All I want to do is sit and write anything like before cheesy romance ******* about how your touch makes me feel or the way your eyes change from hazel to green depending on how the sunlight hits it but nothings coming out nothings making sense everything you've done to me is too good for my words too good for their ears even though every ******* moment is engraved into my eyes and replayed every second I catch my breath or loose the butterflies.
Two hours I've sat perched on my bench, my family waiting to drown out the inevitable click clack of my typewriter because with a smile like mine they know the writing never stops but this time it never comes you just have to experience it for yourself.
come sit in the booth with us at the bar watch us nod and bob and weave to each others voices or one anothers favourite songs played on cheap guitars by singers that are sub par. Experience whatever we should call this, an amazing friendship with the added bonus of benefits the beginning stages of what I hope isn't love but dare I deny it the one person who might end up destroying me but for now he's just the reason for my torturous writers block.