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365 · Sep 2015
preservationman Sep 2015
Bleecker Street, a name associated with New York City in the section of Soho
But makes Bleecker Street many don’t know
Just what made Bleecker Street unique?
It’s straight out history is what makes the street complete
It was a Goldsmith shop
Just a gallop hop
The shop was the most famous on the block
The Goldsmith owner being Manny Strong
He was a man who knew how to get along
Mr. Strong was also a professional strongman
His strength was always in demand
Mr. Strong could bend bars to shape horseshoes
However, he could lift heavy weights and even horses himself
Now Manny Strong was ahead of his time, but not like everybody else
Mr. Strong was a valued Circus strongman being the star of the show
But a good glance of his physique was just follow the flow
He would often lift weights over his head
But he would often break chains instead
Mr. Strong had no trouble in getting a female date
But it always had to be a woman who could relate
It was Mr. Strong’s strength that was his build up
His massive muscles were his character in making female’s feel safe in his arms
Yet it was his confidence in don’t be alarmed
Mr. Strong was all strength in being a sturdy solid man
The call of his trade, a business man in demand
One of the strongest in the land
This was Manny Strong’s life that made Bleecker Street his caravan.
365 · Jan 2018
preservationman Jan 2018
Enter the house if you dare
This is a warning in beware
A very poky house
The only movement is a mouse
Now that you turned the doorknob
You are the focus being the problem of no solve
As you walk through the house you hear moans, creaks and you feel the creeps
The house doors have been locked
You have become the ploy of the plot
You want to run
But you can’t because the house has you at the center among
Continue to walk through the house if your heart lets you
Suddenly an eerie hand reaches about
You then yell in a loud shout
It’s the spirit of the Ghost who owned the house
The moan was his wife who was his spouse
It’s the spirits being in unrest
As the lightening flashes all over the house
You are alone
Your whereabouts from others is totally unknown
You had to take the initiative to enter the house
You have become your own fright
Throughout the house there is no light
Venture on and move it along
Yet it won’t be long
You are being carefully watched
The house starts to shake
Now how much more can you take
Is it your nerves captivated by fate?
This is your final hour
You feel your stomach about to sour
The house has you completely trapped
You feel like you body is going to snap
The house is your tomb
It’s an awakening of the spirits being your doom.
preservationman Jul 2015
As a kid going to Private School
We learned many things being numerous source tools
We would often take field trips to various places
Each had its own individual spaces
One particular event was the United Nations
It was known with communicating with and establishing that with the world
We journeyed in what makes the United Nations in what it is
We had a Tour Guide from India who told us about the UN
Then our tour really started to begin
We entered an auditorium behind a sturdy glass
It was made to muffle the sound of silence much like a mask
We were at a General Assembly with a headset and Interpreter who spoke
As a kid, we learned that the UN was a serious business and no joke
Well things started to heat up with strong intense verbal use
It was becoming more like personal country abuse
Countries upon countries telling each other off
You could say defining with no meaning
The Interpreter literally stopped translating
Because we were 12 years old, Security demanded that we take off the headsets immediately
Later we headed for our school bus and journeyed back to our destination
It’s amazing how things are done all with a little persuasion
The United Nations with its own special blend, and my story that has come to a complete end.
preservationman Jul 2014
The night stars and moon hung high
Finding directions became a try
Driving by the guidance of the headlights
There were no off ramps in sight
The situation was now becoming a plight
Yet the cars headlights were shining bright
I drove and drove
I found myself in beginning dose
I was driving in what was suppose
Later I took the wrong turn
I was stuck in my own spotlight urn
Driving way out of my way
There are many words that I could say
Next time plan using a road map
It will make it easy as a snap
Perhaps a navigator to pen point my arrive
Then later be at my destination in strive.
362 · Oct 2014
preservationman Oct 2014
The Angels being God’s cabinet with a conference with the Lord being the CEO
Clouds gathered on Earth being the flow
Lightening, Thunder and rain being the show
Heavens voice being the establishment from above
The overcast feel was everything to think of
“Seek while God can be found”
“Do this before I the Lord come down”
“Establish in my name, but don't take salvation as being a shame”
I am angry in what I see on Earth
It’s time for a new establishment as a new birth
The wicked seem to flourish on the weak
I see their condemnation that is bleak
Even though I am high above
My power is great to think of
My message is clear
Make your salvation stronger and always hold Heavens near
I don’t want you to have any fear
I want you to have goodness to continue with the theory of preserver
The wicked shall always try to attack
As the Lord I got your back
But with salvation in control, you will be able to handle situations with tack
The clouds all gather in my name
My covenant certainly isn’t a game
My power transcends too all
I am the Earth Overseer being the call.
361 · Sep 2016
preservationman Sep 2016
It has been said an Apple a day keeps the Doctor away
But when it comes to the Apple computer it becomes getting knowledge every day
Technology being the upswing
Concepts of resolutions being the thing
Look into the eye of an Apple computer with the journey into cyberspace
The learning experience being the trace
Icons with much to travel that will take you far
It might be places you could get to by car
Yet wireless detail with no interference
All systems go putting you in the know
The Apple computer always wants to expand your mind
Test your understanding, and see how far the Apple computer can take you
Technology where your mind has never gone before
Yet confident and sure
Apple is waiting for you to bite, and software and hardware excelling knowledge that certainly will excite
Prepare for takeoff and take flight.
