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338 · Jul 2014
preservationman Jul 2014
It was a show about to begin
But the question was of when
However the theater was packed
The lights and music was well stacked
But show time had arrived
The audience was being patient and caught up in their own stride
There was a slight delay
The curtain seems to be stuck
But to the audience this sounds like bad luck
The orchestra is ready to play
But the stuck curtain is holding up the performance which is not ok
Now the audience is getting restless
There is a commotion about to be amidst
Someone in the audience made a negative shout
The show must go on and this is what I am talking about
That curtain needs to be immediately fixed
Otherwise, the audience might bring their own mix
Suddenly by surprise, the curtain was risen up
The show can now begin
It’s show time and this poem can finally conclude in being the end.
337 · Dec 2015
preservationman Dec 2015
It was the hour being the mile
It was all that during while
Headlights flashing to passing hound bus fellows
The Greyhound bus in taking passengers in destinations being direct
After all it’s the Greyhound bus in the ride you would expect
The motor coach engineer being the Greyhound driver in tipping his hat
Driving with precision and smoothness like a moving cat
No matter what the storm its Greyhound in don’t be alarmed as we will push on
It’s the highway with routes where Greyhound belongs
But what matters most
It’s Greyhound moving coast to coast
Now this is something that passengers do boast
It’s those Greyhound wheels ever moving to arrive
Lean back in the reclining seat in strive
Greyhound will take you where you want to go
No bones about it, the stretched Greyhound dog being the flow
Departure from which all the origin all began
A travel buddy until the very end
Into the night
No need to feel uptight
The new Hound blue oh what a sight
A Greyhound Driver who knows how to be polite
The Hound bus travelling in Fog makes sure the headlights shine bright
Go Greyhound, relax and close your eyes because you are riding in style with a lean back good night.
preservationman Mar 2015
My movement being the defense
It was years of suppression that was past tense
My voice needed to ring out like the timing of the clock
Through it all, given names as a mock
I shouted loud and my voice became more of a woodmen’s ax
My thoughts might have seemed perplexed
I wanted to make sure there was no neglect
I stand for what I feel
Civil Rights is definitely for real
My voice speaks when it is my signal to begin
My direct approach until the very end
My hands raised up being the powers in uniting the world
The plan is too bring all races together as a total swirl
Bring spirits of inspiration
Desires but exempting temptations
Turning words into more than just parables
Seeing what society has done wrong
This is something that had lasted for so long
However through it all, I taught myself too be strong
But the agenda is for all of us too get along
Yet with God’s help, a chapter that will fit the pages of life where everything belongs.
337 · Apr 2017
preservationman Apr 2017
We dated for quite a while
I knew you were a woman who was classy and had style
It was your smile and personality that captured my heart
This came as an attraction from the very start
Oh the first time we kissed
It was on the dance floor being smooth as the twist
Your figure certainly wasn’t hard to miss
Our love is like a fairytale from a book being very enchanted
Yet very romantic
I am your Prince and you are my Queen
There is nothing in between
As I bend down on one knee
My proposal to you has the oversee of thee
Your sincerity that told me I am your Man
My struggles came my way, but you stood by my side
It was total encouragement from your lips you provided
I want our lives to unite
Let our interlude explode into ignite
The joy when you said yes with your hand into marriage
Our ride being a royal carriage
I feel honored that you will be my wife
Together we inspire each other with support advice
Our wine glasses are lifted up in bliss
It will no longer be mine, but ours
Together all will see
On this day I love you more than ever
Committed we both vow and our lives together that time will allow
I am dressed for that moment
Eyes will stare
Everlasting will be the love that we will share.
preservationman Jun 2016
The dazzle in lights
A Broadway moment full of entertainment being a sight
Dance numbers to get the audience and TV Viewers in the mood
Dramatics that catch you off guard, but know how to soothe
The Tony Awards has everything to prove
It’s a talent night being on the move
Hand me my Tony Award
But the Tony Awards on Sunday will be a night
For me, my Great Uncle Eubie Blake who composed the music for “SHUFFLE ALONG” is up for a Tony
However, I promise I won’t be long
SHUFFLE ALONG has hit Broadway numerous times, but it was and still is pure acting and dancing that has kept the shuffle in being no rush
But a time in not being silent in a hush
I see in the background plenty of kissing and lots of mush
The cast simply said, “Lets take our time and let the music take us back as we move laid back”
Jazz had a swing and everyone in clubs were doing their thing
Oh Shuffle Along
Jazz with a pizzazz
A wonder being yonder
On June 12, Sunday, watch the Tony Awards on CBS 2
You too will be shuffling along too.
335 · Apr 2016
preservationman Apr 2016
A dialog being one of many
Perhaps uncanny if any
A story hidden well in my mind
An assortment of some kind
My words that took form
It was like waves hitting the shore during a storm
Maybe something of a norm
The lightening that flashed
The thunder roared sounding like backlash
It was no time to dash
The thought never came up about cash
The Moon was hidden among the clouds
It was what Heaven allowed
God is the superiority side
The methods all must abide
Heaven is a very secrete place
Man thinks it is somewhere in deep space
The storm has passed
The moment being the storm didn’t last
I had to write this coming out of my thaw
A memory on a journey in what I saw
My writing came down to Earth
My encouragement surrounded by a new birth
The clock stopped only for the minute
But my inspiration was a lifetime
A time when I was told to push on
It was the focus of life in where I belong
A write that doesn’t stop
But the theory keeping all at the top
The words were there all along
Destiny calls and the journey will be long.
preservationman Nov 2016
The chapters with the scene in the South
Civil rights outcry contesting with the mouth
Fighting for racial boundaries
Foes wanted to take away
But a man so mighty, but continuing struggles not on this day
Medgar Evers being an educated man, but education entitled in being anyone’s right
But there was no time to sit and just be polite
Medgar Evers being a man that saw Justice in not being right
Yet deep in Medgar Evers heart, he saw struggles in equality being a plight
Eyes of the world looked on
Opposition within negative felt equality didn’t belong
There was a sense in the air that separation needed to be in place
But Medgar Evers was determined it would be erased
But this rattled Medgar Evers mind
Why was hatred so sublime in racism being blocked like window blinds
Even after Medgar Evers was assassinated
Investigations upon investigations were never really complete
Justice in answered continued chapters was full of deceit
There were very questionable statements
But all kinds of thoughts that continued to go on
However no credible sources precise
But there was a break in the case
In between sentences being an absolute cover up waste
The novel shed lights into delights
Plights open with a new spotlight
Evidence that was definitely overlooked
Someone was adding the facts in aiding the crooks
Medgar Evers being a man that shouted out to the world
But it caught the attention of the media, as facts were looked into further with surprising results
But the aftermath of the novel made foes and righteous hearts swirl
Medgar Evers motto, “Stand up for what’s right, but never settle for wrongful acts”.
