy sums in money, and if he didn’t win, a few broken bones on oppositions
Well Mr. Big was large and in charge and didn’t need any permission
After all, Mr. Big had the name for a reason
It had nothing to do with seasons
Yet Mr. Big was a big spender
He wore expensive Diamond Rings, and Gold plated Bracelets with Custom made suits
Mr. Big was big in business pursuits
He also had tattoos on both arms that read, “BIG BY CHOICE”
When Mr. Big enters a room attention is mounted on the spot
Woman would stare upon stare and couldn’t stop
The woman were like butter and would melt just by the sheer size of Mr. Big
I should also mention Mr. Big had bulging muscles on his arms
Mr. Big might be considered as a King Kong alarm
One could always see a mobster with detail
Everything to gain and nothing to fail
One time Mr. Big got into a fight with another Mobster known as “The Shield” and Mr. Big’s suit sleeves Jacket rip with stress from his anger
It was apparent of the look at Mr. Big’s biceps being a tip
But that didn’t stop the Shield in intimidation
So the fight was on
The mission, there’s only room for one mobster and that’s Mr. Big, Chief Mobster
Mr. Big and The Shield had their bout
There was definitely no way out
The Shield attempted to toss Mr. Big but he was too big
You dig
Mr. Big picked up the shield like it was nothing
It was as if the Shield was weights
Mr. Big later dropped the Shield hard, and the Shield was knocked out cold
Mr. Big was powerful and bold
Well Mr. Big won and proved he was the true king pin
Mr. Big wants you to wager your bets
This is as good as it is going to get
Mr. Big conquered and saw
No need for me too go further and continue in explore.
207 · Aug 2014
preservationman Aug 2014
My writing ideas began to stop
My pages became darkness with no light
The blank page a plight
Yet I wondered why all through the night
My inner soul wasn’t thinking
My desired for writing was surely sinking
Will I ever write again?
Will my inspiration give me a new blend
But for now my writing is a pause at the end
Suddenly the skies became my answer
The horizon was the clouds in my writing being told
Slowly my heart had the urge to write in being sold
A very merciful voice said, “Your writing never really stopped as it was only a consequence off cue that intervened”
I was writing because I want to achieve
I certainly don’t want other writers too think I want to deceive
I write because of the gratification
I write, as it’s me in my masterpiece being my identification
My soul says continue to write
The other side of me says don’t write and let it be a plight
My pen guides my hand and says write and your mind will illustrate how much your words excite
A sudden writing call
This is my inspiration for all.
206 · Jan 2018
preservationman Jan 2018
We are your past
As years rolled on time moved fast
We made our mark
This is your introduction in making a start
Freedom has become a dim light
It’s a known fact in being a plight
It’s the world in turmoil
This is all happening on the Earth soil
We fought until our voices were heard
We marched entirely
Justice needed a name
Our efforts were going to be our aim
History was made being a milestone
But it took multitude’s as you can’t do it alone
Our legacies are within you
We see the struggles even high above
This is a continuation in our honor in what I am talking about
The battle isn’t over
This is where each of us comes in
The sun has risen
Tomorrow is the new day
Freedom and Justice should be heading our way
Opposition wants us to continue from the past and into the present in being silent
We are American’s creed
The constitution gives us the right to proceed
The entire world is in need
You have a quest
Make us proud
Do it while you still have time allowed
A moment doesn’t last long
But you are our legacy, and you know where you belong
Nations rise
Justice and Freedom should be seen in all eyes
We were old yet wise
Efforts being golden
Walk in our spirit
We have entailed the merit.
preservationman Jun 2015



206 · Jun 2017
preservationman Jun 2017
What I thought was my life being a dream
I was trying to find reality in what did it mean?
