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Oct 2014
There's a new beginning
On the rise,
People making jokes.
Please don't be offended
But their style is a hoax!
Boredom rings in my ears,
When I'm forced by their sides.
I think I've even lost
a few brain cells,
Listening to their stories and lies.

I've lost a few brain cells
I'm not the only one!
These folks are into heavy drugs
Do ******* for their fun!
They are very sad
That is just a fact.
Don't seem to have two
Brain cells
To spark on impact!
I don't want them 'round.
I really don't... would you?
It's like a wierd combo
Of a circus and a zoo!

It's true, it's certainly a sight,
They think they're all so tough
But they need cages at night
By morning, you'd think
They'd had enough!
Strobe lights and lava lamps,
I don't know how these people see!
Like a bunch of crazed animals,
Or wild teenagers on Molly!
I can't help but want
Them nowhere near
Most of them surely stink!
What they'll do next i fear
They simply just don't think!

That's because of drugs.
Can't be right when
You're on them.
I really want to help you
I want to be a friend.
Try a little more.
Be conscious of your health.
If you don't do it for me
Do it for yourself!
It doesn't make you happy!
Those are just plain lies!
If you want some help
I'll be happy to oblige!
But if you're going to use
I don't want you around
I don't want to see you
Going six feet underground!
You're not hurting ME,
You're hurting someone else.
While you're busy killing
Brain cells
You're killing YOURSELF.

Just Melz
October 2, 2014
This write is NOT meant
To single out any person or
Group of people HERE!

I had to separate myself from
A lot of people who were
Using after I got clean.
This post is about that.

It's a strong message to
People who are despairing
Inside, and don't want to
Use anymore.

If you just want to keep on
With what you are doing there
Are consequences. And losing
Friends and family is one.

Thanks to Melz for sharing this
And it was very gratifying
Working with her... ♥
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