334 · Jan 2017
preservationman Jan 2017
A U.S. President who thinks he is doing it alone
But it is Jesus guiding the President’s hand, however, the President won’t let it be known
Now every task the mission is the nation needs to pray
A lot of things going on in the White House is not ok
The Heavenly voice being the relay
There will be struggles each and every day
Jesus has descended on the White House
The White House needing praise
Executive Orders needing the Heavenly touch
Inspiration is not saying much
Merit being the Holy Spirit
Yet the word for the White House is redemption
The movement for the White House is salvation
The focus being appreciation
Greeting a nation is gratification
But again, Jesus is in the White House
A man that can turn the world around
He doesn’t even have to make a sound
The Heavenly one who wasn’t born America being bound
It was the Middle East being the trace
But Jesus will always be in the White House face to face
The White House can't turn Jesus back
He is the Savior and holds the key to the world track.
333 · Feb 2016
preservationman Feb 2016
Love within me that no one seems to see
It was your beauty that was in stake
It was a Kodak moment in which I had to take
Your smile being the masterpiece
I felt at eased and what a relief
Your stance being the image
My eyes just couldn’t be taken away
I wouldn’t even let my eyes go astray
But you assured me it was ok
You had my heart being direct
Your total personality had a very affect
You had a way of taking your eyes in using them as your emotion
When we kissed, it was like a feeling of a rolling ocean
Our kiss seemed to be an internal seal
It wasn’t a dream as it felt for real
But the bottom line, it was all total appeal.
333 · Dec 2014
preservationman Dec 2014
I remember a wizardry Fella
As a child I recall the book of Old Yeller
It was those poetry letters starting with T
Then it was the creation all coming from me
A once Homeless man alone on the street
It was his courage being his own mystique
Many words told a marvelous story
One could only imagine as there was plenty of glory
A Homeless man determined to overcome his plight
As the street lamps were his light
He wasn’t taking questions of why
The Homeless man just held up his head being high
Every call to his movement was his action in appreciation
The Homeless man was alive being his own lesson of education being nothing more than pure indication
Yet it took a lot of determined persuasion
A young boy who saved a woman’s life
The young boy was his own advice
A car accident took place
The young boy thought he better keep up the pace
Time was steadily moving
The car was starting to catch on fire
The rescue attempt was full of anguish and desire
The young boy carefully pulled the woman from the car
He moved swiftly so he would be far
Not a moment too soon as the car exploded in doom
The house with only doors
Many intruders who tried to explore
All the dangers that were ignored
Many intruders were loss in the house forever
However what was found in the house was raging mouse
Dangers being a warning
Stories that have their own flow
Details of dialogue being slow
The storybook poetry cellar
Found once upon a time
It was all the words that were combined.
331 · Aug 2017
preservationman Aug 2017
It’s a giant novel
It’s not a book anyone can hold in their hands
It’s simply a walk in the book, and the visitor observes the sentence lines within the chapters
Being up close and personal
But the visitor might be surprised if they are written about in the book
The method being like Candid Camera, but in this case “Candid Pages”
So you are probably asking how did this come about?
Well a Novelist felt writing a book was something being like a hobby
The theory and technique the Novelist wanted to share
You could say the small novel into a Giant novel being a comparison
One visitor was torn by the thought, but going along got understanding in what they sought
On this particular novel, it seemed the pages came to life
In Chapter 5, a murderer took place, and the visitors actually witnessed as two characters from the novel got into a brawl, and one character was murdered
Now this wasn’t a who dun it, but the dialogue in how the murderer would be captured
The visitors watched as chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 saw the murderer on the run
But because the murderer was running and became short of breath, the murderer would soon be outdone
The Final Chapter being chapter 11 found that he was caught by the authorities
The reason for the ******, the murderer loss a bet
Now how low can you get
Easy as that
Does a Giant Novel get any better?
We will have to wait and see
Until next time.
331 · Feb 2016
preservationman Feb 2016
A slim smooth man
Every step being his command
His fashion statement being high in demand
But his distinction being pinstripe
Pinstripe always dressed fresh like a spring ripe
Assortments had to be just right being black and white or white and red pinstripes
Pinstripe had all the hype
He got his name from dancing at many clubs
A woman’s remembrance to think of
The minute Pinstripe entered any room it was always greetings of what’s up
His shoes were of quality brand
Every inch of Pinstripe and everyone knew he was the man
Pinstripe’s hair was combed with his hair being shown
The tie became a creation and conversation piece of don’t hate just appreciate
Every woman married or single wanted to dance with Pinstripe
Each moving dance step was a woman’s date being met
Pinstripe had that certain swagger
From that first sip of wine
A cigarette just before he would dine
Pinstripe knew how to pass the time
He was the dress code, but never ate alone
It was his personality in having the woman melt like butter
Pinstripe was definitely like no other
He was the mainstream being a name
He was persuasive and had game
But who was going to blame?
Getting attention was the precision at direct aim
The bull’s eye being any woman that had a fishing rod and a net, however, it was Pinstripe being the catch of the day, and being the best bet.
