I placed you in the box, the padded box that seemed too small torn from galloping heart, fingers fumbling for stubborn clasp, I focus for just one moment Place you in that small padded box.
I watch as, night tucks away all things As bed bugs are wished away But teem beneath the sheets As closets checked for monsters whisper into darkness: “things not always as they seem.”
You, the necklace, must agree, For I laid with such ease, Your slinking arms Your solid charm That was winning to anyone You met.
And I watched whenever I could, To ensure the box was still, but then again who’s to say That I wasn’t just moving, In opposite directions With myslinking arms And lack of charm That shied away with That very same ease.
But either way, Living independently, Our motions certainly did not cancel, Whatever it was that we did- And no matter how carefully you were lain- You awoke tangled.