I'm sorry for when I respond too quickly when I forget to play it cool and not act too over eager because I get caught up in your perfection. Sorry for when I take ages to answer because I can't think of a witty way to respond that I won't regret seconds after clicking send to match every clever phrase you type but it seems I do anyway Sorry for being too forward sometimes I just really like you and I'm so sick of playing mind games I don't know the rules to so I'm just going to flirt like there is no tomorrow. Sorry for when I complain too much and bag on myself, I've just run out of happy thoughts to share with you since you are my main sunny moment in my day and I have been too irreparably broken so that the confidence I once had can't make it back in ever again. Sorry for when I keep secrets from you it's just that some crevices are too dark and deep to be explored. Some scars are carved in too hard to be healed &nbs
Repost if you know the feeling I love to read comments and people's interpretations of my work so please comment!