327 · May 2014
preservationman May 2014
All heroes in the armed services
The power to protect the U.S. base
Actions to defend and not be a waste
A salute in a job well done
The battle of conflict in winning as one
Bloodshed being one’s end
Wounds after wounds in the enemy in begin
A Soldier being more than just a name
Standing at a moments notice ready to take aim
It’s conflict being the blame
The fallen soldier being chosen
A remembrance being a thought in being risen
Rifle shots in your honor
A final salute
The trumpet plays being a ballad tot
The flag of America has it hangs high
The soldier of you and no question of why
A soldier’s heart became the solder’s strategy in knowing where to start
A tombstone with all the soldier’s names
We the survivor’s are who yet remain
The spirit of the soul in not being a game
A hand salute that is raised really high
Heaven’s voice marking wisdom’s thy
One more salute in carrying out our daily life
327 · May 2016
preservationman May 2016
Not a pull a rabbit out of the hat
Beyond the spelling word of cat
Put your hat on your head
Let it be your motivating stead
Don’t let it be defeat within a bout
Certainly think your thoughts completely out
Write on with your concept in place
**** down things on your mind so it doesn’t erase
Write clearly what you feel coming straight from the heart
No it’s not a tum’s moment
Visualize right from the start
Become your own writing mad hatter of poetry
Your thoughts having a magical twist with the inspiration coming from a hat
Your mind idea in being its own amaze at that
Then look at where your words arrived at
Destination being the arrival of the sentence, and the period making the writing complete.
327 · Aug 2015
preservationman Aug 2015
My Grandfather’s knowledge being a preparation to achieve
Through my Grandfather’s guidance, a method in how I should proceed
It was pick a word from the dictionary, and find out’s its definition and add to vocabulary
My Grandfather taught me typing everyday for 4 hours
He wanted me to be able to type to perfection
The obvious being the indication
Inspiration coming to participate
My Grandfather wanted me to be up to date with business affairs
This was my Grandfather’s philosophy he wanted to share
He often said whatever young people are doing wrong, and I wanted you to be educated where you belong
Then it was off to College in getting Higher Education to preserver
All the above I did
I have no regret and thank myself for making the try
But my Grandfather wanted me to have more
So it was the Piano and ***** he wanted me to explore
The Career my Grandparents wanted to too strive was to be a “Court Reporter”
Well I didn’t go quite in that order
I wanted to go into a totally different field
It was to be a “Broadcast Journalist” which I felt would be ideal
However I did achieve in business detail
My Grandfather and God are who helped me preserver
My Grandfather’s motto, “You are going to remember this old man”
He is in Heaven but he was the truth in my establishment caravan.
preservationman Jul 2014
It was a New Jerusalem thought
Inspiration from above in sought
Praise onto high
Heavens to thy
Doctor’s said of a Mother’s life and possible death
The Doctor’s had suggested that there was no other solution left
The Daughter prayed to the Lord
Her testimony just made my heart soar
The Daughter sang with the choir, “Move Mountains”
A dedication to her mother
Her Mother was in the church service providing to Doctors, your expertise of Medical is not superior to the spiritual
But the spiritual is nothing unusual
The Lord simply revealed I want you to continue to give
As I am the Lord thy God that commands you to continue to live
When the part came of “Move Mountains”
Deep inside me became full up with tears of joy in praise
I have a similar testimony that would amaze
Doctor’s don’t have all the answers
The counselor is Christ
He is the one that offers excellent advice
God is the one that can move obstacles
An understanding in seeing how to step over the mountain or going around the mountain
Open your mouth in prayer in asking, “Take the solid barrier away”
Let my spiritual soul be ok
Help me see my own solid rock
Let it be the praise among the flock
Some people will attempt to take as a mock
But it’s my soul of sail and anchored at the dock
I sing all the day long
Praying and praising being where I belong.
preservationman Feb 2016
It was February 2, 2016 being my Birthday as I turned 59 years old
But my story will open in behold
Doctors said I would only live to the age of 7
Well, what do Doctors really know?
It only goes to show
God is truly in the know
But my story doesn’t surround my past history
It surrounds Lois Copeland who died last year at 86 years old
We met at CUNY Medgar Evers College
Lois who was distinguished friend and a Mother always to me
She always took me out for my Birthday every year
It was her friendship and Personality that always helped me to preserver
Lois was always full of surprises
Even though she is deceased, there was no exception in her feast
Last year, I still felt her presence
This year, I still felt her existence
The restaurant came out with a cheesecake with one blowing candle, and the entire restaurant staff sang “Happy Birthday to me”
All I could say, “Lois, you came through again”
This is my story being the end.
326 · May 2022
preservationman May 2022










326 · Nov 2014
preservationman Nov 2014
Stand at attention and salute
War veterans and current in toot
Eyes of sacrifice
Being a solider with no time to think twice
Washington, DC being the call in advice
Conrad’s who loss their lives
A trumpet sounds being the transcribe
Yet a moment of silence in making us non-veterans wise
A reflection of the front line
A revelation we must keep in mine
Being a solider more than a uniform
A nations call always on alarm
Bombs on targets below
Precision must be quick and not slow
Bull’s eye on various sights
It’s never time to be the enemies polite
Wars being a solider’s name
Territories over boundaries being a solider’s gain
Then there’s destruction and what remains
Strength being in numbers
No time to sit back and slumber
It was the mission at hand
The General who gives the command
Veteran’s Day with many words to say
“We honor you on the world’s behalf and it’s a memory we all want to last”.
preservationman Feb 2016
Black History Month is where we salute our Afro-American Pioneers
Their sheer talent helps us every day to preserver
Their struggles in showing us how to overcome
They laid down the plan in how it is done
Their influence giving us endurance
Achieve knowledge in putting education first
Negativity speak out with an outburst
Presenting their pride and making it their stride
But throughout, it’s what the Lord did provide
Their eyes beyond the oceans
Their experiments being notions
A moment to reflect being their emotions
There were many great Afro-Americas
Yet hidden within the shadows, there were greats that have never been shown and known
They are your individual forefathers families who have guided you in your years, you, and only you can give them recognition known
Now my personal inspiration is my Grandfather, which I am making Full Blown
Achievement after achievement
Commitment after commitment
Determination after determination
Accomplishments in action having a focal point
Understanding with inspiring words as they spoke
Demeanor for us to preserver
Their knowledge is what they gave us in share
Our Afro-American pioneers broke race barriers
A locked door became an idea to open the door
It was a matter of understanding then explore
We became the thinker and as we grew, we became wise
It’s pure logic with not having a surprise
The sundown may have called their finale
Yet their legacy became our prospering alley
We stand with our fist up because of the dignity and pride from within
Thinking on the past from then
Yet ever achieving on can
But it’s total remembrance from when
Eye to eye, voice to voice, numerous spoken words with lots of inspiration in knowing how to be heard.
