Some days, I don't feel the warmth of your bare arms around me when we sleep. Some days, I don't hear the breath of your words as you look right through me. Some days, I don't see you across the table when I eat my dinner. Some days, I don't smell your cologne coming out of the shower as you're getting ready in the morning. Some days, I don't feel your touch in the shower. Some days, I don't embrace you under our sheets. Some days, all I have is memories.
On those days, I crave you so I turn in to see if I have anything left in my mind to go back to those days when I had you with me and around me and in me. On those days, I feel alone. On those days, I feel resentful. On those days, I feel suffocated by the good I have so far away. And on those days, I ask if it's worth it.