The funniet man in history died today. A true power to create and give happiness left our race intentionally.
A man who could make numerous toys from a plain stick. A man who being human sufferred to endure his existence....I am empathetic.
It is a shortcoming when we cannot even show true brilliance its own reflection; or have that source of brilliance believe it; or even coerce it to accept the possibility of being worthy.
For if he could have seen all total of all of the laughter that he had created all at once? Would he have been overwhelmed by his creation? We were.
What if he could have accepted his happiness open hearted, then maybe he could have found a reason
to wait until tomorrow Again, to see if it would be better, instead of deciding that today was the last laugh.
A lovely and man and comedian with a rare gift and a far reaching humor ended his own life. He and the power of his work will be missed