325 · Sep 2016
preservationman Sep 2016
A world having a future
Good not against foe
Everlasting having no focus on woe
A chance to truly live
Affection in appreciation where everyone gives
Emotions that won’t be screams
A life of comfort like cherries and whip cream
An easygoing life
A world where one can actually get true advice
All that would be nice
A time where there is no provoke
Taking life serious and not a mockery and a joke
There would finally be Peace On Earth
An actual new birth
I would definitely want spiritual to be present
After all, one would have to represent
A world with a new beginning
It would be inning after inning
But with a winning approach like a baseball home run
Yet living in peace feeling among
However, a tomorrow being everlasting that never gets out done.
325 · Jul 2015
preservationman Jul 2015
Sitting back on that Greyhound Bus
Taking the bus to avoid the fuss
Heading for my Childhood born home
Louisville, Kentucky where I used to roam
A thought of Churchill Downs
My remembrance with my Father watching the horse’s race around
I am thinking about part of my life, as the Greyhound bus to getting me closer to Louisville in my destination bound
Banjo’s playing as we turn onto a country road
I still have 8 more hours to go
I will just relax, recline back and just take it slow
As I Slept through out the night
The sunrise was quite a sight
The Greyhound bus will soon make a breakfast stop
Thinking about my Mother’s breakfast servings that were tops
I must eat light
I don’t want to feel all up tight
Later as the Greyhound bus wheels continue on
I am thinking, home was always where I belonged
I have been traveling for two days long
My anticipation of anxiety feeling like an urn
However over in the distance ever so close, I see the city of Louisville
The highway just opened my heart in being a thrill
The Greyhound bus pulled off the highway onto Louisville Drive, and two blocks away being the Greyhound Terminal as my stride
It has been quite a ride
The Greyhound bus pulled into Gate 8
We arrived On-time and not late
My Father and Mother met me and didn’t hesitate
Louisville I will never forget
I have no regret
I had to come back and give it a shot
I am glad I arrived and no thinking of not.
325 · Feb 2018
preservationman Feb 2018
While you are having lunch
Observe carefully as you munch
A test of mystery challenging your mind will take place
Who is the Murderer will be the trace
Suddenly the lights went out
Commotion expelling into shout
A man was murdered with a knife, and someone knows why
One by one the guest was analyzing clues
But was this just another sleuth?
Police were summoned immediately into the dining room
Is the Murderer still in the room?
It will be revealed soon
Unknowingly to the guest earlier there was an argument between Mr. George Smith the man murdered, and Mr. John Mussel
They were actually lovers
But was there an alibi?
Now it is for you to guess the reason why
You see Mr. Smith had just got an inheritance worth a fortune
He was not going to share with Mr. Mussel
So in a rage of jealousy, Mr. Mussel poked the knife into the heart of Mr. Smith
But there were bloodstains on the knife that wasn’t cleaned off
That was pure clear evidence
However, there were bloodstains on one of Mr. Mussel’s hands
When questioned, Mr. Mussels said he cut himself
But there weren’t any wounds found
It was established, Mr. Mussels was the murderer and he would be charged
Mystery solved
Thanks for being involved
Mystery becoming history
But watch your back, as you could be next in misery.
325 · Oct 2016
preservationman Oct 2016
I was sitting high above the world on a mountain
But in the distance below I could see a fountain
Suddenly a rush of wind started to blow
Somehow my understanding became in the know
Yet the breeze was refreshing in a captivating flow
Immediately inspiration popped in
However I wasn’t even thinking in the moment of then
But it wasn’t until that wind
I knew a vision of living had set in
Even high above, I looked below to where I lived
I had achieved, but there was still more for me to give
It was that moment that really opened my eyes
My thinking became more being wise
Understanding moved into knowledgeable
Enable was able
Wisdom in vision
Reasons having no seasons
All from one blowing wind
A breeze that says one can
It’s all up to you in the matter of when
Don’t let tomorrow go by
You only get just one try.
preservationman Jul 2015
The Lord took me on a journey in my dream
I felt like it was a theater movie stream
The Lord guided me around the Heavenly gates
It looked like a very wealthy estate
I didn’t step nowhere else of Heaven because I was still in the flesh
Remember Flesh and Blood shall never enter the Kingdom of Heaven because of sin
Heaven was constructed in majesty of gold
It was the Angels showing me look and behold
Angels were singing and there was plenty of Joy
All I could say was “Oh Boy”
I later responded to the Lord with, “How soon can I leave Earth?”
The Lord’s response, “It’s not your time”
I was then transported back to Earth
I later woke up and felt a new birth
I totally rejoiced and had plenty of praise
God is awesome and Almighty of amaze
I knew Heaven couldn’t let me in
Flesh and Blood was still in sin.
preservationman Oct 2016
My Grandfather used to tell me it takes all kinds to make up the world
It’s advice in putting you the reader in the know
But it’s up to me in explanation being the show
People come in all languages and color shades
It’s a creation from the beginning that Heaven made
Some people come with attitudes beyond measure
This is something that no one should have to treasure
Racism comes in multitudes
All nationalities that we should also include
My Grandfather told me how I should live to get along
Always keep my head up in knowing I do belong
There is a purpose we all were put here on this Earth
It’s called civilization without with the old and in with the new beginning a new birth
We all were put to socialize
Yet others have the need to criticize
Life is what it is
Skin color was established from the very start
My Grandfather would often tell me observe as I continue to live
I will gain even more wisdom as years forward on
It’s an every day process of teaching me how to continue to press on
My advice to all of you is two key words, “Observe and Understanding”
Examine your actual seeing
Human personality in action
Don’t be surprised in what you see and hear
Yet you continue to preserver
Common sense has taken a whole new meaning
Just let your eyes visualize, and the outcome of understanding being a compromise.
