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Sep 2014
A blind artist painting on a canvas
With no memories of wasted space
Time collapsing
All he sees is a prism of color

Believing beauty comes from within he only thinks of others
Missing life, he stays in a meditative position seeking a greater understanding of life itself

Wisdom is applied as matterΒ Β unfolds and wraps itself however it chooses, we then see god in its very image..
The epicenter of creation

Minuscule to the entirety but right here and right now the artist is all we know
The ones who painted a pretty enough picture for us to remember... That's our existence

I will choose to make a difference
He said...

It's power. It's love. And it's all we have.
Solid hands to create, a solid mind to see, and enough time in the world to say do or be anything!

He wants to know the whole **** universe and he won't stop until He has been in the essence of love with all of the shapes sizes and colors of every squared inch in existence...
He will be one hundred billion and beyond
I am he and he is I
I am love and love is you
Joseph Miller
Written by
Joseph Miller  Portland
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