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Oct 2014
The clouds have began to gather for the coming fall,
While the birds begin to flock towards warmer climes.
My morning routine has grown longer as the days shorten,
for I must bundle up or the journey to school.  
The cold nips my ears and nose, the only bits of skin exposed.
  My right hand is warmed by the burning ember it cups,
the other is ****** into the pocket of my jacket.  
My mood rises as the temperature drops,
with the cold comes the rain and snow I wait for each year.  
I long for the day I can go home to the clouds in the north, the endless autumn rain, even in the depths of summer, the ice water ocean crashing heavy on the shore, the beautiful emerald ferns and pines of the deepest green.

The clouds have began to gather for the coming fall, and they are making me homesick.
Parker Callous
Written by
Parker Callous
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