322 · Sep 2016
preservationman Sep 2016
It was a story of Eric the writer love life
He wrote from his heart like he needed comfort and advice
Eric had met Emily, his long loved romantic friend
Offspring of love that would often begin
It was a friendship at first
Then reversed into a loving outburst
Eric and Emily dated for 5 years
It was romance that seemed to advance
The Full Moon nights were the given chance
But suddenly the love fire had burned out
Emily stated to Eric she was moving on
Yet Eric felt they were getting along
Emily informed Eric, she met another Guy
Eric was full of questions and wanted to know why?
Emily felt Eric was boring and not romantic
Now Eric tried his best
But Emily has a right in her confess
Emily suggested that the other Guy was her true man
When the lights went out, he was at Emily’s demand
Well Eric wrote the way he felt
It was his story in how he dealt
He had nothing to prove
Yet it was his writing as Therapy in helping him soothe
Eric moved on as well
It took real courage in story in tell
Eric’s writing became a good catch
He attracted Susan who became his match
The one word that came back was LOVE
Later, it was writing together ever after.
322 · Aug 2021
preservationman Aug 2021
It seems the years accelerated fast
I remember being young in my thirties
But now I am Seventy
What happened during those years
Aches and pains
Everything else I will let remain
My steps get slower
It's hard exercising going lower
I was always energetic
What a surprise?
The years in wisdom helped me realize
Value what you have, and never take for granted
You live once, and time uncertain
Live it too the fullest
Time waits for no one
Cherish the time you have
322 · Oct 2017
preservationman Oct 2017
Straight ahead with no turns
Walking I did walking the straight and narrow
As I continued to walk, it was a straight line with no end
There wasn’t even a sight of a bend
My mind thought during the walking what seemed like more than a mile
All that during while
Straight as I continued to go
But now I am breathless and must take it slow
This straight line runs forever
Whoever created this straight line was absolutely clever
Endless thought
It was definitely the time for food needing to be sought
There wasn’t any grass and trees
There was only a mild passing breeze
However that passing mild breeze I did feel at ease
But the thought of walking that endless straight line
Imagine arriving then suddenly returning back was my thoughts combined
Yet the endless straight line continues on
After all that I am starting to yond
That straight line is only a memory for me
This is enough you see
Straight line leading to knowledge in becoming an experience
Determination being the endurance
Assurance being the influence
The straight line being reality education
A thought surrounding the indication
The straight line effect being the preparation in any situation.
322 · Jan 2016
preservationman Jan 2016
Constant news stories beyond compare
There were births that parents wanted to share
Danger and caution became words of beware
Yet many disasters that took place
2015 was a year no one will ever erase
it was also a year of wars
there were also wounds with scars
the thought of isis would control territories ever so far
However 2015 was a year of murders with hit and runs
This all happened from beginning to end, and we’re still not done
Terrorist threats that took place here and there and probably everywhere
2015 was a year in being hard to be fair
justice seemed like it was a term, but not having any latitude and solitude
it was a search, but no bearing found
yet the multitudes of voices being injustice sounds
various politicians got into some inappropriate involvement, and will have to serve jail time
my term, “Washington questioned, but has trembled down”
all one has too do is follow the flow
2015 was also a blessing to us all, some were able to overcome and some were crumbled to lives being none
speaking of politics, “The question is who will be able to stand in the president’s seat come 2016
but the politicians running are getting mean
it’s a round up of who is actually lean?
Well there’s the rundown of 2015
A new year 2016 to think about
Be honest and trustworthy
Moving forward from 2015 into 2016
A new hope with a promising tomorrow
2015 of sorrow with 2016 being caring heart having morrow
2015 nothing more than a year we all lived through
it was a mission impossible that we had to pursue
but heaven is how we truly got through
2016 resolution, “put Christ first, and you will see how your life will suddenly reverse”.
321 · Apr 2019
preservationman Apr 2019
preservationman Jul 2015
A well known toy store in New York City called FAO Schwarz closed its doors
There were many figurines and various toys for a child’s galore
FAO SCHWARZ was a store visitor’s from around the world that would explore
At any given day when you were walking pass FAO SCHWARZ, one just couldn’t ignore
Even the GM Plaza and Central Park knew the toy store best
But truly only FAO SCHWARZ could confess
A toy store being history in the books
A remembrance only a child will want to look
Wednesday was a sad da7
But thanks FAO SCHWARZ in being a New York City stay
We as New Yorkers are used to disappointments
Living in New York City teaches us how to cope
Every day breath is continued hope
FAO SCHWARZ, a name that will be held close to many hearts
As a specialty store, you made your mark
FAO SCHWARZ, you captured everyone’s heart
From the little one who gave a bear a hug and to the adult drinking water from a FAO SCHWARZ mug
The Christmas bells have stopped
The Central Park carriages can no longer step up
FAO SCHWARZ your doors have finally shut
Your advice to us in don’t cry
You might come back with another try
I will always cherish my 18 wheeler FAO SCHWARZ truck
My little bear in a FAO SCHWARZ bag being well tucked
Your F in being fun, A in appreciation, O having many options
S being Satisfaction, C in Continuous, H in Hello, W in Well, A in Acceleration, R in Remembrance and Z in Zebra figurines in multitudes
You were more than a story toy as you made it for us to soar
Your winning sales were your score
You didn’t say Good-bye as you stated you didn’t want us to cry
Moments for the minute
A name that will be cherished
FAO SCHWARZ and me, and that previous location of toys, I will never ever see.
