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 Apr 2014 Prachi Bhardwaj
I wrote I love you in the sand at the beach
Tide swallowed the words and drowned them
But the waves were not the reason for impeding speech
My awkward asocial character is the one to condemn
  Now the words are gone like the tearstains on my sheets that I have just  bleached.
Will you wrap your arms around me
Silently press your body towards my back
Clutching my chest to keep it from exploding
Give me the strength I, myself, lack

Lay your head on the back of my neck
Whisper "It's gonna be okay" into my ear
Pull me in a little bit tighter, now
Let me feel you're still here

Help me weather the coming storm
Let me rest in these arms for a while
Before the thunder comes rushing in
And my tears, like the tide, will rise

The notion shows, as rain on my skin
As uncontrollable screaming
As a black out within
A pain with no meaning

I promise it will soon be over baby
I just need a little time
Getting my self together again
You promised never to leave me

You said "Baby, you and I"
 Apr 2014 Prachi Bhardwaj
I find comfort in my sleep
when my thoughts think of you
So enraptured in your existence
My love feels boundless
in every thought that speaks of you
When in reality, you're away
being held comfortably in the arms of your lover
I fear that I must be insane,
here alone thinking of you

Those precious moments I've shared with you
Eternally trapped in the depths of my heart,
where they'll forever be hidden from you
I fear that I'm addicted,
obsessed with loving you
Love deep enough to make me sink
O dearest friend,
              my beloved,
                        *my most treasured thought to think...
 Apr 2014 Prachi Bhardwaj
We humans announce the term “forever”

as if we understand the immense weight of the word.

But us ignorant ones have only existed

in a blink of the eye in the cosmic spectrum.

Time flies by as we live our daily lives.

We assume that we have an accurate concept of time,

but our perspective of time is just by our solar system.

The only natural clock of our existence.

And the solar system is but one of

the single pieces of sand on the beach of unknown.

Forever stands as an inappropriate word.

The only thing that I know will last forever

is our ignorance.

— The End —