A lovely fellow poet did comment about how an ignorant soul had nerve to complain that they’d no longer read the poet’s words anymore, for the poet made them “FEEL...SOMETHING”.
Really genius?! Imagine that!
So, a much needed heads up...
ANYTHING you read, be it Poetry, Stories, News articles, and even the Lyrics of a song may cause you to ‘think’ and ‘FEEL’... something.
Alas, such is the price of Poetry and the pouring out of personal views or fiction onto parchment.
Poetry may not be YOUR particular cup of tea, and that’s ok...
I certainly couldn’t see me sitting to watch a long, drawn out sports event... but that’s just me.
If you, poor soul, cannot handle the ‘feelings’ inspired by Poetry,
please, just close your laptop, and walk away, so, we poets, can resume our ink-spawned Revery.