320 · Jan 2016
preservationman Jan 2016
There are some voices unable to create sounds
Struggles with boundaries under the term bound
Lessons to be learned
Honor and dignity with an assurance of earned
Respect being in control
It’s the true personality as a whole
Yet shade colors don’t want to assort
But is the assort that wants to abort
This is not what everyone was taught
We were created to fellowship and mingle as one
It’s not own accord and being done
Noticed I said fellowship
There’s the theory being the tip
Prejudice is just a word
But have you ears become someone else’s heard
No matter what people say nor think
The whole idea of prejudice just stinks
We were put on this Earth for a reason
It’s not changeable with any season
It’s individual thinking comprising with a negative treason
Personality is simply the make-up of who the person is truly is
It’s content of character
This is what that should truly matter
Not being just a dramatic experience
It should be one being comfortable with making a difference
Imagine two shads of color being babies whom doesn’t know what racism really is
There’s the example that we all should live by
At least give a chance in effort and just try
We must know togetherness for your self
You can’t rely from someone else
Separation centered on groups
But heritage shades was established from various roots
It’s time to acquaint a different tune even if it involves a flute
We should talk and learn how to get along
The term is encouragement and enhance where we all belong
Accept for who the person is
Not your own understanding when you want to begin
Racism should not be a word of hate
But coming together in relate
Move from racism before it’s too late
Look beyond the calendar but make it a date.
preservationman Sep 2016
I was vacationing in Los Angeles
I have a cousin who is in the movies living in West Hollywood
But that wasn’t my purpose to come to LA
Then there’s Universal Studios sitting high above
But there is more to think of
I visited NBC Studios in Burbank
The theme was “Come home to NBC”
Well with a slogan like that, I had to go and see
I took a tour throughout
But as I go further, you will know what I am talking about
I actually saw what is behind the scenes at the Wheel Of Fortune
It wasn’t the Host and C-Host
A show that goes coast to coast
It was pieces of wood in where they stood
The Fortune wheel is nothing more than some carved wood and pasted paper around the wood
Now the camera doesn’t pick up that
The TV audience only sees the glamour being a track
I had the opportunity to see Bob Hope and Ann Julian
I was also able to see the NBC Nightly News live
Well this is Anthony Blake on the scene, and I had to write what needed to come clean
Now you know what the Wheel of Fortune is about
Until next time, I must sign out.
preservationman Aug 2017
Rhinestone’s being unique
The added harmony a sheer treat
Cowboy’s and horses racing by
A sunset that has turned a final sundown being a cry
The question being of why?
It’s Glen Campbell, Country Western Singer who died
Rhinestone Cowboy moving along in the western countryside
The beauty and horizon of the hills
The legend in singing in attention in be still
Glen Campbell a man who loved the west
His country western style singing says it best
Rhinestone Cowboy, Gentle On my Mind and Galveston
Those are only just a few, but there were many more
I actually visited Galveston in Texas
Mr. Campbell’s songs in let me tell you a story
My mind smiled through my pain
My heart is country western and that is what will remain
I have seen the sunrise and the sundown
But Heaven called and this is where I am bound
I have travelled from the East to the west
My every song tells of my life in being a testimony of my confess
Yet Heaven heard my endless plea
It caught the attention of Faith in singing pitch being the total key
Heaven invited Glen Campbell to come up
Your Stardom caught Heaven’s eye
But it wasn’t stardom, but the blessing being Glen Campbell’s joy to sing with expectancy to join thee
The Rhinestone Cowboy will be shining in Heaven among others who have arrived there
Heaven is like no other place compare
Glen Campbell jumped on his horse and galloped to the pearly gates
He knew he couldn’t be late
The gates then opened
Glen Campbell entered
You told the world and your fans this is goodbye, but added, “We shall meet again”.
320 · Sep 2014
preservationman Sep 2014
Lord, I have labored all I can
It was years from picking cotton and working on the plantation from when
My weeping tears of my many cries
The slave master who pushes me in demand to try
But working in that hot sun with my in fry
I have been beaten with many strikes
It is only by your mercy I continue in might
Lord free me from this tribulation
My outcry prayer being my indication
Continue to have mercy on me Lord
The whip being of the Devil’s strang
Yet my soul creation at God command
Your Heavenly phase giving me strength
My honest prayers to overcome
But with faith I have I have already won
My slavery verse only for awhile
But Lord I know my tomorrow will be an everlasting style.
320 · Feb 2015
preservationman Feb 2015
A party going on with dead souls
The owner of the Manor who died long ago
You are invited to the party so let’s follow the flow
Now remember we are all alive
Just try taking this in your strive
Back in 1896 Christopher Honey was a very wealthy man, and he is the same owner of Hushtone Manor
But there was a creed in Hushtone, “Silent being the lips and harmony being the tone”
But there’s more
The living will be cursed if the creed wasn’t followed
The citizens be came outspoken and hollow
They became a shadow among themselves
So eternity becoming death among anyone’s breath
There souls were all they had left
So Christopher Honey and the undeserving celebrated in walking anguish among the living flesh
This was the colonial way in their confess
But was it more like a contest
The name Hushtone Manor, the place of dead flesh and living souls with plenty of beholds
The gates of Hushtone Manor
A welcome if you come in
Perhaps a different life that positively could begin
The moon has turned black and the lightening has flashed
No time to run or swiftly dash
The moment has arrived and all you have is understanding in an uncertain strive.
318 · Jul 2016
preservationman Jul 2016
Feet that were trained to entertain
Spotlight and music all combined for fame
A high kick up
A Black Straw Hat with a Black and white Suit
Since I will be dancing, I should add playing a flute
Harmony that came along
Rhythm that stepped in where it belonged
It wasn’t long before the feet did their thing
The next thing I knew I was in the swing
I was told to take the A train, but I couldn’t wait
It was dance that I had to illustrate
My destiny being entertaining with the audience
Music and dance that would dazzle the eyes
My version of wise adding to the surprise
A creation forming a masterpiece
Just plain dancing while being at ease
The dancing feet being the treat
No tiredness going beyond defeat
Dance feet now and how
Giving the energizing force, and it’s Showtime, and I got your attention of course.
preservationman Aug 2016
The skyline seems to dance
The music puts tourist in a trance
New York City offers surprises in being a chance
It’s always a moment to reflect
Entertainment having excitement being an elect
A subway ride for only two stops
Admiring the Empire state Building with its magnificent top
There is plenty of music in the air
New York City being unique like no other city compare
A dance your way in
But plenty of adventure until the very end
New York City being a city that lights up
A never sleep city that would overflow anyone’s cup
Remember I said New York City like no other
You can’t compare New York City with another
Native knowing the in’s and out’s
New York City has its own story and tourist all over the world will be talking about
Get your comfortable shoes on
Wake up from your yond
The sun has risen and a new day to look upon
New York City welcomes with open arms
But don’t be alarmed
The Statue of Liberty stands tall
New York City awaits being the call.
