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Dec 2014
I see nothing but a man, screaming to be realised and untied, forcefully breaking through for air. I see nothing but a women, slowly fading away, Into the shadows, in which will always follow me, haunt me to remind me of what I once was,

I have torn away at my outer shell, to make my identity, somewhat translucent,
I am a stranger to my skin, the stranger that has been suffocating me for 16 ******* years,

Have I been born yet? Or am I still a book ready to be written, full of ideas and journeys, full of life, yet neglected like an ancient undiscovered history book,

Like those captured animals I've been locked away my whole life,
I've been tortured by my own mind,
Poisoned by the minds around me, a daughter, a bride, a mother, they're all just society's illusions,

I'm still a walking Skeleton with just bone and no identification,
I'm an escape artist, i'll cut my way out of this skin until I bleed myself dry,
So just bury me after I'm dead, so I can leave that life behind, leave my dresses and skirts at the grave,

When water spills, the only path it takes is the one that flows easiest,
But the path I have chosen is cemented, I have reached an impasse, with no direction, I need a river to keep me from disposition
I need to be free, I want to exist.
Written by
Joey  london
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