I fear my dear my ****** dreams of you, the longing for salacious contact; the rousing impure dreams of your naked body is dementing my soul.
Often in my dreams, I think of myself as a vampire lusting for your juicy young flesh.
I know one day our bodies will be one again in heavenly blood, our blissful coupling will float forever, my dear sweet succulent angel.
My whole being shall mingle with yours; only the most boundless abandonmen can satisfy my lust for you; for our love consists in a mysterious fusion of our most carnal personnal experiences.
Since your death dear one my desire for you only increases and flourishes my need to in twine firmly forever with you my beloved . . .
To recieve you into my inter-most being, and be one with you till eternity is all I long for now.
I know you are an apparation that has deranged my spirit; but please dear do not resist my satonic passionate dreams of you, for I would die so that we could feed on each other, on each other alone.