317 · Dec 2020
preservationman Dec 2020
A little Tot wished upon a star
The gift for a Toy bus from a far
The Tot prayed and hoped for Santa
The Tot’s heart wanting joy to enter
The Tot got back in bed
Dreamed into a deep sleep
A toy bus the Tot helped to keep
Santa was working on the Tot’s request
But only the North Pole could contest
Yet the Tot slept with the toy bus on his mind
Dream on Dream on
The next morning being Christmas Day, the Tot looked under the Christmas tree, but there wasn’t any toy bus
The Tot felt disappointed that Santa didn’t come through
Perhaps, there was going to be a surprise
There was a knock at the Tot’s house door
Standing in front was a Greyhound Bus Driver with a Greyhound Bus outside
The Greyhound Bus Driver said, “I have a telegraph for Thomas Anderson, the little Tot special delivery
It was a bus, but it wasn’t a toy bus
Little Thomas was looking for a toy bus, but there is a surprise to the surprise
The Greyhound Driver told Little Thomas to get dressed as we are going for a ride
Thomas asked where?
It’s a surprise answered the Driver
So Little Thomas dressed in a flash
He was quick with a dash
Little Thomas boarded the Greyhound bus being only the Driver and Thomas
The Greyhound bus proceeded through numerous neighborhood blocks
When the bus got to Holiday Lane
Thomas heart filled with joy
His respond was “Oh boy”
Little Thomas was presented with a toy school bus
One can always dream
But hope is what is seems
The Greyhound Bus Driver drove Thomas back to his house
This is truly a Christmas Thomas said he would never forget
Peace and joy from the North Star
Santa had help, and it came from a far
Happy Holidays to one and all
Holly and Jolly being the call
preservationman Jul 2015
To the Earth Below
I am Heaven and follow the flow
Perfection you do not own
It comes from me the Lord and I am letting it be known
There are no little I’s nor little U’s
To Ministers who preach my word
It’s all about salvation that should be heard
Don’t shutter aside my sheep whose my praise
I am the Lord God who has amaze
What I control I can command to stop
Remember Heaven is above and I reign on top
Your eyes think you have truly seen
I am the true assurance of been
My Church believers feel they are already Heaven bound
But have you encouraged others in making the praying sound?
Round and round you thought, but salvation is what I Presented and brought
Be my Ambassadors and continue to encourage my word
Are you listening as I want to make sure I am heard?
Words are continuous
Living on uncertain terms at a moment’s notice
It’s my teach in everlasting will
All this during uncertain times in still
Heaven is an award and make sure you fit the bill.
317 · Feb 2017
preservationman Feb 2017
New York City being Entertainment to the world
One’s dream in reality in talent being heard
Dramatics and dance in utterance of words
The dream in the New York City dance
The opportunity in being the chance
Broadway, the Great white way
A voice says that this is my lucky day
You were gifted in dance steps
Now it’s up to you to just let
Broadway says open the stage door
It’s the wonder and lights for you to explore
The rehearsal is ready to begin
You will learn the dance routine from beginning to end
The music starts and your rhythm on when
The spotlights are on
Imagine, your dance the audience will look upon
The dance number, “Talent that was meant to be”
The audience will witness your dazzle and they will see
My name on Broadway on the marquee and lights
There is one part where I will be wearing tights
I am dancing all over the stage
I feel the audience amaze
The name accompanied with 42nd Street is Times Square
It’s a busy area where talent is street shared
But nothing compare
After I perform, it will be the roar of the audience applause
I will have a contract that will have a clause
You are now a professional performer and talent through throughout the year
After, it will be performance after performances in which I will preserver
Dance and Act
It’s just like that.
317 · Nov 2023
preservationman Nov 2023
Many things one could say
Music from back in the day
Vintage showing the way
Soft and Mellow
Look at that Lady and Fella
Love songs putting romance in a hypnotizing trance
Dancing close
Setting the mood
The listen smooth
Music songs with everything to prove
Downtown to Uptown
Dance floors people were found
Soul feet
Soul Brother and Sister
Dancing through the rhythm making one’s date unique
Motown feeling
Totally genuine
Music appreciation and kind
The find
Putting time in one’s hands
Eyes on the female in the dancing crave
Hearts that couldn’t resist in behave
The Man wasn’t alone when Motown made the music full blown
Get down with a get up
No one did like Motown
The blend with no end
Motown wasn’t a pretend
The more the better
Motown with an enter
Motown dance
Every chance
Motown way
Rhythm on target in ok
316 · Sep 2015
preservationman Sep 2015
2001, a year of devastation
The remorse of no recognition
Terrorist who wanted to destroy
They were villains like the ancient Troy
But that was then
Fast Forward in 14 years where our story begins
New Office towers went straight up
A new chapter that formed on our cup
Determination that continues us to shine
But let’s not forget it was also God’s blessings combined
It’s the past meet the present
Then it will become present into a new future
The message to Terrorist, “we are not one to stop and our inspiration is what keeps us on top”
A new improved World Trade Centers which tells the world, we were destined to reach new heights
We are determined New Yorkers that no struggle will be a plight
It’s the sun that sheds that light
Our every footstep are our identification of where we begun
Every day a new frontier and we are not done
It’s New York City Citizens who unite
But the message to the Terrorist, “We shall ignite”
The skies are watching over us
It’s our daily prayers being a must
The rainbow was a ray of hope
The establishment we shall cope
Our tomorrow has arrived
This is where hope continues our strive
But let’s not forget those who loss their lives
Their ashes of their soul in the bosoms of the Heavenly Father
Holding hands upon hands in the multitudes
The world we must also include
We must continue to be enthused
Our tolerance shouldn’t be we will lose
Our motto, “Straight Up”
A reflection of buildings being tall and remembrance for all
9/11 our remembrance story
No ending chapter and blessings being the glory.
