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Oct 2014
And then the earth crumbled.
The pieces fell around us as gently as snow,
but were as hard hitting as the blow God had landed on our world.
You held me near you, so near in fact all I could feel was your warmth.
The world is collapsing, but all that is left is us.
As we lie on the ground we are buried alive with the ash of what once was.
What the world could have been, what we could have been
hardly matters when your fighting for you last breath.
I want to let the world take me away with it,
but you are pulling me like your life depends on my survival.
The world is a swirl of black and white,
and the debris of our memory is spiraling into space.
Life is over for us the instant you stop holding on.
You were the last thing binding this world together.
If I am going to die, I want it to be with you.
Help me make this better
Danielle Barlow
Written by
Danielle Barlow
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