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Aug 2014
He was popular, she was just a school girl
He thought he was alone, she thought she was known
He thought he had nothing,Β The girl knew that he didn't know he had everything.Β 
He found himself imperfect, the girl thought about how he was famous, good, smart, alive, had a family, had food, had a roof above his head.
He yearned to be perfect, but the girl knew all along that he was.
He waited for something to come, the girl had waited Β long enough.
He wanted a distraction, she WAS the distraction.
He thought he was a goner, the girl who hated her birth day was already gone.
He Wanted to run away from the truth, the girl only knew the truth.
He supposed he was lonely, the girl had cried on her special day 'cause no one cared.
He was smart, she had parents screaming for better.
He was talented, she was a mystery, never to be revealed.
He was perfect, the girl realized she'll never be.
Can you see the resemblance? They're nothing alike, yet, they could never be any closer than they already are.

Could you please read my jellybean poem below? It would mean a lot!!
Bipolar Hypocrite
Written by
Bipolar Hypocrite  In Crazy.
(In Crazy.)   
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