360 · Mar 2015
preservationman Mar 2015
There was an ad by the Writer’s Guild
It was a Writing opening that they needed to fill
So applied being my own will
They asked for a sample of my writing fest
It was actually a writing test
There were several stages that all applicants had to go through
If I passed the first stage, I was half way in
Well I passed the writing test exercise in the first phase
So I was almost in
However, it was the second stage too begin
Unfortunately, at the time I didn’t have a reliable computer
So I didn’t any further being my own accord
Yet this kept me fired up in my writing of inspiration being assured
It was an experience I will never ever forget
Not having the right computer will always be my regret
The Writer’s Guild would have been my ticket too fame
Imagine Hollywood would have been my name.
359 · Oct 2019
preservationman Oct 2019
What happens when Bodybuilders retire from the sport?
No more lifting heavy weights
It was a sport any Bodybuilder did appreciate
The muscles will now become extinct
General fitness the key becoming unique
No more being muscle bound
Intensity will no longer be the sound
But a retired Bodybuilder will still be around in the background
Perhaps becoming a Personal Trainer in upcoming new bodybuilders
The chore of dieting for a contest no more
New Frontiers to explore for sure
But then again, perhaps pose one last time
A heart for the Bodybuilding sport still combined
A retired Bodybuilder you won’t find doing *******
That I am pretty sure
A retired Bodybuilders waist will adjust in size
But will still be energized
Too some that might be a surprise
Talk to a retired Bodybuilder and you will realize
A retired Bodybuilder will still inspire throughout
Now that is what Bodybuilder is all about.
preservationman Jul 2014
Lucy just found out that she must enter a baking contest
But Lucy wants to impress the Judge’s being her guest
She needs help and it is Ethel at her request
Lucy broadly states, “I have a plan”
Something is always at her command
Lucy tells Ethel since you know how to bake, it will be your oven in the bake
I will be the winner in the take
What Lucy cooks you don’t want to know
But lets continue on with the show
Lucy and Ethel are busy in the kitchen with their bake
The judge’s have arrived early, but is it too late?
Lucy entertains the Judge’s in her living room with Ethel
Suddenly there was a smell of burned smoke
The guest were beginning to choke
Lucy and Ethel immediately ran to the kitchen as the cake was slightly
Burned and went flat
Judge’s eyes raised with amazed and thinking, what was that?
Lucy being saddened by the surprise
She was now caught in her own realize
As we leave Lucy to think, it was an effort in try and Lucy being alone in her own cry.
358 · Jul 2016
preservationman Jul 2016
Close your eyes and imagine travelling to a far off place
Come fly with me being the trace
Let’s see where the wand will take us
As our imagination soars, please no fuss
The wand is our mission control
It will open our make believe being behold
A magic wand being our story ever told
We will venture into outer space
This is our own star trek adventure that no one would one to erase
Look at the Milky Way being our discovery at will
We still have a little time to fill
Let’s experience what Dorothy experienced in the Wizard Of Oz
The thought of that evil old Witch
But the moment will arrive and there will be a switch
A spell here and a spell there, but that old witch better concentrate in beware
We have no time to get back to Kansas
Well onto adventureville
Whatever is our next stop being the wand’s will
Motion to the potion at the same time still
The wave of the wand and look at where we arrived
We stepped back into time, and this is no jive
Now we are in the middle of the Gettysburg Battlefield
This is definitely history where textbooks created a mystery
Yet this is all for real
It was really a big deal
As the smoke cleared, we actually got the feel
A battle that utilized plenty of ammunition
Yet a treaty being a petition under conditions
Our make believe wand has summoned us to return
But what have we learned?
It was a little of this and that
It’s pretty hard to really keep track
But at least we made it safely back
That wand was magical as a tack.
357 · Jan 2018
preservationman Jan 2018
It’s time to tone
Leave the fast foods alone
Get to the gym and workout
Shape and conditioning is what I am talking about
It’s the bones and the vessels
Muscles are the strength
So exercise in going the mile in good length
You will be glad you did
Don’t keep those muscles hid
Exercise for good health and not be a bid
Muscles are meant to be in shape
Look how built on an ape
Muscles bring out the beauty in what your body should be
You will have confidence and people will see
It takes focus to make muscles strong
However, it is nutrition in how muscles get along
Nutrition and exercise work hand in hand
Muscles are calling throughout the land
Build me up
This is a new year
Let the resolution be your start to preserver
Muscles are ****
Turn your muscles into energize
Then watch as your body will amaze and you will be surprised.
356 · Dec 2015
preservationman Dec 2015
A table with all the holiday servings
Many mouth watering treats to make you smile
All this eating during while
Gather round but not single file
It the night before Christmas at the North Pole
The story of Santa Claus whose weight really did swole
It was the fact Santa gained too much weight
Thanks to Ms. Claus who made many he ate
Even the sleigh could barely take off
Well some the reindeer even had to cough
But on with our story
The very first house had a chimney, but guess who couldn’t fit through?
Yes you guessed it, good old St. Nick
Did you think a stick or a good kick?
Well St. Nick almost broke the chimney trying to come down
But with all the noise, it was a wonder that any kid was looking around
But being stuck, how was St. Nick going to make his rounds
Better yet, how was he going to be air ward bound?
Now everyone be silent and don’t make a sound
We don’t want to wake up any child
It’s Christmas Eve during while
Well this is what Santa gets for eating more than he can eat
Then to top it off with snacks between being a cheat
Santa made it down the chimney, but it wasn’t easy
It also wasn’t easy in going out by the chimney either
There you have it, a heavyweight story
But it surrounds Santa in all his glory
Well this ends our holiday story.
