Surely I am dreaming about heart left in the theater of your ardent idolizing. Surely I am dreaming about your strands enveloping my cheek. Surely I am dreaming about day in impetuous snowstorms spent in your arms. Surely I am dreaming about rush of events that take place only in movies. Surely I am dreaming about body panting into oblivion of worldly pleasures. Surely I am dreaming about face flushed from compliments of lover. Surely I am dreaming about hectic rush to your awaiting hands. Surely I am dreaming about red roses protruding from corners of your sensitive hands. Surely I am dreaming about heat of caresses in boiling blood. Surely I am dreaming about book of poems about our first love. Surely I am dreaming about you dancing in the withered leaves. Surely I am dreaming about sighs at beauty of carnality. Surely I am dreaming about sensitive whispers of desires of melancholy hearts into ear .
Surely I am dreaming because I did not send a telegram entitled "Looking for love". Surely I am dreaming because loneliness can not disappear like stone in water. Surely I am dreaming because the best dreams come in the morning. Surely I am dreaming because it is so difficult to find warmth of someone else's hand. Surely I am dreaming because thoughts gallops as steeds in the forest of wilderness. Surely I am dreaming because dawns wake me up in supplication for more and more of you. Surely I am dreaming because kingdom of your eyes staring at me can not last forever. Surely I am dreaming because I am senseless from blizzard of evening events. Surely I am dreaming because you can not find love in a café or bar. Surely I am dreaming because I departed a long time ago from the distant land of fulfilled wishes. Surely I am dreaming because flowers are handed to uncommon women. Surely I am dreaming because hidden secrets are revealed only to beloved. Surley I am dreaming because I did not have eyes half-closed in pleasure before. Surely I am dreaming.