Windows around my house would often crack and smash themselves
I would often see fragment pieces on the floor
But somewhere in my life was a pattern in not being sure
A thought of uncertainty
However, I am back to finding reality
Yet the self being with shattered hope
But it is a mechanism that one must cope
Shattered with the message in pieces bringing my life back together
It doesn’t have to be a dark cloud hanging over
I was meant to live a life
I am my own advice
However my tears are starting to fall
But I need to end this shattered once and for all
Life is what one puts in
Make life continual and not a begin
Shattered becoming a reason to survive
The message is clear with be thankful that I am yet alive.
preservationman Aug 2014
You had three months to soothe
The sunshine and warmth and wouldn’t be enthused
But as August comes to an end, it is Summer about to conclude
The fact of being on vacation
School’s out being the indication
Summer fun beyond the job
Sharing the beach with the multitudes being a mob
But Summer is slowly coming to an end
September will soon begin
Where did Summer go?
Apparently we moved entirely too slow
But the months just moved with the flow
I am in the final day of my job summer hours
This truly makes my heart really sour
Summer is gradually moving on
The Seasons are going to be long
It is a sequence where they belong
Once again Summer fun almost gone
Now you need to wake up from your yond.
205 · Apr 2016
preservationman Apr 2016
Giving birth to me wasn’t easy at first
My birth was certainly nothing that had to be rehearsed
It was you who wanted to be a mother to be
It was love between a man and woman in wanting to see
The whole concept was made possible through thee
Yet you didn’t raise me in not knowing how
I was raised by my Grandparents of a moment of now
Being a Mother is about nurturing
Lecturing is about learning
From a child into an adult
All these emotions is what I felt
My whole life has been surrounded by dealt
Mother, where is the love?
There are many meanings that I could think of
You pushed me away
Yet I have survived and I am ok
I long for you Mother to be around
At times, I feel trapped within walls and nowhere bound
But as education taught me in being to distinguish sounds
My life has fulfilled a lot of promise
But I must be honest
A Mother is supposed to be there
But my question to you is where?
I once had hatred for you, but that has since stopped
But through the years, you often made a mock
Mother, you are older now
It’s my understanding in showing you how
I was born with a purpose
My whole life has been raised above the surface.
preservationman Dec 2020
The Man, Charlie Pride
It was his entertaining that is country music that he provided
Heaven now sustains where Mr. Pride resides
From the Valleys to the Mountains
From the Shores to the oceans
Charlie Pride music having their own notions
His music bringing harmony and country music coming together
A Legend being like no other
Charlie Pride being his own creative style
Living his dream while
But Charlie Pride’s life came to an immediate end
Heaven now is his begin
To the world, lift your voice and sing
Charlie Pride lived his life to the fullest
Achieving musical wonders
But has gone yonder
Charlie Pride will be missed
H’s now on that high mountain
Charlie Pride’s success like streaming fountains
His words to the world might be, “Live your life like I do until the end”
Shed no tears
My spirit will always be near
Heaven has given me the preserver
I am now on Mountain high
I am among chosen to be with thy
205 · Aug 2016
preservationman Aug 2016
Front and back covers being the same
But your mind in thinking won’t remain
Sentence lines seemed to reverse
Eerie words sounding the need for a hearse
Yet the words certainly strike out
You might even hear a scary shout
Chapters were getting shorter
Rearrangement in no specific order
A Multi-faced Book having its own mission
It’s into the minds to confuse and corrupt
Later causing the reader to get boozed and outraged in a erupt
A story attempting to tell
The reader being stuck on oh well
Yet a Multi-Faced Book
It became a thriller making you take a look
One word into many words persuading you in being took
One page at a time
Numerous combinations
Mind is captive away into many imaginations
Illusions that fool one’s precise
But than again, there is no time to think twice.
205 · Jun 2019
preservationman Jun 2019
The talking drums beat down
The shout of Hondo Hondo, a warrior of Krag, given strength
Strength mounting from the Earth
A tribal affair
Descendants are all about
Their souls sustained within our minds
A chosen Dance to rise
It’s the Sun, Moon and Earth that energize
Vryheid Vryheid is the song of Freedom
Spirits intertwine from within
Each Dance motion with inspiration and praise
The Dance of appreciation in the skies of guidance
It’s the Dance giving new meaning to one’s soul
Behold to Yahweh being our God
The Trumphant Drums
All eyes in the sky on the prize
Oh that African beat
Too the enemy to back away in retreat
Descend of Yahweh on our souls
Behold now
Let us raise and be free.