356 · Dec 2014
preservationman Dec 2014
Shoppers will be out and about
Salvation Army caroler’s giving a big holiday shout
Christmas Tree’s soon to be decorated
A thought of a theme that will be created
The idea on shopper’s mine on what should they buy whose on their Christmas list
Something different but having just the right twist
A sweater might be nice
However I better think twice
I will see when I enter the store
There will be plenty of variety for me too explore
However I must watch how I use my credit card charge
The financial flow could end up large
These will be Christmas gifts to people I will give
However there’s more to Christmas than just gifts
It’s the baby Jesus being the thrift
The stars smile in the air
The feeling of space and surrounding atmosphere
In the distance, a Christmas tree lights coordinate in color from star top beginning bottom
What a way to start the holidays
This is the season to give
A time for friends and family
Remembering the birth of Jesus being an opportunity
The Christmas star with stories that come from a far
Happy Holidays to you and yours
Health and happiness for all to explore.
preservationman Jun 2017
It was a past about a horse and a Cowboy
But it wasn’t a story of Indians in attack, but happiness being a joy
This was a time when the West had already won
It was some Navajo Indians who became friends among
The Navajo Indians shared cultures and traditions
The Cowboy trained the Indians in how to ride a horse
It was a nature care thing having no force
The Navajo Indians lived in their own reservation
You could call it preservation
The Navajo Indians were trained for battle and attack
Yet some people wonder about that
But the Cowboy instilled that there was trust
He also showed no need to fuss
The horse even familiarized himself with the other horses of the Navajo Indians
Everyone got along
This was the books past back that needed to belong
This was the chapters throughout the book
All one has to do is just take a look
Western movies always portrayed Indians with Wagons and Stagecoach attacks
However, that was the movie’s action fact
It didn’t always happen like that
There was calmness but some fear with uncertainness
People were living in assumption and not on trust
Yet the Cowboy and a horse showing Indians can be friends
But the book illustrated in not to live in fear
A book that showed the story right
What was darkness have shed some light.
355 · May 2017
preservationman May 2017
Senior in age
Wise in being amazed
Mother *** is not dead, but yet alive
But one day, it will be Heaven in her strive
Divine Faith in God being always
Praying warrior Mother ***
Her mind is sharp like a fox
Wisdom beyond young people’s thinking
Yet Mother *** is God’s wonder
Her vision in seeing yonder
There is no doubt
Mother ***’s praise is a daily shout
Telling the Heavenly Father in time of trouble
The prayer, “Struggles being a stable”
The Lord always tells Mother *** in assurance to rise up
A Heavenly response, “I have heard your prayer”
Mother ***, you are Faithful and through my strength is how you preserver
Mother *** you know I am always near
So you have nothing to fear
People change, but God remains the same
You have always believed in me
Your devoted spirit that all can see
Continued to march on
You have travelled long
I know sometimes you get tired and weary
God sees and knows
But you are filled with God’s strong character that shows
Heaven knows and the world is being observed
I am the Lord God and I am watching.
preservationman Feb 2017
Your music continues to hit my ears
I remember Phyllis Hyman’s songs
I know Ms. Hyman has been dead so long
But her songs brought Love to life
Measure for Measure
Love being the pleasure
Ms. Hyman illustrated in order to love someone you must start loving from within
Knowing how to love, but understanding you are truly in love
Ms. Hyman’s songs of serenity and sincerity
Yet it all comes down to reality
A heart of inner emotions with love never having to end
Determinations of feelings become concrete on when
No moon could ever set the mood
The candle lit in the kiss and seduced by smooth and soothe
Breathless in wanting to be loved even more
The heart pounds in being sure
As the heart pulsates, it was a matter in romance being total fate
Love and romance being eternal in date
But there is a reality
Love can crumble beyond a moment’s notice
But because of that love, one must be strong and continue to stand on solid ground with no turnaround
You are now standing on secrete ground, and your life will revolve around and around
Phyllis Hyman sang to the world all so well
This is why Phyllis Hyman is remembered with elegance being swell
Ms. Hyman life remains on Higher Ground
However, I still hear the echoes of her singing voice, which she herself is being the sound
You knew how to entertain us
As a fan, I remember you being an always must.
354 · May 2016
preservationman May 2016
All kinds of military ship anchors have been pulled up
Naval ships slowly pulling away from New York Shores
Many New Yorkers in celebration of Memorial Day were able to board various naval ships and explore
An adventure for sure
But reality has become a mission
Conflict undone
Battles are still among
Ship engines push on
Be victorious will be long
All Soldiers say goodbye mate
Thank you for your support in being our date
We must depart to give freedom and maintain honor
The Flag hangs forward in giving us courage to push on
Thanks for all the salutes
As our naval vessel moves swiftly through the waves
Our direction is destiny and dignity
A war can come at any given moment
There will be destruction and lives loss
But together as troops, we make a force
No boundaries will ever separate
But ammunition in how they will relate
We are slowly drifting into open seas
New York City being a distance back
We will be ready at any given moment to attack
To the enemy, what do you think of that?
The seas leading us in the direction into troubled waters
The mission be prepared
As our naval ship bids farewell
We leave you with a quote to tell
“The naval uniform to all we protect, and our stance in how we project”.
353 · Feb 2016
preservationman Feb 2016
A city in Indiana
The highway that connects you to its people
It’s just that simple
You have time being ample
Evansville being a city of delight
I hope you will visit being might
The people of Evansville who are courteous and polite
A Greyhound bus ride away
Why not make Evansville a vacation stay
It could be your getaway
A thought just came to my mind
Evansville that leads the highway all the way
The state of Indiana with an E in explore
It’s the city of Evansville you need not to ignore
Take a boat ride view
Take a lot of pictures to look on through
Come together with family and friends or just you
No matter what your plans
Evansville is still high in demand
The city stands high and tall
It says welcome to all
Indiana says stop on by
Where you are there, give Evansville a try.
