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thank you mom and dad
for all the silly gifts
you bought me
Humans on celestial bodies, if you exist, this is a message to you
In a billion plus a million years, when you find this book hidden in your sands
You'll close your eyes to imagine the beauty of the Earth,
Know that the sun once shined so bright it made our skin glow
The bodies of water hugged the Earth,
All while the moon and stars gave us hope

Humans on celestial bodies, if you exist, this is a message to you
Don’t be cruel to your 'Earth' like we once were
Let the tides of the ocean play with you until they knock you down
Just to look up at the stars as they light up the night sky
Remember, everything exhausting energy will some day die
Leave something so your souls won't look back and….

- Henessy J. Beltre
My first night of teaching
post secondary education
medical billing program
Two year a.s. degree

there was so much
I still didn’t know.
It was during my
introduction lecture
Going over the fine points,

A student raised your hand.
she asked, “isn’t it break time”?
Not knowing when Break time was
I was in a quandary

I didn’t want the Students
to know I was an ignorant
new teacher. I called on my inner
confidence then gave a short
extemporaneous speech;

“OK class let’s make sure
we’re all on the same page
can anyone tell me
when is Break time ?”
all the hands go up

Susie beamed
with the knowledge,
She would be answering
the first of what would be
many questions in
our time together.

With conviction she blurts out
From 7 PM to 7:15 PM  I looked around
the room and said“Does everybody agree? The class looked a little puzzled then, nodding in unison  I said OK I just wanted be on the same page. So no one should be late . let’s take a 15 minute break and everybody should be back here at 7:15 PM.

The next morning
in the teachers lounge,
I told my first day story
(Death by fire)

The teachers had a good chuckle
They were impressed with my impromptu
Handling of the situation without
The students becoming aware

I flashed my smile and said
Sometimes you have to
fake it until you make it
The teachers laughed.
We’ve all been there.

Inspired song
1) Another brick in the wall,
part two with lyrics
By the  Pink Floyd
BLT Webster’s word of the day challenge
Extemporaneous 8-2-24
Impromptu conversation, off the curb, not memorized. Something that is not made or done without special preparation.
Inspired by
Krista Delle Femine
~Still the Fool~
I always find myself here
With little to no explanation
I'm thinking it's because I elicit fear
They avoid my intensity
Every bombastic and overcharged emotion that overflowes from me
I believe they mean to
But they seem to pull themselves through
It's always something I did
Or didn't do
It's so much rejection
I've lost track of the lesson
It's only humility
And wanting from someone
Something they don't have for me
They often pretend
Put up a good front and deny the lie
I have to keep all of me inside
And leave it for everyone else to interpret what one of my issues it could be
Then it falls on me
Only on me
We don't have to wait and see
What I can't be
Even alone I can't be free
Not really
I'm still the fool writing about this
Letting them live rent free in my poetry

Inspired by
Krista Delle Femine
Still the Fool
My outrages grow
Through summer and spring
Pretty petals of yellow and pink
I tend to them in daily fashion
Growing them lofty is my passion

My incense, made of citrus and pine
Will leave you witless
Smelling divine
Displayed on a flimsy shelf I made
At just the right height
To hold your eyesight

My offendeds
Are of the finest genus
I won't pretend they're original
Seeing as the variations are thousands
And seedless
But just between us
It's easy to keep up
Spreading stones through the glass
Like a **** does
"you find me offensive
I find you offensive
for finding me offensive"
Cleanse me from
the dust of
the night, and
the apocalyptic
visions of my
Fish guts, ****, or
insomnia may have
conjured these rotting
skin nightmares,
these mosquitoes from
I struggled to wake up,
but couldn't, and finally,
while I was flying in
a gray land of desolation,
and killers,
of nighthawks and harpies.
I soared through a
hazy wasteland, and arrived
safely back home
in my serene, August Sabbath.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on
Conformation bias
On both sides
Our shadows
In disguise

White teeth
Rouge lips
Kissing baby's
Swinging hips

On and on
And on and on
It's got to end

Time to break
The status quo
Be you're own hero
Come on
Let's go
The shadow is an interesting concept as it is indirectly represented in many pop culture mediums, with few direct mentions. A well known example would be found in Mr. Hyde from Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Their confrontations represent many of the ideas of the shadow.[64] The 1971 David Bowie song 'Shadow Man' invokes the concept

Confirmation bias (also confirmatory bias, myside bias,[a] or congeniality bias[2]) is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values.[3] People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes.
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