204 · Nov 2016
preservationman Nov 2016
All military salutes we honor
It’s more than Red, White and Blue
It’s the brave and the chosen few
Our hearts we continue to pray
God’s protection being our relay
Let the fight on struggles to end one day
This I pray were sustaining the battlefield stay
The fallen always having a place in my heart
I hear soul spirits chanting in the distance, “Carry on, but remain strong”
Drums that beat, but with the tone in don’t give in to defeat
Missiles that fly, but remain alert with continued courage, but don’t cry
Carry on Soldier you were meant to be
Eyes of the world we all can see
The world continues to give applause
Salute again and again
It’s Veterans Day
There are many words one could say
Yet it is my appreciation in every way
I will salute you until the mission is done
Keep your military stance at every chance
It’s doesn’t matter of rank as you will advance
Music in your honor is playing and I hear a Band and a flute
Battle Hymn Republic
My eyes see victory
It’s God’s glory
Keep marching to the mission drums until the battle is truly won
My prayers continue and will stay in place
Move from the shadows and into the sunlight
What is a plight, but it will continue to be God in might
Yet battles take time until won
Onward Soldiers, you will be always number one.
preservationman Nov 2021
I happened being an unknown event
That is how the Earth’s Environment went
Suddenly a plight hit the Earth
Transformation into a new species
Living and walking Turkey’s
This is what humans had become
Gobble here and there
Humans could no longer speak the English language
Perhaps it was years on Turkey’s being the honored table guest
Turkey’s warned Earth everywhere and would get their revenge
Through time
The Earth didn’t take the Turkey’s Serious
But now Earth is furious
However, Turkey’s always got the raw deal
Humans now are the element being the feel
Scientist have no idea in how to combat the Turkey reverse
Now it becomes an everlasting curse
Gobbling effect
Forever Turkey’s
No wonder anyhow
Turkey’s say, “That is what you get”
We give you no regret
204 · May 2017
preservationman May 2017
Come with me and enjoy the ride
Don’t be surprised as you observe the oceans and the moving tide
Words aligned with the scenery
Expectations being a surprise
As the bus passes by, It is morning in the mountains being a sunrise
The bus picture windows open the door to more poetry words
There’s Indians outlining the path
A Western tail, we will make it to our destination at last?
Well that was a John Wayne flick
It was added and I shall let it stick
A poetry moment and photo shoot
Are you with me or not?
Yet our bus is moving on in bring America up close
American the beautiful is something to boost
However, our poetry bus will be crossing states coast to coast
This is a travelling poet who doesn’t think like most
Now as we wake up from our nap yond
We have tomorrow to look upon
We dreamed in seeing the world
This poetry bus is making the travelling swirl
Landscape distance being an amaze
The Heavenly one who created it deserves all the praise
Routes after routes
Rocky Mountain high I can actually hear being the tune
Howdy Dowdy Saloon
Cities that seem to just come to life
Standing tall and glisten
All one has to do is be silent and listen
The bus wheels ever turn
Right now, I am thinking on my own tone
“Moving along on this bus, and writing my poetry with no fuss. If I was home, I would probably cuss, but I am relaxed and enjoying my ride. I am prepared to settle back in my reclining seat. This is my comfortable get away treat”
Well look to my eyes, we have arrived in Los Angeles, and I am glazing at the tall high rise
Those tall buildings are reaching the skies
The bus pulls into the gate at the terminal
Poetry took me far
I am at my destination, and it wasn’t a car
It was poetry being the star.
203 · Jun 2016
preservationman Jun 2016
Just what is the Human Response test?
It’s a test to determine true friendship being a confess
But mine you it’s not a competition to determine whose friendship is best
It’s a matter to find out are they true friends or foes
This test will eliminate all the woes
Make up a story about yourself being a like a confession
Just see how the responses come about
But just don’t try to figure out
Your job is just observe
Then cut off false friends and give them what they deserve
If the friends are true friends, you will certainly find out
Now true friends will inspire you, and even examine yourself being the true friends given in the test
However, if you get negativity along with insults
Then you know it’s time to clean house
You don’t need any negative Human Mouse
Friendship is about caring and sharing
False friendship is about eliminating and ignoring
But it’s just so sad we can’t live in harmony
Let’s look at hatred
How many times have you heard, I don’t like you, and you think you are all that?