353 · Apr 2018
preservationman Apr 2018
Captain Chicken would be afraid of his own shadow
He was just that hallow
It all started with Captain Chicken travelling the seven seas
He would be scare even with the breeze
But he was a Sailor at the time
But Captain Chicken could be a little sublime
It was a violet storm, and the waves were pouring into the ship
The ship began to do up and down dips and the sides in tip
The crew began to panic
Of course Captain Chicken was simply frantic
Oh the Mighty Seas that raw
A chicken Captain in watching the Sea Waves he saw
The so called Captain Chicken could very well had been a tuna dish below
Yet, the crew managed to pull through the ordeal
But was Captain Chicken for real?
However, but what I didn’t tell you was Captain Chicken didn’t know how to swim
How fitting for a ship that sails on water
But what would happen if the ship should certainly sink?
This is where Captain Chicken would have to think
But the closest water to Captain Chicken would be a *** of Boiling Water
But not necessarily in that order
You might be thinking, it sounds more like a plot
But this is reality having a not
Captain Chicken ranking from Sailor to Captain
That means maneuvering the ship through unforgotten waves and obstacles
But it’s water not being Captain Chicken’s refuge
He’s lucky he has two legs to stand on
But again with another question of how long?
But what really comes to mind is at least Captain Chicken’s legs didn’t become a drumstick
No courage would be what would stick
Captain Chicken with a ship name I would call “Chicken of the Sea”
That describes Captain Chicken in every way
In fact, the name Captain Chicken is what will stay
But it all started on this day
No one will ever forget Captain Chicken
But the end result is, no matter what, Captain Chicken will be controlled by the waves and the waves message, “Captain Chicken, you will have to behave”
We control the sea waves.
preservationman Sep 2017
A cruise that left from the New York City Port
40 Years as Husband and Wife
Experience in knowing how to give young married couples advice
But 40 years anniversary is our celebration to get away
We are cruising to the island of Bermuda
Being together hand in hand
Kisses upon kisses our demand
The warm hot sun with a sense of romance
The aroma of the Caribbean feel
As we arrived in Bermuda, we were greeted by a full rainbow
The Lord gave our ship the official welcome being the show
Our 40th Anniversary with recognizing us in know
We were supposed to stay in Bermuda until Friday
However, hurricanes upon hurricanes warrants our early departure from the island
God has us in good hands
He controls throughout the land
Thank you Babe for this celebration being ours
Our moment being our time together
I lift the champagne glass being more years as Husband and Wife
It’s love that never stopped
It’s our open communications marriage that keeps us on top
Love throughout the cruise
I see fireworks that have formed a love heart in variations fuse
I love you even more
Our lives still have much more in life to explore
We got the ocean beat and the ship is our retreat
Each and every moment, we are each other’s treat.
352 · Jul 2015
preservationman Jul 2015
I brought a ** Big Red Eagle Trailways bus
I had to add it to my collection being a must
My Big Red bus seemed out of place
Yet I would never ever replace
My bus collection seemed to say, “Big Red what are you doing here?”
For me Big Red was a welcomed opportunity
Needless to say, “Big Red felt right at home”
I was determined Big Red doesn’t need to roam
Big Red being a name of the past
But it is in my memory to last
Even thought Greyhound merged and is large with charge
Big Red has a history and to fellow bus enthusiast it is our marv
There is no problem that needs to be resolved
Just Big Red in highways gone by
Tears in not seeing Big Red in its cruising try
Big Red that everybody knew
But it was that name “Trailways” being its slew
The familiar Eagle that would soar the highway land sky
Destination being American towns and cities perhaps a Trailways Terminal near you
Big Red you achieved what America forgot
In my heart I will not
Thanks Big Red for the history and the ride
You are now in the hands of the Greyhound stride.
preservationman Aug 2016
I was told by my Co-worker that his Aunt is very sick
I wanted to offer encouragement that would stick
But I knew it had to inspiration that had to be quick
The main ingredient became prayer
A Heavenly conversation that helps preserver
Father who sits in Heaven, we come to you as we humbly know how
My Co-workers Aunt is in the Hospital where Doctors are doing all they can
Are the treatments working, it is a matter of when
Father Heal her from the crown of her head to her toes
Encourage my Co-worker to look and relish on woes
Give the Doctors and staff knowledge and understanding in what procedures to use
We apply assurance of Faith and Belief with doubt we shall refuse
We pray from our internal hearts
We thank you ever more
We leave the Aunt’s condition in your hands
We give praise to the almighty
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
We treasure and honor you being our Heavenly host.
preservationman Feb 2015
A visit too a known Art gallery
There was a very well tone and created canvas masterpiece
The color set the tones
The painting had all the features shown
The theme of the painting was a “Mother and a child”
The Artist captured the exact moment of Mother and child’s eyes glazing into one another
However this painting was not like any other
There seemed to be love in that painting
Suddenly by surprise, the picture became a solid human fixture when the image literally came out
To the viewer, it was an awakening being a big shout
The Mother told the viewer in what it was like to be a parent
Then showed her daughter in making the introduction apparent
Being a parent means taking responsibility seriously in being more than just know
It’s the appreciation of love in the child in letting it show
Then it was enough of the live talk
The Mother and child stepped back into the image masterpiece
A lesson taught more than just art, but information to the viewer being released
A masterpiece with lots to show
Providing information into more than art putting lookers in the know.
preservationman Jul 2015
Determination to follow through
The aptitude in a method of can do
There’s no such thing as a free ride
Your inner thought being a straight lie
It’s a matter in putting your efforts into action
Motion with achieving results
Success in being confident in knowing you succeeded
Accomplishing with an objective
Careful planning but being selective
Action more than just making a statement
It is surrounded by commitment
Your mind, voice and total soul on one accord
Yet the encouragement comes from our mighty Lord
Drive is not stand and still
Drive to the next level being your free will
No time to stop
But concentration in reaching the top
No time to doubt
No time to shout
Move your body like a turning wheel
Feel like you are a winning game contestant in being a big deal
Hold your head up
Be proud of what you have achieved then look further in what you will continue to receive
The wheels of you turning more and more
There will be much for you to explore
Block out all the negativity and just ignore
Destination being where you want to go in the flow
Drive on and think hard.
