Pardon me for being so crass but speaking God’s word is not a crime last I asked.
People hatin’ gays is wrong you won’t hear hate of gays in any hymn song. And yet I feel like the world believes that it’s so, that they hate what I say but don’t really know. Hell even the government keeps prayer from the rooms that they preach in. while they tell me how I should think and what I should say’s sin.
Maybe the world has come to a place in time where being a christian is seen as a crime in mind, So how long will it be before it’s a crime to be me? and the world that I thought was a way that could be just fine with the words that I pray on my knees, makes it a crime to say what’s in mind
that I love every person that ever had *** with the same kind of gender that at first they where set. That while I hate all the sin they live in there lives, that it’s this and not the person I despise, but the fact that they actively seek to attack the beliefs that I hold in my heart, that they lack.
That if you’d accept the gift of Christ of forgiveness for your sin, you might see a way for a knew life to begin.
But instead I’m told I’m a hater and ignorant, while everyone missus the truth of the argument. That it’s not the man or the women I hate but the lust in their life by themselves they can’t sate.
So if what’s seen in my heart is spoken as truth and seen by the government and most of the youth as being a hate speech or some sort of lie, as if I had said I’d wish they would die.
Well thank God it’s not a crime to rhyme, Thank God the reward is mine. I pray to God it’s close to the time. I’m tired of living with the blind.