Perhaps I am all that and a full bag of chips
But notice, the haters have given you all the failing human tips
However, don’t you fall into their trip being a careless trap slip
Try the Human Response test, and let the true results confess
Responsibility is true living in being life’s best
Observation is the best natural test
Examine and experiment for yourself and don’t be surprised in what you find out.
203 · Mar 2017
preservationman Mar 2017
A moment of 70 Degrees
It’s still winter, but the East is in for a freeze
Out in the Midwest and Deep South, storms and tornados are moving about
A touch of mild with a cold spell bout
The Cold Front is pushing the warm air out
Severe storms covering numerous states
Tornados people know and can relate
Be prepared before it’s too late
Heavy rain accompanies in pour
Damage and destruction that seem to soar
The Midwest and South have had their share
Yet in different states it didn’t compare
The storms are heading east
The cold front will be fast
It shouldn’t last
Winter returns once more
No one will have the opportunity to ignore
Heavy coats must be put back on
But you need to wake up from your yond
Mild and cold in a tug of war
North and south not really sure
Midwest to east a possible explore
Storms that will pass through
The hour of direct weather change due.
preservationman May 2016
preservationman Sep 2017
A Professor who is 77 Years old
Teaching still in the heart with motivation of behold
The Old Professor who teaches at NYU
His subject concentration is “HISTORY”
The past with essence in present
The Professor is the Historian and goes beyond what the encyclopedia represents
Lecturing on the mystery of history
The Old Professor sharing many stories and glories
How Races should relate
History milestones by date
Wars that were started with lives loss
The story of a cruise ship maneuvering through stormy waters being a mighty wavy toss
History having the time of when
What happened then?
Doomsday loomed over the world
Uncertainty being the world’s swirl
Civil Rights having a justice cry
Opposition was busy wondering why
Afro-Americans gave their every try
Strength being the multitudes
Eventually things did soothe
But there was a purpose with a mission to prove
History went to some degree just like that
The pioneers who achieved
Yet some pioneers who were deceived
However, the Old Professor simplified his lessons to help the students understand
The Male Old Professor was wise and stressed adapt
Concepts were always clear and understanding being a snap
I offer the Old Professor my honor while dipping my cap
Historian in deed
Keep on teaching on Old Professor as knowledge is what students need
Your wisdom has the continued green light to proceed
It’s all about teaching and getting the understanding creed.
203 · Oct 2017
preservationman Oct 2017
Freedom from years try
Through the fight there was an outcry
Being determined and not being scare to go on
It didn’t matter for how long
Together in the fight we were strong
One distinguished voice that echoed out
It’s Dr. Martin Luther King shout I am talking about
Throughout there was who says with a cannot
It seemed other powers had a plot
It was like a choking knot
But through it all we the people continued to march on
It was endure the hot sun, rain, cloudiness and anything else in between
The struggles simply added more steam
The Devils were quite mean
Eyes were looking at the skies
Freedom was going to be a big surprise
Tell me more young people would often ask
It was time that passed fast
The months within the struggles seemed to last
But Freedom was a mission determined to achieve
Our victory became our honor and dignity in pride received
However, history seems to be revolving once again
It’s not a how nor when situation
This is the time to be ready to speak out for the occasion
Expressions to mount and the exercise of rights ignited.
