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Oct 2014
Have you ever sat there and thought,
"He's not mine anymore."
Does that make you sad?
Imagining things that you guys did together,
He's now doing with someone else.
Maybe he was never yours.
Maybe it was just a period he had.
Maybe you were part of that period.
And now that period is over.
Does it leave you bitter inside?
Do you still long for him?
Do you still feel like he's what you need?
Does he even remember who you are?
I bet you he ******* doesn't.
I bet you're just some chick who he was with.
Maybe you guys had *** that's all he remembers.
He doesn't remember you made him feel.
He just remembers "Bro I hit that".
In his eyes you're an insignificant object.
And in your eyes he was who you were in love with.
So why continue to love him?
For it to hurt more?
Do you want to continue feeling pain, For someone who might not even remember your name?
Just let go, let go.
Because one day he'll remember your name,
He'll realize what he felt was love.
And now you won't care.
It's like an endless cycle all over again.
Written by
Rhona  21/F/Los Angeles
(21/F/Los Angeles)   
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