I try to let these words I speak come to me bloom out of my fingers like someone long ago planted seeds hoping they would flourish out of me so I could write everything you need me to. But this heart holds more regret and these eyes have seen more destruction than any garden could possibly uncover. And see that's the trouble the only time my fingers feel at home is when the tragedy masks the happy and the depression nooses it way around my neck turns the whites of my eyes red and makes me remember the reasons I started writing in the first place. I'm a little too close to happy and I wont ever get there I just reach out my hand to touch it and it runs back to it's save haven as I run back to mine because I fear what I may find in the dark of the night- the silence of this room is my impending destruction is my masterpiece and my corruption. Its my sin and my sanity in the same exact second and I've used that line twice now but it's the only way to describe how I am constantly crying on the inside crying out for that happiness that runs away when I touch it. The happiness that wouldn't even remember my name if I did in fact learn to love it. So what now? These hands hold on to the idea of becoming better and these fingers write it out like an apology letter but you remind me time and time again why it hurt to be lonely and I knew I would never truly be happy. I learned that the day someone started loving me and it somehow still wasn't enough to ensure my insanity.
When you're running down hill, you have to keep pace- keep running while keeping your balance so you don't trip land face first into the dirt and wish you would've just crawled. This life isn't born to be crawled upon so run, run as fast as your feet can take you towards the places you want to be towards whatever the **** makes you happy because who the **** wants to be me hanging on the edge of the cliff clinging to anxiety but I wouldn't change it for a ******* thing because this, this is my normalcy, this is my version of happy.