And if you think that hiding behind a flask full of anything you can get for hours and hours putting gallons of that potent **** back each and every time you go then you need to know that won't help anything at all.
You think that it's so ******* simple to numb such a ******* sharp pain then let me tell you it's not because the only way to feel nothing, the only way to truly numb yourself is to die.
And if you think you can take your life away and nobody will ever care you are wrong.
Anybody can drink their pain away not everyone can live to share the stories from the bar every single ******* night after work when no one else will go home with you or say that anything is going to be OK.
If you think your life is worse than others, think about starving Africans. If you still think your life is worse you are truly more ****** up than I remember and I want absolutely nothing to do with you.
That stupid flask is nothing more than a reason to remember and weep of everyone who wronged you, when, how, and where.
It make you upset over everyone you've ever lost or had to say goodbye to.
It makes you so crazy that you stand up and scream for the entire bar to hear; all the things they never said that would have made everything OK again before they took you to bed and all the things you never had the courage to say, but wish you had because maybe then they would have stayed and maybe then you'd be ok.
but Love, oh my sweet, sweet love, please don't go back to bar tonight...