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Oct 2014
I sew my wounds shut myself
And every time the neddles passes through
I curse your name
I know I shouldn't blame you
But I haven't the courage to blame myself
And I know it's not your fault
But it's so much easier to say it's yours
So I'll keep on screaming your name
Every time my body hurts
And I'll think of you when
My bones break and my skin bursts open
I'll see you in every shadow
And I'll lace every cigarette
With the image of your face

And I'll keep blaming you
Untill I can finally blame myself
But for now
Here's to you
You've turned my heart cold again
Christopher Zaghi 2014
Christopher Zaghi
Written by
Christopher Zaghi  Toronto
   Mirlotta, Amitav Radiance and Pax
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