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458 · Dec 2018
You and Me.
Mel Dec 2018
This is my favorite.
Christmas night.
Gifts are open,
Everyone asleep from a long day.
Except you and me.

We’ve got the tree on,
But no other lights.
No music or television,
Just basking in the glow.
But there is some sound.
You’re purring in my lap.

I’m sipping my wine and
We’re just resting together
Alone in the dark
in the light of the tree.
You and me.

I run my hands down your back.
Your purring gets louder,
But you don’t open your eyes.
I feel the sharpness of your bones.
The frailty of your small body.
Your fur is dulled these days,
Your joints creak when you move.

There’s a sadness in me this year,
And I know our days are numbered.
We’ve been together a long time,
And I know sometime soon
You’ll have to go.
This might be our last
Christmas night together.  
So let’s just sit awhile longer,
You and me.
For P.
239 · Dec 2018
Mel Dec 2018
“Mommy, bees flyin’.”

I stop sorting laundry. “What?!”
My head swivels around to where my son is looking, where the winter morning sun
is streaming through the window.
“Oh! Oh. No baby, those are dust motes.
Just dust floating around.”

The look of wonder on his face never falters. “Oh. Dus mopes.” He reaches his little arms out and stirs the air.
“So pretty, Mommy.” He’s smiling.
So am I.

And so we stand there watching dust swirl around in the sun beams,
forgetting all about the laundry,
but remembering well the sheer
magic of childhood.
For C.
176 · Feb 5
Don’t Come Back
Mel Feb 5
And with that I closed the door.
It was time to pick up the pieces of my heart,
To use the gold within me to forge them back together.
But like an idiot I left the porch light on,
Just in case you ever come back,
Just in case you remember the way…

Your key is under the mat.

But you’ll find I’ve changed the locks.
Let the one that got away…go.
55 · Jan 7
Mel Jan 7
She was chaos,
But in a beautiful way.

She was a flock of birds
Suddenly rising from the trees,
Moving simultaneously together and apart.
She was the sun breaking the horizon,
Throwing the day in all directions at once,
Blinding you when you could not tear your gaze away.

She was the last chorus of cicadas
At dusk on a summer evening,
Rising and falling and pulsing with life
Until the song died in the darkness.
She was the waves crashing into the shore,
Roaring and pounding the sand and then gently receding with a whisper and a kiss.

She was a cold winter rain
Settling between your bones like ice,
Burning your skin like razor blade tears
Before she was the fire itself,
Blazing in the hearth of your soul,
Filling all your corners with warmth and light.

She was the Tower—
But also the Star,
Reducing you to rubble before you even saw it coming,
Your destruction sealed with a single sigh from her lips.
And in the same breath, she made herself into the bricks for you to lay a new foundation,
Not caring at all where she ended and you began.

She was chaos,
But in a beautiful way.
And she was yours.

She was.
Mel Feb 6
There’s something about airports that resonates with me.

I, too, am liminal.
I, too, am a place where no one ever stays.
I, too, am caught in an endless cycle of hurry up and wait, part of everyone’s journey, but never where they end up.

There’s nothing for you here but overpriced souvenirs and exasperated sighs.
At least my airport has a nice view.

— The End —