Once upon a time World was not in peace Wars happened everywhere Women and kids were all sad Husbands and dads Joined the wars and dead
There was one kid He saw what he saw His dad was killed They slit his throat and laughed That violance somehow Embedded something in his heart
Years passed He is a grown man now World is still the same Wars still everywhere He survived somehow He is still alive now
As a grown man He wanted to serve his country A dangerous but safe ground Where his dad was killed Where a lonely kid grew up
He worked ******* skills And joined so many wars He danced in each war With his beautiful partner, His sword
Whenever he saw violence He was terrific then But now he's not To **** enemies is a must To protect the ground he lives in is a must
There is nothing he terrific of He saw the worst possibility of violence His dad was killed! They slit his throat! He is a cold hearted worrior
"Don't beg for life when you **** people, Don't beg for sympathy when you have none" Those ices embedded in his heart Made him a merciless man They killed his parents with no doubt The same way will he do
He is the cold hearted worrior He lives with his sword He is living in wars.