Grateful for you That's what I am Blissfully unaware of how hard it must be for you to love me With my irrational moods And my seething rage And my hastiness to say that you're wrong I'm a ******* nightmare I don't know what it is that makes you want to stay Maybe you were cursed to love a girl so intolerable So intolerable that everyone else in her life leaves
Maybe that's why you stay You see how few people can even stand me And you've taken it upon yourself to stand me And stand me for the long haul Because you look in my eyes and you tell me you love me, That you want me, That you need me. And I can see it's the truth.
But sometimes I pity you And I wish I were strong enough to sever the connection To protect you from further torture of loving me But I'm far too weak to let you go And I'm far too selfish to think of you over me
But I want to say that I'm sorry For all the moods I go through in a day And all the stress I must cause you
But if it's any consolation, I love you from the very bottom of my heart And you are the most important thing in my world And if I could change myself, Become more tolerable, More lovable, I would for you.