Let the strangers be scared again, my dear It's finally my turn to incite fear Last time I was your sweet innocent angel This time I'll be your Jezebel
The underwear you ripped off me and cast beside the chair? I'll use them to bind your wrists then grab you by the hair. Then I'll pull your head to the side so I can bite And scratch and bleed you until your pain turns into delight
I'll kiss you with your blood on my lips and force you roughly down My yellowish eyes filled with evil glee like a demented clown
I'll bite your chin and slither down Nibbling and feeding at each place I've found Until I reach the place you want to be touched There's fear in your eyes now; you see my bloodlust
Then I'll start caressing Teasing Pleasing
Until you are begging Pleading Needing
And you break free of your silken chain To remind me once again Why I'm a daughter of Eve And you're a child of Cain