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Aug 2014 · 576
Why do you treat me like nothing,
when I'm here dying to talk to you.

(Both lines are comprised of the same letters, rearranged.)
Feb 2014 · 372
A realization
Froze-over, yet elated
He realizes that the mind rests on the shoulders
That whatever he wants to do in life
Any plans that he has
Are under his control.
He wonders, “Then why do people cry?
Why do people die before they have to?”

He raises this thought up, above his shoulders,
above his mind, and ponders.
Its all due to location
where you are and where you’re from
how loud your voice is,
and dependant on your choices.
He starts to comprehend the broader picture
And to get a grip on where he is,
Why he is, and how he got to be there.
He considers it unfair
But ultimately that’s what life is.
by: Todd Standard (written in 2012)
Feb 2014 · 419
Cats are *****
You feed them,
                         give them shelter,                          
                                                      and love them
and still they don’t like you.
You only exist to serve them.
They aren’t appreciative when you help them,
only angry when you aren't there.
Still, humans love cats,
and I respect them for that.
They are the only creatures
who can treat everyone horribly
but still be loved...

I wish I could do that.
by: David Schulz
The heart has four chambers running in conjunction with one another pulsing -- The blood’s pressure alternates consistently and swiftly and is just enough to allow for our survival.

it does very little else but allow for our survival.
This is interesting to note as the heart has been known to break.
If a heart is broken is death the result or can it be repaired?

...a question which few will ask but many feel
Perhaps the surgeons can fix your broken heart.  Go ask them.
Perhaps a defibrillator can revitalize what has shattered within your chest.
anything is worth a try...
by: Todd Standard
Feb 2014 · 432
Two Strangers
They saw each other everyday
Never talked and never cared.
One with hair as grey as lead
The other’s, fiery red
They played on the frozen pond every afternoon
It was so quiet you could hear the animals croon.
One day things went wrong
The grey one had just hit a ****
He slipped and fell
He broke right through the icy shell
The red one watched as the grey yelped,
He would not help
The red one had the same color on his hands that he had on his head
For the grey one now is dead
by: Prem Patel
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
In our world,
Everything is trying to hurt you.
Mothers have to protect their young,
Robbers and murderers fill our jails.
But the greatest of pains the world has to offer
Is that of rejection.

My lover saw my work,
I bared my soul, let down my walls.
I opened up my heart to the cruel world.
And the icy wind froze it to its core.

He said I was creepy,
That he’s only known me for 2 days,
He doesn’t even like me.
He never wants to see me again.
How could he do this?
Why doesn’t he want me?
Is it because I’m not tall enough,
Strong enough?
Am I not smart and successful?
I know that it must be me,
Because everything he does is right.
by: David Schulz
Feb 2014 · 390
As i die, i attempt to live
Shredded cloth taut over bleeding flesh
soaking red ocean, an affinity for demise
gasping and reaching for an invisible hero.
At least there was an attempt.
by: Todd Standard
Feb 2014 · 409
My Lover
As my lover laughs,
I hear sweet music.
His strong body shakes; a jackhammer pummels the earth
While his laughter pours over me like rain.
When he laughs, I see fields of flowers,
Frolicking kittens, my children smile.
I feel small, like a fly next to a skyscraper.
As I close my eyes to sleep,
I only see my lover.
His face is veiled by a full beard,
Like a dark, foggy morning
His strong, dark, eyes stare,
And you feel like he knows you,
And understands what you are going through.
His hair is perfect,
Never a strand out of place.
When you run your hand through it,
Your hand is running through a cornfield.
He looks like a king, with the brow of nobility,
And a nose chiseled by the gods themselves.
As I first saw my lover, I knew he was special.
He always knows the right thing to say,
He makes peace with his smile.
His smell embodies manliness,
Ladies swoon when it hits them.
Prem is the only one for me.
Feb 2014 · 349
When a Hand clasps a Hand
grasps a Hand
The hands begin to melt
Into one another, noticed by each other.
Melting not by intention, but still enjoyed
clammy, cool, soft and weathered
Gripping tenderly and
Hugging fingers
Intertwined divinely -- pulling at the surface
of skin, and the heart.
by: Todd Standard

— The End —