Roses are red, violets are blue Oranges can't be green and nothing can be new Green reminds me of camo in countries we shouldn't be Whilst red reminds me of my anxiety, escaping me Why don't our boys in blue fairly opress white too Without ever having to walk a full day in their shoes
If I could make a palette of my own colors and what they mean to me every childhood art teacher would be out of a job Blue would be the color of my pills I have to take to make my rainbow array of emotions a choked out gray Yellow would be the brick road leading to my cowardly lion and my anxiety smitten scarecrow
Roses are sometimes love, and sometimes they're a thorn violets never ******* hesitate to remind me of loneliness and my conscious, well worn.
In my palette I'd release the choking hands around thine iris neck and let it breathe its colors but only so on the outside I seem fine. The true similarity between this rainbow and I, is that mixed together we both yield the same black. But whom said black can't mean endless space and endless possibility? Without my palette I would be nothing; Per how dark nor how vibrant those colors behold
So roses can be purple and violets can be green because in the end, it's the same black that they all mean