351 · May 2020
preservationman May 2020
Actual singing words from the heart
The wonder of establishing courage
A feeling needing to nourish
The experience to explore
It was a moment in life extended to soar
Singing to captivate in explore
Wanting to share singing talent being a God given right
I am humble and polite
Now the stars tonight are my spot light
They sparkle with delight
Singing hope being magical
The stars danced with every singing note
The stars seemed to float
The Moon had a smile
It was the alto singing while
Singing with joy and appeal
The whole experience was for real
Lockdown with a moment of a short out
This is about inspiration to come about
It doesn’t have to be a bout
Singing creativity is the activity
The craft to suing being no eternity
Yet singing full force became the reality
preservationman Aug 2016
A time where stagecoaches were the way to travel from town to town
Also were Death arrived in burial with grave digging shovel
Mountains high with formations
Town and dust road names providing information
Sheriffs ruled in various towns
Yet robbers would often gallop into towns and intimidate citizens, Rob Banks and train holdups
John Wayne was a Movie Star was known doing western movies
“A western town not built for thieves so get out of Dodge”
Dust would often kick up from all the horse riding and wind storms
Tumbleweed flying from side to side and in any direction
The west wouldn’t be the west without a mysterious Ghost Town
Shutters that hit houses in a windy phase
Sometimes the days present haze
Shoot outs between Sheriff and Villains
I feel the bullet ricocheted and I was shot
But then again, it could have been a plot
Howdy always went into rowdy
Having a drink at a saloon
Then the hour of noon
Who would be the last man standing?
The music and dancing Can Can girls
As only a Can Can Girl can
Adventure in the west Will Smith style
Fighting villains all during while
Well that is how the west was won and living among
Now get out to the west and create your own fun
I am off to the west and I am into the sunset.
preservationman Oct 2014
The name New Jerusalem Baptist Church
Faith has always been the mission
The 21st Century full of inspiration
The Holy Spirit you need to feel and see
Praises in shouts and singing in the multitudes as we
You are definitely at where you need to be
A new enriched faith in a whole different concept
Lifting up the Lord’s name in what you would expect
God’s chosen words
Spread the good news and let it be heard
Many different sermons that will be preached
The whole idea is Christian Education in teach
It’s the unbelieving souls that New Jerusalem wants to reach
It’s the establishing of renewing acquaintances with God
The thought of Jesus who died on the cross
Everyday remembrance on when he rose
There is no theory of suppose
It’s also no presentation in purpose
It’s what that has been preached and scripture
It’s New Jerusalem keeping you in the faith loop
The cleansing showers of hope
The Heavens bring a world of encouragement through
Trials and Tribulations to bear
But a word of caution I want to share
The Devil wants to corrupt your mind
Your defense is Christ our Thine
The Lord will pull you through
The enemy will get the wrath that’s due
New Jerusalem being more than a white church building
They are illustrating faith that will last
The acceleration of time that is moving fast
God’s work on the bull’s eye
An unbeliever’s heart still questioning why?
Stretched out hands in give God a try
We have confronted with God seeing us eye to eye.
350 · Apr 2016
preservationman Apr 2016
The distinction between value and common sense
A commodity of defined thinking
The concept of separating concept with knowing how to adapt
So far, understanding has been established through Value,
Concept, Adapt and Defined Thinking
Value being intellect in what you perceive and dignity from within
It can be a negative or positive, but understanding in what is false or perhaps true
However, analytical thinking must come through
Concept and Adapt is to fulfill the understanding in connection to being logical or obvious
Common Sense is a decree that was created being one of the top senses, which is in all of us
Having that vital sense is a must
Understanding wouldn’t have any meaning without the formula with common sense combined
Well understanding says it all in the establishment of thinking and analyzing
Determining is for you to decide
It is that connection with your mind in what you actually see as a statement of point or a more precise theory
Understanding is about logically correct, possibilities, but must be a fact using common sense.
preservationman Apr 2016
It has always been an open door and shut case
But wait and let’s not be haste
In order to even open the door, you must see opportunity
But the cognitive of unity
A collaboration of everything coming together
The process illustrating effort
Determination with attempting to open the door
The door is an explore
Once you open the door, there is assurance of sure
There is a connection of the open door and ****
It takes a destined desire to find out more
The fact is be confident with no ignore
The open door and **** being the hand that extends
We are back to opportunity with an inspired begin
Trust brings on assurance
Illustration values influence
The door that won’t close on you
As you were able to get through
So when you see an open door could possibly be your chance
Once again, it’s that opportunity that spells advance e
So open that door, and handle your business, and be inspired as the presenter on the floor.
350 · Mar 2015
preservationman Mar 2015
A couple boarded a Greyhound bus for Louisville, Kentucky
Romance with inspiration in being lucky
The Greyhound bus left from the Big Apple you know
Passenger’s reclined in their seats
They were thinking in traveling that can’t be beat
A lovely woman was sitting right next too me
I have to find out her name you see
The female passenger’s name was Christina
What could be finder?