203 · Apr 2016
preservationman Apr 2016
I live because I have been honored
It was a given right
It was illustrated in being God’s sight
I live

The sunrise was my eyes seeing the light
Tribulation was a short plight
Heaven said we have you life
I didn’t have to seek advice
Because I live

As I began to lay down
My eyes just looked around
Life stated, “You are not ready to be Heaven bound”
I must continue to live

Life was my day in a continuous tomorrow
The steadfast with a morrow
The goodness in knowing how to live
Appreciation in sustaining in thinking positive
The encouragement too others in give
I shall live

It’s a new day
Praise all the way
Living is where I stay
I can continue too say, “I live”.
preservationman Feb 2018
“I am well pleased with a job well done”
Preaching surrounds the man
All about Faith follows Evangelist Graham caravan
Evangelist Graham died at 99
But he doesn’t want the family and the world to wine
Evangelist Graham wants the world to remember him for his caravan
This was a promise between him and the Lord made
His life is truly complete
The thought of salvation in repeat being neat
Heaven descended and Evangelist was risen up
Evangelist Graham preached even while he was old
His words of atonement having a behold
The miracles he experienced and seen
The Lord was looking down waiting for the world to come clean
Faith will always have an open door
This is for the world in having a sincere heart to explore
Evangelist Graham was truly a man of God
The Lord was well pleased
But now Evangelist Graham can now feel at ease
He doesn’t want anyone to weep
He is in Heaven where his soul shall keep
Evangelist Graham was humble being one of God’s Ambassadors preaching to the world like a Flock of sheep
He says, “I leave you now”
But always remember the enrichment of Christ in wow
I will be walking around and praising in Heaven
Honor the praise with the opportunity being a blessing
But remember world, the bible still teaches a lesson
So people of the world, don’t moan for me
My spotlight came and my message was heard for all to see
Bless it being my ongoing words
Evangelist Graham would say, “Thank you world for letting me be heard”
You will always be in my heart
Yet pray world and don’t stop
Salvation remains, and is what keeps you the Mountain Top
This is Evangelist Graham in not saying Goodbye, but until we meet again
Blessings until you
Heaven I have arrived
My preaching’s continue to strive
My tomorrow came today
But I was blessed every step of the way.
preservationman Jan 2021
Let’s play ball
Hank Aaron’s achievement that was seen by all
Through the years of discrimination
But it was talent that echoed out being Hank Aaron’s attention
Being Afro-American, he made history illustrating his presentation
He was a man of honor and truth
Hank Aaron who felt consequences but conquered them
Yet, he offers this encouragement, “Never give up, but always continue believing”
Believing in the impossible, but comes as expectation
The wonder surrounding inspiration
Hank Aaron the man no matter what
He believed in himself while others had doubt
But seeing Hank Aaron perform on the Baseball field, a determined and destined Baseball Player
Civil Rights was a plight during his generation
But he brought all barriers to achieve history in his life
Atlanta Braves was the term he made victory
But bravery is the story
Heaven is now his glory
His journey was ******* Earth
But he is now enriched in Heaven’s redeemed birth
His story of baseball is in all the history books
All one has to do is take a look
Fame follows throughout time
But now, Hank Aaron is at Rest and peace
Heaven knows
Hank Aaron’s life still has a glow
Remember him, and don’t cry
He is free to roam everlasting
Home run to Heaven at last
202 · Jul 2017
preservationman Jul 2017
It was songs telling of America’s ways
The songs established America’s history in what the lyrics says
You overcame wars
Everlasting was written in the extending stars
When the smoke finally cleared you were yet still standing
The moment may have become demanding
But you are America
A sustaining nation
Decree of people countryside to countryside
North to South
East to West
Proud to be an American and your enriched history
The day America claimed her independence
The very signing of declaration was July 4, 1776
A nation under God
Also a nation guided by God
Fireworks show the beauty in what you have accomplished in all the color variations
It’s the people in all creeds adding to the assortments
You are America from the past, but a future that extends forward
America, America, America
You are the tis of thee
In God we trust who makes America in what it should be.
201 · Feb 2017
preservationman Feb 2017
A story about a Wolf
He was the living proof
Teeth that would often bite
Caution in not taking light
Yet his breathing wasn’t a single puff
The Wolf would often fuss
You see, the Wolf lived all along in the forest
But he would never try to be honest
Every step the Wolf made was a consequence
It wasn’t time well spent
The Wolf often disturbed people
He didn’t have any friends
It all started from the very begin
His Mother and Father who left him in the woods
It has been since being his stood
A Wolf in trying to be wild
All this his whole life while
You remember the story of the Wolf who was trying to blow down the house
His puff wouldn’t even stop a mouse
The Three Pigs being his dig
He had no success
The Wolf won’t even confess
Maybe the Wolf should get a Lie Detection Test
Now that would be best
The Wolf was never sure of himself
But then again, he is no better than anybody else
Yet it is the Wolf that is alone
A story that someone should have known
A Wolf’s life couldn’t be full blown.
