Your eyes are like ocean So deep blue and clear They hold such a treasure Yet it is all deep inside. The ocean is calm, no wind blows Over its divine serenity The warmth of it is worth to dive in And discover yet what is undiscovered So your eyes tell me to do I know the ocean is calm When your heart is peaceful. Yet sometimes I see grey Cumulonimbus clouds have covered The deep blue ocean and the wind It is strong and severe I feel The foamy tender waves have grown And hit ashore, they do come fast The ocean rises and some of its water Pours out and falls down on your cheeks. Not often is the ocean so sad The sun is keeping it merry and blue It can be wonder to see When the stars come down from sky And take a bath in the blue water It is so bright and glittery I can see all the radiance Just by looking in your deep blue ocean eyes.