Christina was going to Louisville also
So this hound bus was travelling with the flow
It seemed the darkness had a heart shaped moon
However we will arrive in the next day in Louisville at noon
Love was definitely on that hound bus
Lips upon lips of romantic passengers being a couple of us
It was the hound bus that brought us together
As the music horns tell of this love tail
It has been the hound’s bus wheels in the trail
Go loving hound too where romance can be found
As we disembark, love has truly made its mark.
349 · Oct 2018
preservationman Oct 2018
We are thought of as a tribe
But our destiny is written in the destination scribe
A Greyhound Bus led the Freedom Way
Racial discrimination and separation was not ok
There was a fight for change on that day
Freedom is a given right
They didn’t captivate being polite
They certainly didn’t just sit tight
Where there was darkness, there was a guiding light
Freedom Riders had a demand
It was going too be Justice throughout the land
It’s Equality for all being the caravan
The Freedom Riders voices were a definite shout
It’s was for the Nation’s Capitol to work Discrimination out
The mission didn’t revolve around the Black race, but togetherness for all races
Freedom Riders History was centered with a purpose having a trace
They were against all odds that couldn’t be erased
But was a task of face too face
Opposition wasn’t going to stop no matter what
It was the 1960 being a year having no defeat
The Freedom Riders were determined they weren’t going to retreat
They were going to speak out and be heard
They were animals flocking like a herd
Freedcm being the Freedom Riders first name
Then last name in a determined Victory
Then came the end of the story.
preservationman Nov 2021
Its relax and lean back
Let me narrate that
Santa decided he would do a change of pace
Christmas is about timing and no race
e gave the Reindeers a vacation
Santa’s ride will be his own Private Greyhound Bus Provocation
He will be travelling on Christmas Eve night
The Greyhound bus will be seen in sight
Santa wants to ride in style
Journeying refreshed and relaxed
It’s all about the kids and Santa can’t be perplexed
Now Santa will have to change his usual motto, he usually tells his Reindeers to Dash away
But since it is Greyhound, he will have to Jingle all and thanks for Santa being the call
Leave the Holidays to us and let Santa avoid the fuss
Santa is definitely travelling on the Greyhound bus
The Hound bus will be fast
A big difference from Santa’s sleigh
Why should Santa let the Reindeer steer?
The Greyhound bus would be the perfect preserver
Santa suggested, Greyhound is his surprise
Greyhound would help deliver the toys to every Girl and Boy
The Holiday Season is about Joy
I know the Reindeer would be upset
I am Santa and have no regret
Greyhound’s new Santa Slogan, “LEAVE AND LET US DRIVE”
Arrive refreshed and alive
Journey in your dreams and Good Night
347 · Feb 2016
preservationman Feb 2016
You have journeyed but refused to find
My Heavenly Father is merciful and kind
Because I am Salvation, I am one you should know
Many testimonies have been told because of what I showed
My Showers are the flow
The Holy Spirit is a moment to let go
I am Salvation because of the miracles that have been performed
I am Salvation because I instilled Faith
I encourage when one grows weary and teary
I am the answer to any theory
I am called Salvation because I have another well known name
I am called Jesus and Jehovah
Yet Salvation is something no one should just skip over
I bring defined shelter and cover
Evil can’t stand me for who I am
I am Salvation who puts power in people in establishing can
Many hesitate and try to avoid
But Salvation us under the accordance of our Lord
Many unbelievers feel I am hard to seek
Just be humble and meek
Yes I have been Salvation all along
I want all to have a sense of feeling and a place where they belong
Who says one can’t?
It’s the praises in how you advance
I have a chosen few
But I am Salvation being your clue
One day you must make a choice
You must make a commitment being your voice
Salvation leaves you now to think
I am faster than any wink
Heaven will one day be your date
Refusal will be a torment fate
Seek Salvation before its too late
preservationman Jun 2016
New Jerusalem is the place to be
It’s all about salvation for all to see
Praises and blessings truly come down
But you need to be New Jerusalem bound
Singing and praises will always be the sound
The sermons that open your heart and enrich your soul
Don’t be surprised as you witness your own behold
New Jerusalem is putting Faith on the move
It’s all about God and salvation having joy with the soothe
Being enriched with Faith is what New Jerusalem will prove
All you have to do is get into the salvation grove
Life your voice and your hands
Follow me to New Jerusalem and be led to the Heaven’s caravan
New Jerusalem being the preparation to the kingdom
Christian education in understanding establishing wisdom
The vital key is to believe
Overcoming struggles in knowing God will relieve
Being Born Again in Heavens receive
New Jerusalem Worship Center is all it should be
Don’t forget to bring your spiritual praying hands
It’s the praises at God’s demand
New Jerusalem Worship Center is a devoted church
Commitment with responsibility
It’s Priority in making salvation a reality.
347 · Jan 2017
preservationman Jan 2017
A Full Moon that creates
The werewolves in how it relates
Transformation from Human to Beast
A night for Flesh being the feast
The Werewolves hungers and would even **** a Priest
A craving for flesh and blood
The event could even be a forest with dirt and mud
Yet the Werewolves who smells humans near by
It’s the perils of echoing outcry with screams in try
The acceleration in quickness by
However, it’s the fangs and claws that dig in
Humans become a Werewolf’s sacrifice that begin
The night where darkness doesn’t seem to end
Screams upon screams during now and then
It’s the movement of a Werewolf’s stride
But a Werewolf knows where Humans hide
Nothing can stop the Werewolf but a silver bullet
There’s never no time to respond nor yond
Beware of the Full Moon, and eyes direct on target, the Werewolf could be very close and in your face
Your life will become nonexistence as an erase.