201 · Aug 2016
preservationman Aug 2016
Turn up the heat
Let our two hearts come together and compete
Our ***** in a deep treat
The emotions are in control
A feeling like cruising on a boat on the ocean
Our bodies being our island
We are remote and don’t want to be disturbed
We are alone at last
Moments have turned into seconds
Our love to Reagan with
We don’t need any *** toys
We have been created and apply all the joys
We have been caged long enough
Our love is not someone else’s bluff
Love does conquer all
There will be times that Love will cause one to fall
But get up and stand tall
The idea is to confront love
It’s everything you can think of
Our love has us soaring through the skies
However, it’s understanding that has made us wise
We are flying Doves
But remove the D in Dove and we are back to Love
Flying Love being in one
Romance together has taken us far
Yesterday’s love was only a start, but tomorrow, it will be love eternal captivating through the endless tunnel.
preservationman Feb 2018
February is destinated as Black History Month
This is the time to think back on Afro-American strides
Innovations in they provide
It goes beyond the struggles of slavery
But what follows is pure bravery
Afro-Americans forefathers having the theory of understanding and devoted wit
Education was a solid it
Sunrise to sundown
Afro-Americans would often read a book when the Slave Master wasn’t around
There was reading being the sound
Sometimes Afro-Americans were caught
There were racial barriers becoming a fought
But through it all Afro-Americans saw
It was initiative seeing a wrong
There were many biblical songs
Yet it was a battle that lasted long or not
It was the opposition planning a plot
Afro-Americans were determined to be free
Eyes of Heaven Looked down and they were guided by Thee
Multitudes upon Multitudes
Oh the thought of solitude
It all surrounded by fate
Later came a constitution that ended the slave date
Afro-Americans were finally freed being the slate
What do Dr. Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers and Malcolm X have in common?
Plain and simple, Civil Rights and togetherness among all races of people
I wasn’t a simple matter
Yet there was plenty of negative shatter
But eyes were opened beyond the shades
It was not strides that were made
Afro-Americans contributed inventions upon inventions having a mention
George Washington Carver in the peanut for oil
That is just one, but there were numerous inventions from others
Even though the opposition said “NO”
Afro-Americans made their point being all systems go
Determination had an agenda of persuasion
Illustration was a call to order being participation
So young people today should always stride to educate themselves
This is their chance in opportunity and bringing forth unity
The young people are tomorrow’s future of presenting their own selves
Excel and acceleration being there tell
Their enthusiasm having a sell
However, I weep in my heart and soul
We seem to be going back in time
A venture with a sublime
However, my heart seems to bleed
Will Afro-Americans still be able to proceed?
What’s behind the door being an unknown?
Yet our legacy of the past gave us understanding being shown
However, we can’t just relish on the past, but I will leave that alone
Instead, we should move forward and take what we learned from the past and make it our future to extend on
We need to see the ocean beyond the shore
Yet venture out on the waters being our explore
Tomorrow is today
Whatever situation that comes our way, we are prepared, and that is ok
At least we can say, “Achievement will always stand regardless. There must be trust among us. Yesterday was only a reminder. But Afro-Americans have God in their corner”.
200 · Sep 2019
preservationman Sep 2019
Don’t let the name fool you
But let me school you
Captain Ego wasn’t a courageous man
For starters, he is afraid of water
As far as steering a ship
Captain Ego really needs an encouraging tip
But do it quick before the ship takes a dip
Captain Ego seems to have a chip on his shoulder in thinking he is all that
It goes beyond fact
But what he really needs is a rude awakening being a smack
Even the crew knew what Captain Ego was about
It seemed every commotion always turned into a bout
Captain Ego would order the crew being a command, but sounded more like a demand
If Captain Ego doesn’t get his act together, he could very well be fed to the sharks
Mark my word
Now I hope you heard
Yet Captain Ego’s name being a description that doesn’t seem to match
But put Captain Chicken now that would be a catch
He certainly isn’t truth
However, Captain Ego has been that way since his youth
But the seas seem to be in charge
That means, Captain Ego isn’t large
He doesn’t have any sea legs
For calm seas, Captain Ego always begs
The sea being awake and Captain Ego stuck in a yawn
He doesn’t deserve a ship to be steering upon.