316 · Sep 2016
preservationman Sep 2016
Marriages wishes to all couples along with prayer
Mr. & Mrs Kiya Huesca with hope of a Happy Prospecting marriage of bliss
To all other marriages I have the same above wish
Yet it all started with that enduring kiss
But from me as well, a word of prayer
Please close your eyes
Lord bless each and every couple with the sound of my voice
This is a happy occasion with a time to rejoice
Lord guide each individual couple with your guiding light
Let it be goodness with understanding in plain sight
It’s not the understanding being one’s own accord
It’s everlasting which only comes from the Lord
Lord, you are the beginning and the end
Please let each couple see compromise will always be in begin
Commitment and devotion is what stands
It’s communicate in working things out
As struggles arise, let their be communication, but no shout
Let each couple see that God is in full control
Husband and Wife being an entity within your behold
Together Man and Wife you became one
Don’t ever forget, it was love that brought you both together being among
My prayers is always keep God within
Call on him when you need on when
But don’t make it every now and then
This is the moment you should give thanks
The idea is prosper along
Yet stay in God’s care in how your marriage will get along
This I pray that all marriages will last
But not lose sight of understanding and letting love past
Always have understanding that involves trust
This is an absolute must
But don’t fight, and forget God is the guiding light
Don’t let circumstances become a plight
Remember, you are not in the marriage alone
God sees and it will always be shown
Communicate, but don’t disrespect
Make this a priority and not an elect
I see flying Doves flying above
It’s beauty and goodness with everything in life to think of
Christ is the Holy One that gives advice
It’s a matter once again in being understanding, but not thinking twice
This I pray in God’s name
Togetherness is always the aim
Marriage into one, and my prayers continual among
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I say AMEN.
315 · Feb 2017
preservationman Feb 2017
I don’t know how much time I have to live
This will be my last inspiration in give
I have achieved Poetry and my heart being admiration in glad
It all dates back when I was a lad
I am assured
It is all related to the Lord
My Poetry will carry pm even after I am gone
In the distance, I visualize dew in the yard
It will be the inspiration for all to look upon
Total captivation spirit
Motivation coming from Heaven’s merit
Poetry was my lessons learned and experiences gained
My Poetry was my inner soul
A tomorrow being my every day
Having a mind focused and not astray
A Poet’s writing being done
It was the moments watching the rising sun
I am thankful I was alive to write
My writing will now come from above
It will be my memory to think of
My writing soul has gone up
But the encouragement is never get fed up
My tomorrow has arrived for me
My time that will be spent with thee
However, stay inspired being the key.
315 · Aug 2016
preservationman Aug 2016
The depth in what lurks below
But an imaginary being the mystery
So let’s go below
The Sea God Trustworthy and his Queens Oceanic oversee the Sea of Promise
But the Evil Sea Shell and his Starfish Army are plotting something dishonest
There is gold treasure in the Sea of Promise
The Sea God Trustworthy got his Electric Eels to be the fortress against the Evil Sea Shell
He is going over the plan with his army being tell
The treasure has been moved and carefully hidden
But there is a Treason against Sea Shell being forbidden
The battle is on with Evil Sea Shell determined to get wealth and fortune in his thinking being rightfully being his
Sing Rays will be summoned to do combat
The Evil Sea Shell was going to be victorious in hold Sea God Trustworthy back
The battle went on and on
There was no telling how long
Suddenly an undersea Earthquake took place
This was an occurrence that could further erase
The treasure was loss forever
No one will ever trace
The treasure was gone and it was no more.
314 · Nov 2015
preservationman Nov 2015
Bombs, Destruction, Death and Deployment
A commitment you chose to fulfill
It was your sustaining will
Honor you Soldiers
Battles that were far and near
You acted swiftly in showing no fear
The enemy was everywhere and there, but you continued to preserver
You watched steadily from the stretches
Gunfire flying high over your head
Yet you continued on the battlefield being your stead
You stayed the course while being the force
Once again I salute you Soldier
It’s Veterans Day in honoring you in celebration
Your stance has me at attention
Your eye contact being the mission at hand
You are a Soldier being always in demand
It doesn’t matter if it is the past, present or future
It doesn’t matter what brand of military or rank
A Soldier is a Soldier
Up is my hand in salute, and the horizon being your reflection
It’s Veterans Day being the indication
A war in what you saw
I salute you on that score.
313 · Sep 2017
preservationman Sep 2017
Tweet!  Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!
A female Bird that was so humble and sweet
A married couple who had Billie the Bird since she was a little Bird pet
She gave lots of love which became affection to get
Billie Bird would often fly and churn with the wife
That was Billie’s way in giving family advice
But it was moments and it was apparent that Billie was sick
Later Billie died
Billie became an old Bird
The Lord simply told Billie, “Come and Fly to me”
I am expecting your arrival
The Heavenly gates are open wide
Billie is rejoicing and tweeting praise her stride
From that last tweet
It was like a music finale being so sweet
Your soul flies with the Doves
It’s remembrance for me always being to think of
I see your flying wings in the sky
You let me know in don’t worry as I am living with thy.
313 · Jul 2021
preservationman Jul 2021
Each given step of excellence
Charisma within essence
Soaring deep into harmony
Perfection from the soul
Rise up and down
The movement in practice from many lessons
Be tough as each step from the beginning that was rough
Golden style
The slippers providing no slip
Elevation upon elevation of performing arts illustration
Dazzle having a phrase
The musical tone adding to amaze
The accomplishment descending of praise
The Golden Slippers are the excel
Each constructed movement having a story to tell
Golden Slippers
Accounted for
Finale in galore
The rhythm settled down the golden slippers
Take a bow
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