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Oct 2014
Time is a fickle friend,
And such a tricky foe.
It gives you joyous memories,
Often it gifts you woe.

Time is a gift,
Yet you can never have a ton,
For nothing lasts forever,
Soon yours will be done.

Time is a fickle friend,
So tricky it tricks everyone,
It even cheats death,
See it never ceases to run.

Tick tick tock tock,
It's all it seems to say,
Tick tock tick tock,
It's the one thing you can never betray
The one thing that's infinite and impossible to cheat is time. And yours is ticking...
Rebel Heart
Written by
Rebel Heart  BetweenTheBrokenWords...
     Anya, Pamela Rae, Qisya, Star G, --- and 4 others
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