199 · May 2014
preservationman May 2014
The vision of my past existence and presence throughout the years
Sometimes people’s expressions give me fear
I have done nobody wrong
But people’s mannerism seems to have gone for too long
The looks that I get
But wait as it gets better yet
I was told I think I am all that
My first thought was to give the person a real smack
But then later I thought, “The person said I was all that and not me”
The idea is to use what I have been taught you see
Later I found out it was pure jealousy
I really wondered in my mind
But I figured out the reason being numerous combinations
My reflection is not one the peoples in receive
Their misconception in wanting to deceive
The story of my everyday life
There you have it plain with no spice
No time to even think twice
It is what it is
As my Grandfather’s past advice, “Live and Learn”.
199 · Jul 2016
preservationman Jul 2016
How the Poetry Match Game works
Lines as a sentence with a word missing awaiting your thoughts
on the blank space
Testing your quickn3ss that one might think is a prank with no erase
It was a surprise at the_____
A sudden noise no one could___
The person moved swiftly and got
Within the darkness there was no
The situation was now a
Yet the Intruder continued to move
Glass was breaking in the
The Intruder stole_______
Later decided instead to steal some
Suddenly gunshots rang out, but who had the__
The question is, who was shot
I hope you have your thinking cap words on
Putting the precise words where they belong
Well this is the Poetry Match Game signing off and moving along
Until next time, let your word play be always what you say.
preservationman Feb 2017
Efforts have a movement
Determination must a desire
Understanding comes with Education
Knowledge comes with teachings
Inspiration comes from within
All these above state the possibilities in accomplish
But one must truly establish
One must know how to succeed in getting to proceed
The first thing, one must not listen to negativity unless it’s constructive
Later set goals for yourself and not what goals other people want you to have
The term you will never amount to anything, delete and toss out of your mind
Instead add I will, I can, I shall
Everyone has abilities, but you have been labelled like a food can
Labels are only words and they need not to be heard
You have that creativity, but you must unlock in order to be proven
The honor is with you
This is something you must think on in order to pursue
No one is going to give you anything
However, if you make the necessary efforts, the rewards can become endless
The purpose is to prove to your self
Don’t be a follower like everybody else
You are the voice of reason
Don’t live your life within a forbidden treason
But live your life having a reason
You will excel
But negativity doesn’t want to tell
Inspiration being your own accord
What you will establish will be your applause
Many people in your life don’t want you to succeed
But turn my thoughts into your success creed
Let my words be like a motivation feed
Success waits
Don’t sit back and hesitate
Fate is an uplifting slate
Be motivated before it’s too late.
preservationman Oct 2019
Jerry, the GM PD-4106 bus is what I call
There was a period of stall
But wait, that’s not all
The GM PD-4106 bus of the past with possibilities
The bus was once the workhorse at Greyhound being reality
But because the PD-4106 was a bus of the 1960’s, it no longer had a function
The General Manager and Maintenance team had stuffed the bus way in the back in the bus company’s yard behind the garage where no one would notice
The Smith Brothers Bus Company had Heavy Charter traffic, and with all new updated features that the GM PD-4106 didn’t have from the past
So Jerry being had no use, but stay in the back and collect dust
The General Manager and Maintenance felt that was an absolute must
They thought there no fuss
How uncertain they were
But something happened for the good for GM PD-4106 that no one expected
A group needed to charter a vintage bus for a bus museum trip
Jerry was the only vintage bus on the lot
It wasn’t a plot
But I can tell you, the updated buses didn’t like that a lot
Jerry the GM PD-4106 was finally noticed
The updated buses started jealousy around the bus company place
Even the General Manager and couldn’t even erase
Jerry was the talk of the town
So vintage buses, man your stations
You are still the best from vintage back of all time creations
GM PD-4106 proved that
It is pure fact
So what happened to Jerry after the charter?