347 · Aug 2015
preservationman Aug 2015
The plums were ripe in their bloom
A touch of a season change that would be coming soon
Yet leaves falling from the trees in where they lay
Careful foot steps in caution in being ok
The skies having their own surprise
It’s another day that the mind becomes a continuous wise
A short moment to think on
Living and feeling where you belong
As time brings on struggles with thinking in being strong
A choice being a reason to live
A sacrifice being thankful to give
Hope being a purpose to rejoice
The King above who holds and deserves the praise
Not a newsreel broadcast
It is the hand of life
Life being the open door
All you have to do is just explore
Dwelling on ignore because you are uncertain with a darken sure
The way it was is what can change
What has been changed can never remain
What efforts that weren’t made, it is you the blame
The way it was is what was from the very beginning
A change in what was expected and a new horizon coming at the very end
You now have a new agenda to begin and it continues until when.
346 · Jul 2014
preservationman Jul 2014
Adopt a prayer from the inner heart
The spoken word heard through the inner ear
The sincere cry
The kneeing prayer an effort try
Heaven’s gates that are open wide
The spoken response
My praying continual in God’s time
My heart was troubled with full of despite
I felt no one really cared
But while I was on my knee’s
A praying hand was extended out
All I could do was praise and open my mouth in a big shout
Cry no more, as I will help you bear more
I am the savior for you to explore
It’s the Heaven’s full of galore
It’s the testimony that will be full of sure
Adopt a prayer
A praying hand of motion
Your horizon seeing beyond any ocean
The vision in looking up
Then later, “Adopt a prayer”.
345 · Jul 2014
preservationman Jul 2014
Henderson Blue with a voice to sing
It was his pitch in being the thing
He is not well known
But has talent and it shall be shown
But there is more to Henderson Blue
He knows how to act
Being able to project Henderson Blue doesn’t lack
It’s his words that transcend into an enterprise
But it is his dramatics that surprise
Henderson Blue makes the audience feel that they are wise
When Henderson Blue hits a note
You automatically know that he is no joke
Henderson sings because he wants to inspire
He states, “He wants individuals to have a desire”
Henderson’s parents were his role model
He stands on dignity and pride
A gift to sing
The elegance and harmony being a bling
Henderson sings in the glory of the optive
Continue to sing with the performance to give
Henderson Blue, you are you own marquee
It won’t be long for the world to see
Into our hearts as we.
preservationman Mar 2018
Show me a good book and reference materials
They all are cataloged in serials
I will show how researching should look
It’s a matter of organizing and that’s all in took
The library has books and magazines on various subjects
It’s the reader’s find in elect
Knowledge and understanding in illustrating the proper effect
Books and magazines help one relax
A journey beyond but getting away from feeling perplexed
The library offers wonders in revolving chapters
Just like a book what happened after
Pages turning mystery into theory
A past in what happened in history
I am the Librarian to help you expand your mind
Watch as knowledge becomes the twine
Now knowledge will take you far
It’s not something one can get to by car
As a Librarian, I know the way
I am here daily every day
Who says a library has nothing to offer?
Then you really haven’t read a book or magazine
Think of the library being a lean and clean cuisine.
343 · Aug 2014
preservationman Aug 2014
Angry waves stirring up the seas
Ships as boats tossed such as these
The Sea Gods establishing their wrath
The boats have very little time to escape in a raft
The seas in all their fury
A boatmen’s watery grave as a bury
The darken moon only knew
The overcast skies in what would be a slew
A lonely lighthouse turning with every mount
The spotlight being signalized with every count
Boat maneuvering through raging waters
A circular affect being like quarters
The raging storm nothing more than a storm
It’s mainly a message in who controls being the norm.
preservationman Feb 2020
The man, Eubie Blake
Jazz Pianist and Composer filling the slate
Music having its own blend
Gifted talent because my Uncle Eubie can
Eubie Blake being my Great Uncle
Have listened to him play those ivory cords
Oh my Lord
Uncle Eubie played Jazz with direction in mine
The direction was rhythm in Jazz emotion
It didn’t matter if it was waters deep like an ocean
The Charleston blend being a thought in a notion
Step up but step back
My Uncle Eubie could play with the golden fingers
Every note being a creation
The rhythm is the formation
My Great Uncle is in the Smithsonian African Museum and Culture in Washington, DC
He was once a student at New York University
My Great Uncle’s Parent were once slaves and perished over the years
But Uncle Eubie was inspired in his own right to preserver
He was from Baltimore, Maryland
It’s music note after note as my Great Uncle made that music simply float
Uncle Eubie’s dignity met honor
The ivory keys of the piano that I will never forget
In fact, the piano keys and I have met
I was taught professionally on the Piano by two musicians, a Female Opera Singer and a Male Concert Pianist
But before that, I was concentrating on the *****
My Uncle Eubie was the influence and inspiration
It doesn’t matter what music as it is about culture and appreciation
Play that again Uncle Eubie
Legacy being the remembrance all the way
341 · Aug 2014
preservationman Aug 2014
There was a knock at the door
Martha looked through the peek hole in explore
At first she hesitated to answer the door
But Martha wanted know more
Martha then asked the stranger what did he want?
The stranger was looking to sell subscriptions in her apartment
Martha then invited the stranger in and this is where our tail accelerates in begin
As the stranger sits next to Martha on the couch
The stranger begins move swiftly in touch
Suddenly the stranger begins in his **** tour and Martha says yoach
Martha tells the stranger to take his hand away
But the stranger still thinks his roaming is ok
Martha then tells the stranger she is not alone
Suddenly Martha’s dog runs out and attacks the stranger in a bite
But the stranger is too strong for the dog and he knocks the dog against the wall
The dog is knocked out in the stranger’s call
Martha shouts for the stranger to stop
But he continues in his ****** way
Just then, “Martha yells to the stranger she will not be it”
Immediately, Martha found knife and stabbed the stranger in the heart
Now Martha was truly thinking smart
Martha felt it was either her life or his
Neighbors heard the commotion and then call the Police
The Police had immediately arrived and Martha was saved from the stranger’s stride
Yet the stranger was almost dead
But that is what the stranger gets in Martha’s stead
Be careful in how you answer your door
You could be a victim not lucky in the score.
