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Oct 2014
Forbidden Beauty

Velvet touch was her beauty
Sweet, nonsensical, magical sin
In her clandestine dreams
Detecting her whisper voice
In beauty times does swell
Her silence breathes come alive
With beauty to match no other ...

Her eyes had more beauty
than any rose
with dreams of supreme gifts
her man would explode
with her kiss as a pill
she sings notes of her love
voiced keys and intervals of tenor
she closes her eyes in search
of a remedy ...

She's healed his lonely heart
with only a smile
as she leaves him in awe
of her soul~he drives many a mile....

As a woman of divine
her ambiance,
majestic with song
medicine of melody
tune ~ she is one of a kind.....

He realized with sadness
she's his lost fantasy
he escapes from the harshness of reality~
knowing oh knowing ~ she was
Forbidden for all to touch ...*

Debbie Brooks 2015
Is her forbidden beauty
Deborah Brooks Langford
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