Jerry became a permanent bus to a proud owner in becoming a traveling motorhome.
198 · Oct 2015
preservationman Oct 2015
The hourglass having its own precise time
Cries of anguish with a press of sorrow
What will happen to my tomorrow?
I tried to figure out
But I was totally breathless and let out a shout
Tears flowed like an uncontrollable river
Seconds became minutes
Hours into days
Even the sun had a haze
Being quick is not fast anymore
A shore is simply something one must explore
Yet that moment within an instance
A breathing chance
Not knowing from one’s compelling advance
It was while on still
I have given up the will
I can no longer capture the moment
Time has passed by
It was only a try, but now I can only just cry
The hourglass has stopped
Watches and wall clocks being idled
The sun has turned black
There is no time to look back
My life being none
I say goodbye to the moment, and redeem my soul to the Heavens
My moment now being everlasting and forever in peace.
198 · Apr 2016
preservationman Apr 2016

198 · Nov 2023
preservationman Nov 2023
Deep South
Word of mouth
The town had so much hate
Today’s world can relate
Black Man’s nightmare
All about fear
Name calling
Blood that flows
The idea of being a minority
True reality
Just to survive
Attempting stride
No trust
Town of a past
Freedom at last
Shady Point
Didn’t inspire me
No dignity and honor
South scent
North went
198 · Apr 2016
A Heavenly Hand
preservationman Apr 2016
As the winds blew
It is God giving the world a cue
The Harlow shade
It was heavenly made
The thunder of attention
The lightening along with the mention
God’s message to the world
I am here in heaven looking high and low
Pray and be sincere and never let go
I am the Lord that can take away fear
Always keep me near
The assurance of one’s faith
The outcome of one’s spirit
God’s reward in giving of merit
Walk with me
Let your light shine for all too see
All this comes from thee
Be encouraged within the say
Keep every day holy I say unto you unto this day.
197 · Mar 2021
preservationman Mar 2021
Love on my mind
The candlelight shining bright
Love in romance all through the night
Kiss into bliss
Enchanted being a lot too list
But my heart won’t let love miss
My love is about everlasting
Love me now into forever
Love to me is something to sliver
I am the silver and you are my gold
It’s our love story that was never told
Bring your love energize
I will add to the surprise
Let our spirits rise
I want you to be my bull’s eye
Because you are the understanding and wise
My love goes beyond tomorrow
It is on the straight and narrow
Love having no shadow
It’s the sunshine that only love can make
I am the intrigue and you are my distinction
A picture perfect setting
So let our love connection begin
197 · Apr 2017
preservationman Apr 2017
Ghost that lived in the house
There was even a family of frightened mouse
The house was originally owned but they had died
It was twenty years ago
The actual death no one really knows
But the Ghost revolve all through the house
Spirits that don’t want any human visits
Witnesses say was a struggle in a fight that was heard in the house
They think it was the husband’s spouse
Yet moans and groans are heard all through the night
It only happens when darkness appears and there is no light
Surrounding homeowners often feel the plight
Witnesses also say the house often moves
It’s the Ghost making their point in ***** with prove
There was a ****** in those twenty years that took place
No one can even erase the trace
It was so long ago there is no accord written from the past
But the question is often asked, “How long did it really last?”
The Night of scare often happens at the precise quartz of midnight
No one and I mean no one can sleep tight
Darkness reigns with no light
It’s all moans and groans in scary sounds
People on the streets are nowhere to be found
It is clear the Ghost control
It is there own story being told
They are their own spirits that rise to terrorize
As I said before, even mouse are frightened
Unspoken words and your screams are never heard
I was murdered and you caused me to roam
I will not let go being left alone
The Ghost story must be told
But you are weak and can’t be bold
It has been years, but you are now old
This night isn’t yours and belongs to the Ghost
Your mind, heart and spirit have their own boost.
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