I hear taste. It yells flavor at me I see smells, they tell me secrets I don't comprehend what I know I know what I don't My apathy is active I swim in air, fly in water Rain dances in me When I am tall, I am short I write heroic poems that never save
When I try to rewrite poems, they never hear the same The sky pulls me with great force, towards outer-space that is inner-space This inner-space whirls in a bubble that doesn't pop In this dimension, pop stars don't pop They super nova And become new heroes I see behind my eyes With my pen This tool can dig deeper than depth Can reach further than space exists Nothingness is something But only in the way that it is the only thing that is not Thus it Is not present anywhere If nothing exists, than this poem doesn't And if this poem doesn't exist Than a lot of teddy bears died for no reason
Stop Trying To Make Sense
And just sense, and then make Create Construct Destroy Combust
And then Start all over again Because when you lay in ruins, it is simply an opportunity To do things differently this time And create a new poem Out of the old ones ashes Feel the tunes of the moment, and absorb them Let intuition take control
I gulp these vibrations, these airwaves And let their music Accompany my drum Together they prepare me For the battles to come.