340 · Feb 2018
preservationman Feb 2018
I was told that exact statement when I was growing up
When you are young, you begin to wonder about your life in where it begins and how it should end
The solution usually is the movement establishes in finding the opportunity
But sometimes it may be right in the person’s community
But to seek you must know what you are looking for
Then it becomes later in what you did find
It could very well be an educated attribute of lessons learned
But think also on what Mentors told you all along
However, this is not a subject of select
This is about making the seek and find in having an effect
Seek in knowing what you want out of life
The find being the stability in being focused and seeing the vision
So you see seek and find do work together
They connect in complimenting each other
But along with seek and find add establish
Establish in organizing the purpose with why you are seeking and what do you intend to find
So the seek and find you had been told
Your mission at this point given is to take hold
Having determination and be bold
The seek and find has discovered you
Now it’s time for you to make pace and follow through.
339 · Jan 2016
preservationman Jan 2016
A family driving to Maryland to attend another family members Funeral
The family were driving on the New Jersey Turnpike I-95
It was a three and half hour drive
A tractor trailer truck had just passed the car
The family had left New York City, but weren’t that far
Suddenly without warning, one of the truck’s tires disbursed from the truck trailer’s carriage with a direct hit at the family’s car windshield
You would think an accident becoming the motion
But there was a different notion
The windshield was smashed with cracks, but the driver was able to maneuver the car and gained control
Miraculously it was a sight to behold
The driver was able to pull the car to the side
Yet traffic stopped from a distance, which only God could provide
Later the family continued onto Maryland
Once the family arrived at their destination, the windshield just caved in
But death didn’t become to be an end
It was continue living onto when
This is a true story that was testified in my church
The power of salvation being an enriched birth
It’s God’s mercy saying keep living and welcome to Earth.
preservationman Nov 2015
Salvation Army who helps people who think they are alone
Representatives with intervention who let it be known
It’s the season to give
A time to open one’s heart
It’s the holiday cheer in making its mark
Turning winter into warmth
Turning cold into shelter of behold
Serving hot food to homeless and watch as it unfolds
Holiday spirit put into homeless cheer
Never be alone nor have fear
The star of Bethlehem in the trademark in helping homeless preserver
Putting clean clothes on the homeless from previous
A time for all to be rejoice
A moment to share in what we have
A tike to reflect and be thankful
It doesn’t matter if you are young or old
It is a matter of sustaining life and take hold
It’s have determination and be bold
It’s about giving and sharing
The mission is about caring
The Salvation Army having a mission of their own
As the snow falls and holiday songs being the call
Joy to the world and Peace on Earth
The Salvation Army being hope, and enriching Homeless with a new everlasting and encouraging birth.
338 · Mar 2014
preservationman Mar 2014
It was a televised talent contest
Even with one leg the young lady still wanted to be her best
It was determination in her efforts of try
She definitely wasn’t going to stand there and cry
It all started when she fell into a large deep hold
The young lady’s leg was stuck underneath
So to get the young lady out
They had to cut in order to move about
Her pain was a big shout
So that was her past
The young lady’s true tomorrow arrived at last
Dance the young lady did
One leg is all she had
But the lady was determined and not mad
She didn’t feel sorry for herself
The young lady wasn’t going to be like anybody else
The lady danced in several positions, and even went down to the floor
The audience applauded in her galore
The Judge’s faced seemed impressed
But this is a talent competition more or less
All the best to the one leg lady
Determination to preserver and with courage too denounce fear.
338 · Feb 2017
preservationman Feb 2017
Temperatures that really took a dip
The weather was the tip
A day when the wind could blow someone away
Winter still
It’s certainly no frill
Snow fell the other day
Some wished it went the other way
Yet, it was on course and didn’t astray
But it came the Northeast way
However, at least it was a fast moving snowstorm that didn’t stay
The snowstorm could have been worst
I might have to recite a verse
Temperatures holding steady
But the question is, are you ready?
Just make sure you hold the shovel steady
Snow as it comes, and others states who had their share, and now it is our turn to get some.
338 · Jul 2014
preservationman Jul 2014
It was a show about to begin
But the question was of when
However the theater was packed
The lights and music was well stacked
But show time had arrived
The audience was being patient and caught up in their own stride
There was a slight delay
The curtain seems to be stuck
But to the audience this sounds like bad luck
The orchestra is ready to play
But the stuck curtain is holding up the performance which is not ok
Now the audience is getting restless
There is a commotion about to be amidst
Someone in the audience made a negative shout
The show must go on and this is what I am talking about
That curtain needs to be immediately fixed
Otherwise, the audience might bring their own mix
Suddenly by surprise, the curtain was risen up
The show can now begin
It’s show time and this poem can finally conclude in being the end.
338 · Feb 2015
preservationman Feb 2015
A bird soaring high in the air
The skies the limit beyond compare
The earth’s landscape seen below
A brisk breeze accompanying the flow
Yonder into the horizon I fly
No other bird flying as it is just I
The natural art of flight being no question
The wide blue skies
The clouds that make us think and understanding of wise
A bird’s world beyond the globe
The wonders of behold
The world with its own view
It’s the bird that truly knew.
338 · Nov 2023
preservationman Nov 2023














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